Ouch, a 1999 nintendo system with dreamcast graphics? That would have tested me, it'd be like genesis versus snes all over again! Hmm, about how powerful was it? For a 1999 release I'd expect it to be more on par with model 3 or the pc hardware of the time, so while maybe not maxing out as high as the dreamcast, it would have performed consistently better.(like psx versus saturn) Was the MX hardware ever used in anything? I believe the M2 hardware was used in some arcade games.
I found some stuff about a 64bit 3do console called the M2, but its games appear to be mostly those interactive movie types, with the actual 3d graphics looking playstation quality, if that. It does seem to have some neat effects though.
And this
http://nfg.2y.net/games/polystars/ article about the M2(with pictures of games for it) doesn't seem very impressive.
Yes according to Next Generation online, the N2000 was ment to ship in Japan in late 1999, based on MIPS CPU and MX graphics.
MX is like M2's big brother.
M2 was used in arcades. it wasnt incredibly impressive, but it was nice. better than PS1 and N64 combined. or about 3x Nintendo64 at most.
The MX was not used in anything as far as I know. Next Generation said MX peaked at about 4 million triangles per second. that's somewhat less than Dreamcast (5-10M peak) but about 3-4 times better than M2 (over 1M peak) or around 6-8 times N64 (600K peak). So MX would have made a decent Nintendo console in 1999 (it was being modified to work with MIPs CPU instead of PowerPC) but no where near close to GC. The GC is like 50 to 100x stronger than N64 in pushing polygon graphics. the MX would have been at most 10x N64, probably a bit less.
the ArtX Flipper GPU was started around the time Nintendo was working with MX. ArtX designed their GPU to work with either MIPs or PowerPC from the start and of course it was ArtX that urged Nintendo to go with PowerPC, thus Nintendo-IBM partnership announced in 1999 for Dolphin.
The M2 console you mentioned is the M2 you have often heard about. it was going to be both an upgrade to the 32-Bit 3DO as well as a standalone console. Again, it was more powerful than N64 but less powerful than Dreamcast. M2 was closer to N64 than Dreamcast in power (Dreamcast is 10-20 times stronger than N64, the M2 was only 2 or 3 times stronger than N64)
The guys that made M2 and MX are now with Microsoft, probably contributing to the Xbox2 design--they stayed out of XBox1 because of Nvidia.
one last time, lets compare the rough estimate of each chipset's power:
N64: 600,000 polygons peak, 160,000 with everything
M2: 1.2~1.5M polygons peak, 300,000~500,000 with everything
MX: 4M polygons peak, probably 1 million with everything
DC: 10M polygons peak, around 3-4 million with everything
GC: 32M polygons peak, around 12-20 million with everything