Silent Hill 4 pics

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At Gamers' Day Konami revealed Silent Hill 4 The Room will feature more weapons and more enemies than in any previous game in the series. The focus on action is a main goal for the team, Yamaoka explained.

That, imo, is unfortunatly a turn in the wrong direction :(
Silent hill 4, along with MGS3(Kojima DID want this) should have been put into a nursing home until the PS3 comes along.

This is just Konami milking the games, they will be good I'm sure; but they, IMO, should have waited.
Actually, I don't really mind if they milk it in a different direction. In a way I'd just prefer they not put it in the "same continuity" as it were. It could always be a differently-named game, or a Silent Hill: Somethingelsehere, and saving SH4 for a game continuing their usual tone. (and hopefully experimenting with more, but not drastically changing a lot) Hehe...
That video you guys were talking about was a recording of real-time graphics. That means, all you see was rendered in realtime by the PS2 but for the purpose of editing the video, it was recorded into a video file. It couldn't be exactly realtime because the video cuts from one environment to another, which would require loading times in between. The graphics are exactly the same used in the realtime cut-scenes. Actually i prefere the sharper look of the real-time cutscenes over the blurred video version...
personally, I hope Silent Hill on PS3 (assuming that will happen) is done as a prequel, explaining the origins of the town and the cult a few hundred years in the past.
nobie said:
personally, I hope Silent Hill on PS3 (assuming that will happen) is done as a prequel, explaining the origins of the town and the cult a few hundred years in the past.

Yes, there is so much they could do with the series. The SH universe is very interesting, i think they should keep it more "classy", more introverted, we already have so many action packed in-your-face-titles, why change this one too?
They should be brave enough to release a title in the same way Sony released ICO. They didn't care the game would bomb (sales wise), they just wanted to provide a wonderful experience, and boy they did!
Developers (especially the big dev houses who can afford it) should take more risks and produce more "classy" titles. It's the only way the videogame market will come out of its chronic state of "it's for kids"-labelling by non-gamers. And of course the only way to attract those who want more than <SHOOT SHOOOOOOOOOOT!!! DUCK!! JUMP AND SHOOOOOOT!!!!>.
I know SH in a SH2 style would be critically acclaimed. Turning this franchise into an action game will only ruin its reputation. And it's not like the current control system is actually good for an action game anyway, they should at least give us a DMC kind of control system. Although that would tunr SH into something i personally would not buy.
Next thing u know they'll make it FPS... (which doesnt actually sound half as bad as i thought it would to be honest)... :D

I just finished reading the preview on IGN, and it does sound very interesting. Apart from the action issue, the rest seems to be pretty ineresting, the fact that it is a completely new story with completely new characters (much like SH2), very psychological from what i can see, and it looks great. I'm just not sure about those action references, i REALLY don't want my favorite series to be turned into DMC...
Very first movie available here


This tiny, and we mean tiny, clip of Konami's forthcoming chiller Silent Hill 4 is further proof, if proof were needed, of disturbing developments in the series. Weighing in at a less than mighty 12 seconds the footage is nevertheless properly disturbing.

Seemingly attending a party from hell we catch brief glimpses of a one-eyed hostess, a decayed buffet spread, a mangled corpse, some grainy footage of a small child and, well, some seemingly animated corpses being shuffled up and down the bloody walls of a Changing Rooms makeover from Hades. And what's the music all about?
12sec, meh ... anyway, better than nothing.
Movie look good as SH3 models movie but in game look like a step back. Understoodable with the rumored new streaming engine like Fatal Frame(ghost can attack through walls). The gameplay i hope is improves.
Well, it's pretty hard to see if there's much improvement due to the quality of the video. But man, what's up with the porno music? :)
nobie said:
The original SH was really revolutionary for its day, and is worth playing even by todays standards.

It was a very nice game, slightly sore-eye-material these days, but nice nonetheless.

I was wondering, why would Konami release it for Xbox, without having released SH3 for it? I mean, Xbox owners have SH2, don't have SH3 and will get SH4? Weird...

I mean, the stories aren't "sequels" so i guess it's ok, a bit like the Final Fantasy franchise... But still it would have been nice to have an Xbox version of SH3...
Heretic said:
The most disturbing thing in this thread is finding out london-boy has never played the original SH :oops:

Should I be embarresed having never played SH 1 at all :oops:

The only time I've even seen the Harry (think thats his name) is while binking up the UFO endscene for SH2PC....

My play record (number of times its been loaded) for the SH series is something like

SH1 : 0
SH2 : 1000's (I've completed all versions (PS2,XBox and PC) multiple times...)
SH3 : 4 (haven't had chance to really get into it yet)
DeanoC said:
Heretic said:
The most disturbing thing in this thread is finding out london-boy has never played the original SH :oops:

Should I be embarresed having never played SH 1 at all :oops:

The only time I've even seen the Harry (think thats his name) is while binking up the UFO endscene for SH2PC....

My play record (number of times its been loaded) for the SH series is something like

SH1 : 0
SH2 : 1000's (I've completed all versions (PS2,XBox and PC) multiple times...)
SH3 : 4 (haven't had chance to really get into it yet)

:oops: :oops: The developer of SH2PC never played SH1! Then you guys say i'm bad!!!! :LOL:

Deano, any news on new projects you're working on at the moment? Come on, you know you want to give us info.... Just a little bit... Pretty please... ;)
I hope that SH4 does not feature "Silent Hill" city, I am sick of visiting Brookheaven Hospital in SH1/2/3.....after playing FF2:CB; SH2/3 doesn't feel scary a bit....IMO they should focus on psychological horror...I mean through thing you can't see rather than what you see.

OT, has anyone played Clock Tower 3?? GameSpot featured it among best games which no-one played, shall I try it?....Amplitude was the winner though.
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