Legion said:
Seeing that you know of such a law i'm now sure you realizing your point dodging is an act of avoidance.
Did you or did you not :
- Request quotes from officials of US government tying Iraq and Hussein to Al Quaida (quotes I provided)
- Affirmed resolutions condamning Israel were not from Security Council (which I debunked)
Until you answer to those two points, I don't think your accusations of "point dodging" will impress anyone.
LOL You don't bother to response to anything i have posted!!
Err... Why would I bother answering the points you invent on the spot each time your initial argument is debunked ? You didn't ask for a list of UN resolutions with which Israel did not comply, you affirmed that no SC resolution condamned Israel, which is totally false as exemplified by resolutions 242, 425. Two examples are IMHO good enough when you pretend none exist.
So what you "debunked" were my speculations and what you have proven is...well...nothing. You are simply taking on the obvious rhetoric you have read from anti Israeli blogs and Indymedia posts.
Where is the anti-Israeli rethoric in my posts ? I was just asking how is it that since refusing to comply to UN resolutions seems to be ground for US-invasion, how is it that with SC resolutions violated by Israel over the years (something that is not anti-Israeli, but rather the simple truth), the US did not invade Israel ?
Err... How is that related to your initial argument that the SC had never passed a resolution against Israel ?
Very much so as it is an indictment of clear anti-Isreal bias.
My anti-Israel bias is in your mind only. Your double-thought and hypocrisy are for all to see. You made the point that the SC had never passed a resolution condamning Israel, I pointed you to two such resolutions.
Here is a good link to some more just so you can't dance around facts with your comments about "compliance" :
Because i believe that if the WMD did exist it was destroyed. There are means of transacting the data besides the physical product. I am waiting to hear what we learn from Saddam as far as digital records are concerned.
Err... If the WMDs were destroyed, then how do you explain the Bush administration's rethoric about hundreds of liters of Sarin, Nerve Gas... BTW, if the WMDs were destroyed before the invasion, then what was the invasion for in the first place ? Oh, I get it, Saddam was that bad that he destroyed his WMDs just to spite the US after their invasion...
Lol the only trick here is the one you played on yourself via your incapacity to make associations. You links listed a reason for removing Saddam as he was involved in terrorism. Also mentioned were his ties to one specific group, AQ. What you presented wasn't a refutation at all, infact it undermined your position that AQ rather than terrorism in general was a reason to invade Iraq.
When I provided those links, I was responding to your request that specific quotes regarding Iraq/Al Quaida connections be provided. Does or does not my collection of links fits the bill and if not why ?
How on earth have i blatanly lied? I did suggest, perhaps not to you but to another (london boy) that most if not all resolutions against Israel were GA and not SC which israel was inviolation of. You provided that infact Israel was inviolation of 2 of these acts when you originally stated 40.
Where did you pull the "40 resolutions" figure from ? Certainly not from one of my posts. Another lie.
Do you often dodge questions to provide yourself a "hole"?
I provided links to various security resolutions condamning Israel, and links to quotes from Bush government officials stating links between Iraq and Al Quaida, two things you asked for. Your turn.
When will you reply to what i have stated to you Corwin? Why would we have waited until now to take the Oil when we could have taken it in 1991?
Perhaps because the President and his administration back then were not as mad with greed as the current one ? Perhaps because the US-driven coalition of 1991 had a clear UN mandate that did not mention anything about occupying Iraq and actually respected it ? Perhaps because the US did not have such clever think-tanks as the
PNAC back then ?
The battle for oil is not only about price for the next year and filling SUVs, it's also about domination and strategic interests. Invading Iraq now and occupying it by force, removing its anti-US dictator (and former US friend) to replace him with a more US-friendly regime guarantees nearly exclusive access to Iraqi oil for the US, which is one of the pet dreams of the PNAC.
The US legally invaded Iraq as validated by Iraq's violations of UN SC agreements calling for his removal. The burning of the oil fields has nothing to do with being a war criminal.
Violation or not of SC resolutions has to be voted by the Council, not decided by GW Bush. No resolution allowing the use of force against Iraq was voted by the SC with regard to the current WMD inspections. Hence the USA are waging an illegal war unapproved by the SC. Funny how on the one hand you and your fellow warmongers disregard the UN on the one hand, then say your illegitimate attacks are done to punish UN resolutions violations...
Which would you say is more important Corwin? THe museum, or Iraq's life line to a stable economy?
Do you really believe that crap ? Like they didn't have enough troops to protect both.
Actually i have refuted your assertions quite nicely.
Actually you have tried to make points, then tried to make more points loosely related when the first ones were debunked. Your definition of refutation does not rely on logic or proof, but rather on repeating "No you are wrong" ad nauseam, which while amusing at first does not really qualify as actual refutation.
It has already been proven Saddam was involved with training terrorist troops
Link, please.
As far as the WMDs are concerned Iraq's refusal to agree with various SC resolutions certainly lent creedence to the possibility of their continuing R&D. We had a great deal of intel which stated such.
Like the English report or the Niger "yellow cake" stories ? BTW, if the US is so concerned about WMDs, why do White House officials break the covert identity of CIA specialists in WMDs (Ms Plame) ?
One of many reasons it may not have been found is do to the possibility it may have been destroyed.
In which case Iraq was obeying SC resolutions, hence removing the need (if there ever was one) of US invasion. Thanks for demonstrating that to us.
Even you provided Bush associating all terrorist support as a validation for war not just AQ. Also with the amount of intel we had more than just the US were convinced to attack.
Yep, other nations such as Micronesia were convinced too... BTW, Blair himself is toning down his WMD claims (
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5387.htm). Of course, the British Parliament actually does the work it was elected for.
Noting Saddam's past history i don't see why any of the information along with his refusal to abide by UN resolutions should have been taken lightly.
Decision of compliance or not with regard to UN SC resolution should have been voted by SC. The inspectors were making progresses, and said Iraq was cooperating better.
LOL no one is dodging the point. You asserted the AQ link itself, and not terrorism in general was a valid reason to attack them. You even quoted bush associating AQ with all other terrorist groups.
I can't believe it. Who said page 13 of this very thread : "As far as AL quaida is concerned you'll have to show me where it was suggested they were linked." ? Did or did not the links I provided show that Administration figures, including GW Bush, made a link between Hussein and Al Quaida specifically ?
Granted though all your quotes were out of context and the speaches from which they were taken weren't provided.
Granted, most of the quotes had links to the transcript of the original sentence if you want some context. So far, you have only provided nauseating rethoric (accusations of anti-israelism), and childish "rebuttals" to the conversation. Stop saying we don't provide enough materials, contexts and proofs when you don't even bother providing a single link or quote.
No you showed members of the government making associations between AQ and terrorism as well as AQ, terrorism and Saddam.
"This is a person who has had contacts with al Qaeda" (George W. Bush, President, Remarks by the President at New Mexico Welcome 10/28/2002)
Please read the materials providing before trying to refute them, it would save you some embarassement.
You didn't provide any links validating the notion Saddam's involvment with AQ was a motivation more so then Saddam's involvment with terrorism.
See precedent quote by DA MAN himself. I hope this foot in your mouth won't prevent us from being torrented by your faulty, hateful rethoric ?
Ben Ladin is not the AQ. The AQ consists of more members and leaders then just Osama. and i have yet to see any evidence validating this argument.
And I've yet to see any evidence validating the WMD theory... AQ is a Muslim extremist organisation, and as such is opposed as a whole to the Baath party of Saddam Hussein, which was a secular regime. This does not have much to do with personal inimities between Bin Laden and Hussein, it's an ideologic thing.
Oh i have seen it argued over and over again but never has it been proven. To the contrary take a look at Saddam's finacial support of the families of those whom were involved in terror bombing.
And where are the ties to Al Quaida in that ? If you want a real country with real ties to Al Quaida, why not start with invading the country from which nearly all the terrorists from 9/11 came ?
When invading Iraq, the USA did Bin Laden's bidding twice : Saddam was severely repressing Muslim extremism and was removed,

Now this is just absolutely ridiculous.
Now, that's a great and intelligent rebuttal.
As you may or may not know, the Baath party was ruthlessly limiting the power of the Muslim clerics, Hussein invaded Muslim-led Iran (ever heard of Ayatholla Khomeni ?)... Iraq under SH was your average US-sponsored dictatorship, and not a Muslim-based theocraty like Taliban Afghanistan or Khomeni's Iran...
I will remember this the next time you imply we should invade NK...
Err, don't put your disgusting warmongering rethoric in my mouth, please. I never suggested invading NK, I said that considering the reasons put forward by the current US Government to invade Iraq, NK would have been a much more fitting target, as they are proven to have WMDs, including nukes. Of course, there's no oil in NK, and the country is not militarly crippled like Iraq was.

a democrat represents democracy?
Free speech and asking people's opinions represent democracy. I thought you would know that, considering all the noise made about that word. Of course, we know better how exactly democracy and the right to assemble work, both in
the USA and in
the USA's 52d state, Iraq