Told you milk, the filters heavily add to the realism. The filters hide the CGI giveaways and the brain fills in the blanks. Perfect match.

Yes, bravo, you nailed it. The problem is that we have cinematically formatted brains. Even Kojima, his twitter description is: "70% of my body is made of movies." no wonder his VR-ish first demo is a ~70% cinematic one. For him (for his brain), movies are really a realistic medium.

It's like 30fps versus 60fps, many people who tried TLOU at 60fps can't now go back to 30fps, even if they always thought that 30fps was more "realistic" in a way they couldn't really explain, for their 30fps accustomed brains. And here I am talking about some ND staff!

In the near future age of VR (Morpheus and Oculus), the first dev who'll have the crazy :oops: idea of doing a creepy P.T.-ish game with a fully realistic way, Oh boy, people will really, really be scared, it'll be like the revolution in scary videogames and nobody (or just a few nostalgic) will ever try only cinematic creepy games, at least in VR.

Mark my words! ;)
Told you milk, the filters heavily add to the realism. The filters hide the CGI giveaways and the brain fills in the blanks. Perfect match.

Oh we agree on that pal. I'm not into the whole witch hunt against post filters. I like them indeed. They make games look more organic.
Yes, bravo, you nailed it. The problem is that we have cinematically formatted brains. Even Kojima, his twitter description is: "70% of my body is made of movies." no wonder his VR-ish first demo is a ~70% cinematic one. For him (for his brain), movies are really a realistic medium.

It's like 30fps versus 60fps, many people who tried TLOU at 60fps can't now go back to 30fps, even if they always thought that 30fps was more "realistic" in a way they couldn't really explain, for their 30fps accustomed brains. And here I am talking about some ND staff!

In the near future age of VR (Morpheus and Oculus), the first dev who'll have the crazy :oops: idea of doing a creepy P.T.-ish game with a fully realistic way, Oh boy, people will really, really be scared, it'll be like the revolution in scary videogames and nobody (or just a few nostalgic) will ever try only cinematic creepy games, at least in VR.

Mark my words! ;)

I look at the news daily at 60fps and I still think games look more realistic at 30fps. For your prediction to be true the graphic quality of the game would need to be indistinguishable from real life and for that we're still way off.

Even then, the perfectly realistic aesthetic of 60fps might not be something people prefer over the surreality of 30fps. It is after all, subjective.

Oh we agree on that pal. I'm not into the whole witch hunt against post filters. I like them indeed. They make games look more organic.
Yeah, same thing applies to magazine scans. People often find them more impressive looking than direct feed shots.
Ok so i finally got home from my holiday and started the demo... Got to the first jumpy moment, screamed WTF and then thought, F'K THIS SH'T!
No way i'm finishing it.
leaked screeshot/splashscreen/art 2nd level/hidden level from P.T. game files


sorry... i cant stop my fingers from doing that in photoshop.
pt is just too awesome

for me it was when the baby stopped crying that become very very very scary. its like my brain already acustomed with the annoying baby, then suddenly its gone!
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That's an awesome find. P.T. is also very awesome.

The sound design is some of the best I've ever heard in a game, it might actually be THE best I've heard. It gets scarier when the music and crying ramps up, then it gets scarier as it stops too.
sorry i think i was not clear. now i edited the post

about the music. yes! the way p.t. playing with sound on/off is awesome. it increase the horror factor exponentially :D

when it stops, i automaticaly thinking "whaaaat? what? whaaat?"
wow that 1st video...

he was like "man i must stop, i cannot do this, but but but my viewer keep increasing. ok i will keep playing" and then finally, he snapped :p
Looks like it will be just looping video presentation at Konami booth. MGS5 will get dedicated presentation [it will not be playable].
played this a little bit last night and... i stopped. run to my little brother and ask him to play it for me. then we screamed :/

this game is too scary