Try telling that to any of your Jewish friends.
I have and none of them were aware of the links as far as i could tell. Futhermore the jewish population hardly accounted for the vast majority of the american populus.
Especially if you happen to know any who were around before WWII and could tell you what the German treatment of Jews then was like. Or the Spanish. Or the Ethiopians.
Its rather obvious as i said before Germany has a long racist history. However not even my grandfather knew of what was happening though he had his suspicions.
This doesn't support your notion the majority of americans or for that matter any one else in the world outside of germany and europe really knew what was going on within Germany at the time. You have provided a small minority of americans may have known, or rather had suspicions but you have provided for how the rest of america could have known any of this.
It's not. It's a side topic. Initiated by yourself, I might add.
To what ends and for what purpose? I surely hope you don't blame America for the choices of those who were involved.
It was our war, because numerous political and business elites were actively involved in supporting fascism, Hitler, and Mussolini.
This is a rather dubious accussation based on purely philosphical and moralistic position. I wouldn't say it was our war unless we were infact attacked. Until Pearl Harbor we hadn't a reason to become militarily involved.
Before Pearl Harbor i could see how any one invididual could sell to the Nazis. Not much was known about them nor had they attacked us. You make it out to be something wicked to conduct business with fascists yet you probably buy products which are "Made in China."
Here's some news for you: Anne Coulter is not a historian. It's not that everyone knew what was going on. But many in fact did, enough that it could have been stopped before it came to what it did.
Did you by chance read this information from the same source that suggested Michael Moore creates mockumentaries he convey's represents fact while mainly ficticious?
I repeat, i haven't heard that many people outside of Germany and Europe knew about what was going on. I have heard rumors, speculations so on and so forth over the years while reading about the issue. I haven't read anything that convinced me the majority of the people in the US knew of Hitler's intentions. However, i can not say the same for many Europeans who did nothing but try to appease Hitler until he invaded France...Had the many European powers gotten involved from the begining, or rather hadn't condoned such harsh treatment of Germany after WWI, much of this might never have happened. Its rather apparent France and England were playing the appease game with Hitler.
What are you talking about? Seriously, this paragraph was all over the place.
Not really. The first setence was incorrect. I meant to say: perhaps they view assertions wrt Hiltlerian fascim as anti german propaganda.
I was trying to concey to you a jewish holocaust or the tyranny of hitler were probably the last things people would have considered before the 1960s when most of this information became readily available. Certainly after the war we were aware of the fact Hitler was rather "evil" but it took a decade or two for the jewish position to reach the forefront of culture.
Plenty of political elites in this country, including Prescott Bush, wanted the German and Italian fascists to win WWII,and aspired to something similar here. It was only after the atrocities became indefensible that they backed down.
And Ford subscribbed to aryan nation news papers/magazines. Where are we going with this?
It's not just 'propaganda' when the groups discussed had unquestionable control over the countries they were in.
Of course not, but how many people outside of Europe were aware of the full extent of the Nazis tyranny.
The government is becoming less representative as a result of the concentration of power into the executive, the diminishment of the legislative branch,
I would certainly agree that power has been shifting but more so during the 8 years of Clinton's regime. I feel the Judicial branch has been over stepping its grounds for a very long time now dating back to the Roe V Wade decision.
increasing attempts to prevent 3rd parties from being represented or even allowed to debate in major campaigns, and the abilities of corporations and special interest groups to not only influence elections but also the policy and legislation enacted after they are over. Can you show me in what ways we are becoming more democratic?
I can certianly show you have we are becoming more socialistic. Quite frankly, it bothers me. Perhaps this accounts for the loss of democratic ideals in america?
So I suppose it would have been OK if we just had Mussolini?
We have China today and who is doing anything about that?
As I've already pointed out many people already knew about the actions of the Nazis and Italians. So is it wrong? Or is the Holocaust, (which people did know about anyways), the only 'wrong' thing fascists have ever done.
You haven't pointed this out Clashman. You pointed out they may have known of Hitler and Italy's dictatorships but you haven't provided for people knowing exactly what they stood for or how its America's fault that certain business elites were involved in trading with them
So how about Saddam Hussein?
What about China?
We didn't go to war with Iraq until 1991, so was it OK before then to sell him Anthrax?
Depending on the reasoning, yes. If we sold him anthrax in 1980 and he used it to create a biological weapon in 1988 by what means other than fortune telling could we have assumed would have made bio weapons out of the cultures while others we provided them to would not?
If we sold him anthrax it was for medical reasons. We sold to many nations biological samples to be used to make antibio drugs.
Aside from this i'd like to know if it were ever proven Anthrax was among Hitler's biological weapons arsenal or for that matter if a strain we provided him was used to creat biological weapons.
We've had a dicussion over this in the past where you failed to demonstrate to me America had any intent in aiding the generation of biological weapons.
Or should that have stopped after it was shown that he was using chemical and biological weapons on Iran, (it didn't), or after Halabja (it didn't then, either)?
After Halabja it was certainly obvious he already had cultured strains to be used as weapons and would require ours for that purpose.
You to this date haven't provided what biological/chemical agents we sold to him after 1988 (or even before then), how they were used in the creation of his biological arsenal, or for that matter why we should have stopped providing him said agents unrelated to his chemical arsenal we knew of which were primarly being supplied to him for medical reason to provide for his people.