So, what happens if Xbox2 hardware ends up inferior to NES5?

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I mean, microsoft has gone with basically the same suppliers, but what if they choose a different and inferior cpu than nintendo? And more importantly, what if the gpu developed for nintendo is superior to the one developed for microsoft? Will ATi switch the gpus around, or give the better one to both of them? I mean, if they're close microsoft would probably keep the one they got, but what if nintendo's was 4x better than anything else out there, and microsoft's was barely 2x better than what we have now?
Hehe. Would be funny, but I rather doubt it offhand. ;) It would be a rather HUGE role-reversal for Nintendo to want to go "bigger and badder" while MS plays the conservative role. I can see MS wanting to not lose as much per unit sold and have more control over the chip development and lowering costs over time, and might be correspondingly worse than they'd LIKE it to be... But offhand I don't see Nintendo wanting to raise their price point to the others AND start taking a notable loss to make sure their console will kick butt. They've always been much more focused on ensuring quality of games than hardware. Maybe they want to expend extra effort on that font while NOT giving ground on their game development teams, and try to recover 3rd parties with powerful hardware and renewed effort bringing them aboard? <shrugs> Never can tell, but if they DO have "big, new plans" they're certainly going about them quietly.
Nintendo launch line-up could be the best of the three next-gen consoles :)
A Mario title, Eternal Darkness 2, Pilot Wings sequel, Too Humed, Perhaps a realistic looking Zelda game,...
Imo, I don't see nintendo trying to release the most powerful hardware. I think MS is more interested in matching or beating sony in that area then nintendo is...
Mario title, Eternal Darkness 2, Pilot Wings sequel, Too Humed, Perhaps a realistic looking Zelda game,...

pff.. those mario zelda playing kids don't stay 12 years old all their lives ya know.

why don't they start new franchises? ditch mario, start a refreshing cool caracter, ditch donkey mofokong
instead , create an adventure game where you are a zombie rendered in a beautifull ugly realistic underground world (+ doom3 grafix) where your in search of your lost idendity or something like that.
during your travel, you collect litle Link alike characters and eat litle Mario characters .. etc .....

:? :oops: i better lay back for a while
Qroach said:
...and what if Microsoft ends up with the more powerful hardware?

Well then we'd just have what we do now, and THAT'S not very interesting to contemplate, now is it? Hehe.
Evil cloud,

A Mario title, Eternal Darkness 2, Pilot Wings sequel, Too Humed, Perhaps a realistic looking Zelda game,...

Sounds good, but are those brand enough to attract mroe people to a nintendo product anymore?

I honestly wish they would creat a slew of new characters, as I've grown pretty tired of the "let's bring this brand back" mentality that nintendo has thrived on over the years. It was honestly the only reason I was interested in xbox, some new games that weren't rehashes...
hey69 said:
Mario title, Eternal Darkness 2, Pilot Wings sequel, Too Humed, Perhaps a realistic looking Zelda game,...

pff.. those mario zelda playing kids don't stay 12 years old all their lives ya know.

I'm 17, will be 18 soon, and I was listening to ICP with a couple friends during last period today at school. Also discussed 17th century literature with a friend (not class related), and I like to talk about PC's and PC hardware.

That said, I am wearing a Super Mario Sunshine T-shirt RIGHT NOW.
Qroach said:
...and what if Microsoft ends up with the more powerful hardware?

Then no problem, I doubt nintendo will care too much as long as they have a price advantage or are in around the same ballpark.

Anyhow, the basic idea behind my post was
Both have IBM chips...
Nintendo could go with a Cell like architecture that could turn out to be really powerful.
Microsoft could go with a PowerPC single chip to maintain compatibility with software.(I think I saw a post that said microsoft has server software that runs on PowerPC chips)

And for the ATi chips, well, it comes down to ATi East versus West, and I think West has a better track record, as well as more recent successes. If East blunders, I could see their chip being as low as half as powerful as West's.

Hey69, some of those franchises were new. Eternal Darkness only has 1 game in it, Pilot Wings has 2 in its series(maybe 3 in Japan) and started on snes not nes, and too human is new(well, it's old, but it's new since it hasn't been released yet.
You're 17, Tag? I thought mid-20's, heh. :)

Good point, though. You don't have to be a young'un to have fun with a Nintendo title.. but as much as I love Nintendo's franchises.. I have to agree with Quincy. Nintendo has to branch out more, try new things. New characters.

Pikmin was a big step in that direction, as are Geist and Eternal Darkness.. but we need more. Donkey Konga should be good though; a game that features Nintendo's oldest mascot, but features gameplay foreign to Nintendo.

I'd like to see what they do with the music genre. Will Samba need to watch his back? We'll see.
I think MS is more interested in matching or beating sony in that area then nintendo is...

I don't think ms will accept merely equalling the ps3.... I've got a feeling they might try to significantly surpass it....

delay... I smell delay...
Tagrineth said:
hey69 said:
Mario title, Eternal Darkness 2, Pilot Wings sequel, Too Humed, Perhaps a realistic looking Zelda game,...

pff.. those mario zelda playing kids don't stay 12 years old all their lives ya know.

I'm 17, will be 18 soon, and I was listening to ICP with a couple friends during last period today at school. Also discussed 17th century literature with a friend (not class related), and I like to talk about PC's and PC hardware.

That said, I am wearing a Super Mario Sunshine T-shirt RIGHT NOW.

Wow, we're so alike!
Well, not really, you're coherent and I'm not.
But one of my friends and I listen to ICP(though he's much more into them than me, and we're not allowed to listen to music in school.)
We probably wouldn't discuss 17th century literature.(if we did, I'd be the one to bring it up and basically anyone would ignore me)
I'm 17.
I like to talk about PCs and PC hardware, while I know almost nothing about it.(from polygons, to fillrate, to bandwidth, to shaders!)
And uh...well I think I still have an old mario halloween costume, and I own 2 resident evil shirts(came with the games) and a viewtiful joe bobblehead.(came with the game quite unexpectedly)

Oh wait, anyhow, my favorite movie ever is probably terminator 2(or maybe the original star wars trilogy) and I like the mario and zelda games(well, more the mario games) because they're fun to play, and do introduce new ideas. A lot of the mario games don't even follow the traditional formula established by super mario bros 1, but rather just use the license to sell an original game idea.(though I feel the enemies in super mario sunshine could have used more of the license, especially since that game was much closer to the original imo than super mario 64)

Grr, and tag, I'll kick your arse in mario kart over warppipe as soon as I get my copy of double dash!
Qroach said:
Imo, I don't see nintendo trying to release the most powerful hardware. I think MS is more interested in matching or beating sony in that area then nintendo is...

I agree with the you here, but Nintendo seems to have been sure about its hardware plans longer than MS has been so there could be some sort of an upset. But I doubt it.

For all we know MS was planning on going with IBM for a lot longer than the recent press releases and were merely outlining the deals before going public.

I forget but is Nintendo going with IBM for the CPU too? If not what do people think Nintendo will use for it?
Didnt nintendo claim that their next gen console would cost the same as the competition? Doesnt that tell you that it should in theory have either equal or slightly better/worst hardware? 100$ difference in unit costs is a big difference technology wise.

I dont know, but i have more faith in artX than ATI's malborough(sp?) team, especially with the time artX were given by nintendo and the bigger budget given. What they did with flipper was already mighty impressive for a small budget console and in a short period, im drooling just thinking what artX can pull off for nintendo this time.

CPU wise, there's no announcements yet. I think its doubtfull that they'll go with IBM, i think it would have been announced a while ago. They likely are in talk with IBM but personally i dont think it will end up with a contract. The new NEC/ARM parallel processor would probably be the best option nintendo has. They have great relationships with NEC and ARM, its likely the 2nd best option for parallel processors outside of IBM and it would be located in japan and be manufactured in fabs that nintendo already invested a huge deal a few years ago with NEC.

What im wondering is what kind of memory xbox next and NES5 will use, sony has a monster with XDR and i dont quite see what future memory technology could match in terms of raw bandwidth.

About the whole "too kiddy for me the matuuure adult" argument, im 22 and i enjoy nintendo games quite a lot. Just dark, bloody and gory or "realistic" games would be too goddamn depressive to always play. I'll take a zelda adventure over the majority of other titles that are so called "mature". Its rather funny how some adults totally reject everything that could have been related to their childhood, as if becoming an adult means you have to throw everything and your past behind you, fun is fun, it doesnt change because you grow old.
Didn't production on the flipper start in 1998? And if gamecube was $300(and maybe sold at a loss), what would that have paid for? They could either have had a more powerful system, or added in more memory, a harddrive, and maybe dvd playback. Hey, if the artX team still doing sound this time? IF they only had to focus on just the graphics part, flipper might have turned out even better, especially if it was still something like 110 million transistors but all dedicated to graphics.
Fox5 I thought someone else did the sound, at least on the IP side.
ArtX only were responsible for the graphics element however the die incorporated a whole load more than just the Flipper - so in a sense within the given budget Flipper turned out to be perfect.

Also this debate of ArtX and Marlborough is made slightly redundant IMHO, and I dont think MS is at a loss by going with another ATi team in comparison to ArtX since for all intents and purposes ArtX don't exist anymore. Resources were likely shared and that includes ideas and people.
OK, I'm 28 and I don't even know what ICP is...

I'm 27 and I can kinda tell you what it is.

It's one of those crazy death metal bands. You know, that wear all black and stuff.
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