Mefisutoferesu said:
Oh well they did put it on the European version...
Mefisutoferesu said:
This game will remind you of why you play video games in the first place. No game makes you soar as high, sink as low, or feel as small as Shadow does, and that equals sheer adrenaline.
It's the rare game for which the often overused words "ground-breaking" were truly reserved for
You really couldn't ask for better than that. Besides merely being one of gaming's great moments, this is the experience of the year.
The game makes a great showpiece--you'll be able to go back and fight individual colossi time and again and experience that same thrill as you battle with these beings, some of which are hundreds of times your own size. Shadow of the Colossus deserves a look by anyone with an interest in cerebral, slightly offbeat action adventures. There's never really been anything like it, on the PlayStation 2 or on any other platform.
I do just that. But i want a sequel too! Some people will look at a score and allow that to be their judgement. I scan for truths, not opinions to get the gist of the game. Reviews that are full of opinions and bias ruins great games from succeeding. That's my problem with bias.Mefisutoferesu said:Yes, I'll check at a glance to see if there are any serious problems, like say broken controls, but nothing more really.
_phil_ said:PVC is not a forum ,it's a kind of sect....brr
drpepper said:I have a feeling the reviewers are making it loud and clear for people not to miss out on such a game like I did on Ico. Games like these only come once or twice a year...
LunchBox said:i just pre-ordered the game and got a free demo of the game
i played it and didn't see any frame rate issues...
i got to the first giant thingamajig and killed it...
if anyone wants to check it out, go pre-order it and get the free game demo
btw i got it from EB games
london-boy said:I imagine, when the big things start getting REALLY big, that's when slowdown would occurr.
This will be the first game i buy for PS2 in more than a year. And it will be the game that makes me take out my PS2 from the box. Hope it still works ok?!
When is it coming out in Europe/UK?