Sega to stop GameCube sports development

Funny how you left out Fighter ace the WWI combat flight game and MMORPG. Super bubble pop is quite a fun game developed by Runecraft. You also don't know about some of the other big titles we're working on for next year.

Those are only the titles for this year you've seen. I just produced what i was told to work on, and you ALSO don't understand the politics behind the development of the internal titles for this year (and will never know becuase I'm not going to air dirty laundry to the likes of you). All the rest of the projects moving forward into 2003 and 3004 we're hand picking from a bunch of good titles, and there's some really good stuff out there you haven't heard or seen anything about.

As I said before captainhowdy, you can kiss my you know what for all I care. You're nothing but a troll/fanboy that can't see straight i love the way you continue to try and discredit what I'm saying by trying everything possible. You know what? it doesn't work and I could care less. If you don't like what I said, or what other people are saying about gamecube, you can also go over to ign and voice your displeasure to Hil, Tal/Fran .

This is the biggest load of bullshit that's been posted around here lately.

Well, i knew the fanboys would like hearing somehting like that but it's the truth. lot's of companies making games down the road aren't including gamecube when they do multiplatform. It's a fact, ok? I'm not trying to Bullshit you. This is why even people at IGN are writting articles like "the nintendo difference. They are starting to see just what is going on. people that promote games are seeing the same thing.

Oh, all knowing Qroach, why don't you share the names of these titles in 2003 or 2004 that won't be supporting the GC.

Oh grow up. I'm not going to share the names of anything that hasn't been officially annouced (which is EVERYTHING we're looking at). Not like it would matter, the fanboys come out of the wood work. hey, we're looking for games that are on all platforms and good ones too. However outside of the big developement houses, you'll rarely see developers handle all three versions. That's not to say as a publisher, we can't pay someone else to have something ported, but that's another story.

You shouldn't insult Quincy's work or the company he works for. There's no reason to go that low. Especially when Quincy's person is much more suited (and might I add, justified) target.


When are we going to get more inside dirt from your pal Mark Johnston? The anticipation has been killing me!
you shouldn't insult Quincy's work or the company he works for. There's no reason to go that low. Especially when Quincy's person is much more suited (and might I add, justified) target.

I'm not quite sure what you meant there. more suited and justified? was that an insult or compliment? ;)

Anyway, he wrote me back on Thursday, I completely forgot about the mail I sent to him. He basically says that metroid runs at 60fps. well, I'll just post what he wrote in from e-mail.

"Well we worked pretty damn hard to fit everything into that system, and at that 60fps!! But performance is really a perception thing, so in that regard there’s still room for improvement and use of different styles and effects to push the system in different ways. Awesome machine though, and the graphics chip is kick ass."

"Glad to hear you don’t want a free copy because we only got one ourselves! The rest we have to pay $39US for, which is the retail price I’m sure. Bah!"

"Other GM folk? Well Mike Sneath is still here and liking it. Bryce Cochrane went back to EAC, I think as Art Director on FIFA. Tom Papadatos went to Acclaim Austin. And I think that’s all the crew."

As you can see, I didn't get very much dirt for him. He's not one for big e-mail chatting really. he's a bit of a tough guy to work with, but I seemed to get along with him fine. Very talented programmer (he got the EA most valuable employee a few years back and tey had 500 employees at that time). He's also a fucking huge dude. he used tio play hockey while at EA for the sole purpose of injuring people, and did too...

> I'm not quite sure what you meant there. more suited and justified?
> was that an insult or compliment?

What I mean is that I have no problems with ppl having issues with you as a person but bringing your work into the discussion is unnecessary and quite frankly lame. Developer bashing is a big no-no in my book.

Interesting e-mail.
oh ok, i totally agree with you. some of the guys here are so blinded that they can't discuss anything in a manner that doesn't resort to attacks. one of the way to attack is by talking about what I do or where I work, when they honestly don't have an idea of the situation. I hate that... if they don't like me personally then fine, but they don't know me personally honestly. I'm one of the esiest people to get along with, you can ask anyone that has worked with me. I will however, NOT be nice to those people that cannot return the favour.

Anyway, yeah it was really good hearing from Mark. I'm going to send sneaky Sneath an e-mail to see how he's doing. ya, know it's such a big & small development community. Everyone knows everybody else. Our PR person for super bubble pop "J Moon" is the person tha help found retro and got me marks e-mail address (I lost it about a year back). it's amazing how we know all the same people...

hey did you see the recent everquest video from IGN? the guy int eh video John Blakely was once my boss a few years back. He's a really good guy.
Considering people are buying GC for Nintendo games (or really big exclusive titles like RE or FF), I see it as a very tough market for little noname publishers. That could be a reason enough to stop developing on the GC. The question is not how many developers are on the Gc ? , but do its public really care about anything not nintendo ??

personally, I would not.
I'm not sure that many people are buying a GameCube for NINTENDO games.
NINTENDO games are great for sure, but most other games are good too.

The true question is:
How many people having a GameCube are interested in sports games ?

I already said I'm not.
my point is, he fancys himself high and mighty, and his tastes are all that matter.. trying to use his developer status to back up every pile of shit that comes out of his mouth(and now he is going as far as to pretend he isnt biased against Nintendo because he owns one). All I am saying is, when your putting out games so shitty even acclaim would laugh at you, you have no business trying to discredit a polished amazing game like Metroid Prime.. because as far as I am concerned, your not capable of making something so grand... sure bubble pop is fun.. it was more fun when it was called bust a move, your company looks like the Puff Daddy of Gaming.. guess its called sampling still?

and no Q, Im not a troll, I dont go into threads putting down something for no reason, I currently have no problems with any console(PS2 may be ugly, but it has great games, and XBox finally got a game library worth looking into), I just dont stand by while you lie out your ass to put down Nintendo in any way you can.. its called being an anti-troll... you can deny it all you want, your reputation is pretty well known for being an MS Zealot.
Who tried to discredit metroid pirme?

I didn't try to discredti the game at all. See, this is why there's very few people that will listen to you! You don't even know what you're accusing me of. Some of the people here can actually see the forrest for the trees. Yes you are a troll. all you do is argue anything that sounds even remotely realistic for nitnendo. You can't look at the picture clearly. Here's I'll quote you in my last sentacne to you.

"you can deny it all you want, your reputation is pretty well known for being an" nitnendo Zealot. :rolleyes: I'm just going to ignore you the rest of this thread because you're wasting everyones time.
I luvs me some Nitnendo, I'll ignore tyou too..
why dont you do everyone a favor and ignore any Nintendo based
thread, because even if you can't find something Negative
about it, you will just make up something.

I don't necessarilly disagree with you (in fact I've brought up similar complaints elsewhere on this board) but I don't think it's appropriate to bring work related stuff into the discussion. Yes, Quincy is a fanboy. Yes, his comments often defy all logic. But I don't see how it relates to his work place.
I'm not suprised to see you reply, since you always come to the cubes rescue. i'm going to make one comment about your argument and then reutrn to topic, since whenever you make posts like this, the thread quickly degenerates into something completely OFF topic. I'll put it in bold so you see it and actually read my response before cutting and pasting while trying to reply to everysentance.

You claim I always defend Nintendo when the only reason your posting is to defend MS. Then you whine on about how I take things off topic in a paragraph that IS totally off topic. Quincy, your a clown mate, but never mind, I enjoy the show anyway :)

You keep showing these numbers for the xbox (non sports) game sales and how poor they are. Well there's one factor you keep forgetting. That being that Microsoft paid for the development of those non sports (exclusive) titles. So there was minimum risk when it came to sega loosing money on the development costs. You're forgetting all the cash MS paid sega a while back for those titles. So while those games didn't sell well, they also didn't cost sega lot's of cash. So, if you want to use that as your argument for WHY sega should drop support of non sports titles for Xbox, go ahead. However, from a money making point of view you're argument doesn't hold much water.

I keep showing these numbers do I? Care to show me where else I showed these numbers? Honestly Quincy, if you have nothing to say then just don't say anything, no need to make things up.

Also try to take your own advice and read before replying. I did not say Sega should drop non sports games support for XBox. I said continuing to support XBox is more likely to kill them then producing a few poorly selling sports games ported from PS2 onto GC. I also ASKED if you believe they should drop XBox non sport game support since they're selling even worse then sports games on GC.

You could have simply answered my question, mentioning the money hats MS throw at Sega for there XBox support. Then I could have said "Good point" instead of having to correct you. However I would still have mentioned that being paid by MS to have some of there best titles do terribly in sales exclusively on XBox isn't going to make Sega a massive company again.. if they want respect they need there best titles to sell. At least the poorly selling titles on GC are only multi-platform games and not exclusives.

Once again you're completely missing the point. The sports market is HUGE, we're only talking about the sports games here. So showing total games sold is pointless when we're ONLY talking about the sports titles. The august numbers don't even reflect the current sales of the 2k3 sports titles from sega, so why bother?

Oh really? I wasn't aware that its your job to decide exactly what everyone has to talk about. Once again, total sales is relivant because as long as Sega is making a hell of allot of money from GameCube development, and selling a hell of allot of games on GameCube, a couple of poor selling games isn't going to hurt them. All its going to do is show they have broad support for GameCube, which placates GameCube fans, which is always a good thing when that is your second biggest platform.

Ya know, jsut as a reminder, I'd really like it if you could stay on topic when you respond. Instead of draggin this into another one of your "gamecube is better" arguments.

You mean like you've stayed on topic in this post? Whining about how I always defend GameCube rather then just getting on with the discussion. If I've gone off topic in this thread its only to reply to your totally off topic comments.

For one thing, we're talking ONLY about sports titles here Teasy! Sega didn't say they were dropping ALL game support for cube! Only sports game support. Stick to the topic please.

We are not only talking about sports games, we are talking about sports games and anything else relivant to that. Like for instance keeping sports game support for GameCube as not to piss off your second biggest market.

Now, how can you say it's not significant when there's a 50% difference between the sports titles sold from Xbox to cube? Even still those numbers don't relfect the 2K3 sports titles where the sales on Gamecube are even "lower" than Xbox.

Its not significant considering Sega's overall extremely successful GameCube sales. If keeping sports support helps keep up those great sales by placating fans its well worth doing. Just like your opinion that its well worth supporting a system thats selling horribly overall for your games as long as it keeps MS's payments coming... its a similar argument.

It's not "worth it" if those titles aren't selling and you have to pay for the ENTIRE costs of development! Showing "support" doesn't mean shit if the games don't make enough money to pay for the port.

You really haven't even read what I'm saying. Either that or your not grasping it. Two scenario's

1: Sega show GameCube good support (which includes sports titles) - GameCube fans keep buying Sega games just as they are now - Sega make loads of money.

2: Sega drop all sports support from GameCube - That pisses off GameCube fans - that weakens Sega sales on GameCube - Sega lose allot of money overall to save a very small amount (if any since the sports games may even be braking even) on a couple of sports game ports.

Second biggest platform where? In North America? Nope. In europe? That remains to be seen. No matter what way you look at it, Sega (a japanese company) has always done better appealing to the north american and european markets compared to japan. The sports market in Japan is tiny in comparrison to the other two regions. It's also why EA barely sells any sports titles inside of japan. The sports divisions of both companies are targetting Europe and North america for the most part. So leaving japan out of this equation makes perfect sense, and if japan is out of the picture, which console is the second biggest platform?


Where does userbase come into this? Did you not look at the Sega sales numbers? PS2 with just over 900,000 Sega games sold, GC with just over 700,000 and XBox with a lowly 300,000+. Now which platform is Sega's second biggest?.. you tell me.

Now about pissing off gamecube fans, I'm onyl going to comment on this once since you won't like it. Working for a publisher i see lot's of titles and have a good idea of what most develoeprs are working on. We have a big dtabase with a few hundread develoeprs looking for publishers. It shows what tiles they are working on and what paltforms they are supporting. I can tell you right now, that Gamecube support from the majority of these developers are pretty minimal. For the most part you see PS2, Xbox, and sometimes PC, when they are working on multiplatform titles. Moving into 2003 and 2004, I think there's going to be a LOT of "pissed off" gamecube fans unfortunatly.

Number one, what the hell has this got to do with my point on Sega keeping their second biggest platform happy with continued sports support?

Number two.. I wondered how long it would take you to play the "I work for a developer yada yada yada" card. Change the record Quincy, and keep your heresay and second hand 'evidence' to yourself.

I actually see a allot of titles announced right now for PS2 and GC and not XBox, just as many as are announced for PS2 and XBox but not GameCube. I don't need a fictional developer list to see that. But do you see me yaking on about it just to try to change the subject?

You're completely missing the point! Did Sega say they were dropping non sports game support for xbox? No, they didn't. We're actually discussing the reasons WHY sega would do something like this, because it actually appears they are. I'm not interested in another "I'm just defending the gamecube" argument of yours. now when you're completely forgettig how much cash MS paid sega for the developement of those titles. Now back to reality, and back to topic please...

I am not even talking about the first post in this thread, if you didn't notice I was replying to something you said. So I suppose that means your missing the point then ;)

P.S. I look forward to you braking your word on that being your last reply to me in this thread :) And if you don't brake your word, then I look forward to the peice and quiet even more.
Teasy, you can't even remember what you said at the start of this thread to even continue replying. I'm not going to go back and point out what should be obvious to you. You and your buddy Captain can go give each other a hug for all I care. Since you seem to want to stick together and all... Have fun!

heaven forbid that anyone out ther eknow alittle mroe about the game industry than Teasy. You've demostrated your knowledge quite well. I'm sure you'll follow this post up with another nonsense Teasy style posting.

...and btw, don't think i'm going to keep anything to myself unless I feel like it. a year form now, we can do the "I told you so" if that's what you're after. Anyway, i'm going to go back to enjoying some video games i think it's something you SERIOUSLY need to try.