Sega Rally Revo: wait, finally a video?

The first trailer did seem like it was unfinished, too, with the way the cockpit views were all kind of boring and the soundtrack that stopped about 20 seconds short of the end of the video o_O;;

It looks decent, some good some bad, I like the surfaces a lot, graphically, but gameplaywise, Sega Rally has only ever been very good because it was launched against very little competition (especially the arcade versions!). An inspiring franchise that evokes strong memories but not the kind of rally game I want to play at this point.

On a lighter note, didn't that guitarist sound like Swervedriver... ^^;
Could you elaborate on that meh? The video is low quality so it is hard to judge them from that (rather overall look). As for gameplay, it looks like a Sega Rally game all fans have been waiting for. I don't see what so 'meh' about it.

Just because your game looks awesome, doesn't mean you can 'meh' other devs' at least decent efforts with just one word. At least type what you don't like about the video.

Sorry, I was a bit cranky due to heavy crunch syndrome (BFBC press event build that you will soon hear about) and was a expecting a bit more of the game, at least with the comments of the first post. And I'm not just talking about the graphics, the gameplay felt very old school Sega Rally, which I guess is what the fans want but for me it didn't feel that interesting with super wide flat tracks and rather generic environments.

But I would love to try it out in an arcade with 3 friends :)
I'm torn between this and Dirt. I love me some rally racing, but when I own only 2 other games it seems kinda overkill to get 2 racing games and both of the rally racing games. I don't know how I'm gonna decide. I'm digging the deformable terrain, but no damage? I don't know, it's gonna be a tough choice.
I'm torn between this and Dirt. I love me some rally racing, but when I own only 2 other games it seems kinda overkill to get 2 racing games and both of the rally racing games. I don't know how I'm gonna decide. I'm digging the deformable terrain, but no damage? I don't know, it's gonna be a tough choice.

If you like online MP, then the answer is obvious (given that the rest is a tie for you).
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Gamepro article on the development of Sega Rally Revo


Like the well-received Motorstorm, Revo's cars leave ruts and grooves in the racetrack. Sega claims that, unlike Motorstorm, Revo's ruts are actually modeled using polygons and geometry. This means that your car will respond more accurately to puddles, cracked macadam, and other deformed terrain.
gamespot hands-on preview:

So while the overriding principle for Sega Rally is evolution rather than revolution, there are many features in the new game that would have been unimaginable on last generation's consoles, let alone the arcade original. Perhaps spotting a new trend with the arrival of MotorStorm, the ace up Sega Rally's sleeve is deformable terrain, and it's used to great visual and physical effect in the game. Sega throws all sorts of environments at its engine and adapts them dynamically, meaning that no one lap is ever the same as the last. For example, tracks in the snow melt to reveal a slushy mess, while the inroads left in dirt tracks will throw your car around considerably more on the second lap than they did on the first. With force feedback through the wheel or joypad, races in Sega Rally become noticeably more difficult as you progress.

they had one PS3 set-up to test netcode and 5 360's to test LAN and they say the PS3 version was a little less smooth but it was obvious it was from lag because of things like bunny-hop crashes.
The final game promises to run at 30 frames per second on both consoles

after being almost promised 60fps for Sega Rally Revo, this is nothing but a letdown.

I don't know who to blame, the console providers for not getting enough fillrate into their GPUs, or the developer for throwing too much at the hardware to make 60fps impossible or not enough optimization. either way, this really hurts.

I'll still probably buy the Xbox 360 version. the deformable tracks sound fun.
after being almost promised 60fps for Sega Rally Revo, this is nothing but a letdown.

I don't know who to blame, the console providers for not getting enough fillrate into their GPUs, or the developer for throwing too much at the hardware to make 60fps impossible or not enough optimization. either way, this really hurts.
I don't think you can blame Sony or Microsoft for this since Sega studio knew console's specs when they were talking about 60 fps. So they either overestimated what they could achieve on the consoles or blatantly lied to make some buzz about the game in its early days (although I read some previews stating it would be 1080p and 60fps only several months ago...). I honestly don't want to know which one is the case. ;)
Also when developers choose to make a 60fps game there is a lot of whining about graphics (FM2)...
Also when developers choose to make a 60fps game there is a lot of whining about graphics (FM2)...

I think in Forza's case a lot of it has to do with talent. Their art direction is very wierd for a simulation. Forza 2 would have looked fine if they nailed the color scheme properly.
I think in Forza's case a lot of it has to do with talent. Their art direction is very wierd for a simulation. Forza 2 would have looked fine if they nailed the color scheme properly.

Yeah the game is to 'colorful', would have been better if they had more dull colors like GT series. But is there no settings to change color/brightness or similar in the games menu?
I don't know who to blame, the console providers for not getting enough fillrate into their GPUs, or the developer for throwing too much at the hardware to make 60fps impossible or not enough optimization.

Blame the customers if you want to blame someone. They're the ones who've shown that 30fps games can do just fine, and that frame rate should be balanced against looks.

There will be 30fps games next gen, just as there are this gen and were last gen.
Blame the customers if you want to blame someone. They're the ones who've shown that 30fps games can do just fine, and that frame rate should be balanced against looks.

There will be 30fps games next gen, just as there are this gen and were last gen.

I agree. As long as people obsess over every screenshot in forums, 30 fps games will exist.
No Car Damage= No Buy

Don't care if it's an arcade racer, I've played previous versions of this game and I simply hate any racing game with no car damage. In this day and age every racing game should at least have the OPTION of turning on car damage. Without car damage racing games turn into versions of mario cart.