akira888 said:Hey Legion - I have a strategy for the Israelis right here. Kill off most of the Palestinians, throw the rest off of their land, and then annex the West Bank into Israel proper, and finally sit on the land for 90 years or so claiming all the while that Israel has some moral right to that land. Continually deny that the aforementioned genocide took place. Then in the future when Palestinians complain about this state of affairs they will be labeled "hate-mongers" and "psychotic" by people who will at that point know absolutely nothing of Palestinian/Israeli history.
It sure has worked for other nations in the region.
wasn't this kind of thinking the basis of the PLO, their agenda, their support, and the current media's rant against israel? Worked for the arabs more than once...why not for the Jews. Maybe later the Greeks could retake Constantinople....nah couldn't happen, it wasn't really their ethnic land anyway. It has always been the rightful home of the muslim arabs right..? It wasn't your damn land Greek! Now where is that german to tell you so...where did he go...