Server based game augmentations. The transition to cloud. Really possible?

Did you read the article? It talks of use of the cloud for production of the game. That sounds like rendering videos, etc. Not actually doing anything of note during an actual running match.

Its being used in production for the halo game... you've mixed words round...

And I've read the research papers and watched the videos ... it clearly is capable of distributed computing with handling latency issues..

Anyway chose what U want to believe...
Even if you assume the Azure cloud really is so economical and useful, couldn't any competitor use it too? Another cloud platform or even Azure itself, as a client?

The game providers are already using cloud platforms today, one way or another.

Whatever the market rate MS charges for Azure is... it is unlikely to be so different than their internal costs that it dramatically changes the business equation, isn't it?

They can think of new use for it, and also provide higher level, integrated features for entertainment.
What about doing some wind on the cloud? Weather effects tend to look a bit naff because of unrealistic, looped animation.

You might run fluid dynamic wind simulation around all objects, dynamic or static, just sending back a simple value for blocks of some area around the player. Gusts and changing winds that realistically flow through any environment could affect cloth and foliage animation, particles, smoke... A better connection gets you finer granularity.

Wouldn't be all that latency sensitive.
Its being used in production for the halo game... you've mixed words round...

And I've read the research papers and watched the videos ... it clearly is capable of distributed computing with handling latency issues..

Anyway chose what U want to believe...

Can you provide some evidence for your claims please, distributed computing is a pretty wide field and we have yet to have anyone provide any solutions to the major latency problems for all the work loads which are latency sensitive.
Can you provide some evidence for your claims please, distributed computing is a pretty wide field and we have yet to have anyone provide any solutions to the major latency problems for all the work loads which are latency sensitive.

as I mentioned just read the research paper from the MS folk..
as I mentioned just read the research paper from the MS folk..

Im okay, can you quote the parts that are relevant i don't really have time to read a paper atm. Im also surprised how Microsoft is going to fix this considering its not possible without fixing replacing the cabling in the ground for the internet connection and the switching equipment all the way upto the data centre.
as I mentioned just read the research paper from the MS folk..

Trolling with ZDNet links is not the same as research, the Orleans stuff says nothing about addressing latency instead it's about providing a simple method for compute offload to Azure. The Halo MP stuff wasn't latency sensitive and anyway was able to work with a dataset entirely held in the cloud (ie the dedicated MP servers and userstates) rather than trying to work with and affect a local gamestate over the commercial internet.

I do hope MS shows an actual example at E3 so we can get back to discussing something concrete. As of now all I see are non-interactive physics, 'worldstate' AI and other things of marginal benefit for the engineering involved, the more interesting applications all start to run into latency concerns sooner rather than later it seems.
Perhaps Microsoft will show off a single player chess game that uses 4 teraflops in deciding what move to make? ;-)
Perhaps Microsoft will show off a single player chess game that uses 4 teraflops in deciding what move to make? ;-)

:LOL: You know if turn based strategy was still a thing in the mainstream market then that would be a clear win for the cloud at least!
Saw this on GAF


Wonder what "processes" means.
Saw this on GAF
Wonder what "processes" means.
Interesting, I hope they do some kind of deep dive on this at E3 I'm still baffled as to what they might offload to the cloud in a racing title. Hopefully the cancelled Q&A will be balanced by a good chat with DF or another journo who understands tech beyond the basics.
Light baking for time-of-day seems a good candidate. Is Forza free-roam? If the places to visit are too numerous to prebake 48 different lightmaps and fit them on disc, then rendering the GI in the cloud would be an easy fit. If they've done more than that, it'll be very interesting. Something like cloud-based mesh deformation seems improbable due to BW constraints. Maybe the cloud can compute damage and how it would affect your vehicle, and download a realistic driving model? Oh, but then we have to upload damage info to the cloud to compute. You'd need the game in server memory and have it calculate the same crash, and then calculate the changes to car handling and upload them to the console.
I still don't understand how they are going to handle physics on the cloud without trouble, especially since the game seems to be running at 60fps.
I still don't understand how they are going to handle physics on the cloud without trouble, especially since the game seems to be running at 60fps.

Depends what you mean by physics.

Localized, realtime physics? probably not.
World-scale or generally "not instant" physics? Sure.

But, it may simply be refering to a dedicated server, and/or the equivalent of FB2 "destruction+" (where a server decides [or pre-computes] the effects of destruction).
Light baking for time-of-day seems a good candidate. Is Forza free-roam? If the places to visit are too numerous to prebake 48 different lightmaps and fit them on disc, then rendering the GI in the cloud would be an easy fit. If they've done more than that, it'll be very interesting. Something like cloud-based mesh deformation seems improbable due to BW constraints. Maybe the cloud can compute damage and how it would affect your vehicle, and download a realistic driving model? Oh, but then we have to upload damage info to the cloud to compute. You'd need the game in server memory and have it calculate the same crash, and then calculate the changes to car handling and upload them to the console.

But this is not exactly the power of the cloud as advertised, is it. It's just streaming / loading pre-calculated data, it doesn't have to be done real-time, those 48 lightmaps would be pre-rendered anyway, you wouldn't need realtime computation for this, unless the world is procedurally generated.