nelg said:
Since you are here, perhaps, you could provide me (us?) with a first hand discription of what thing are like in Saudi Arabia. In a previous hread I wrote...
That's not the impression that I have been given by someone who had lived there. I 'm not suggesting that it is like the west but I would usually save descriptions like "The vast majority of the nation live in squalor" to nations such as Afghanastan. OTOH I will say that I have no first hand knowledge of life in Saudi Arabia so ,yes , the GDP could be skewed by distrubution.
While I am not clear what the whole question is, basically, life in Saudi is all right.
It is not the end all be all of civilzation by a long shot, but it is not bad either.
Until recently, I truly believed this was one of the safest places in the world.... I can still leave my luggage at the airport on the ground outside next to taxis and come back the next day and find it there where I left it, or in the lost and found.
I don't worry about locking my house or car, although I do from habit (lived in the US for a long time
lets see, I want to be realistic, it is not all beds and roses (is that the correct phrase?) but it is definately on the 'all right' side of things, at least for me and my family, although that may not be a fair assessment for the average person. It is funny, but I cannot tell you what life is like for the poor or average person, except in incomplete terms, because I just don't know.
I know of some things, like gov't hospitals are free, while not the best hospitals, still it is a blessing for those who have nothing. I don't know of anyone 'starving' or like that as there are lots of food, necessities collections. Things happen all the time, for example I just had a daughter, one of the things people do is buy a calf or sheep and have it slaughtered and made available to poor people. These are old traditions that help our society, there are others similar to this. also there are monetary funds through the mosques.... it really is too bad that so many people see this money as always terrorist money, because alot goes to people.... one of the pillars of islam is the giving of alms. It is said that if everyone were to give only 2.5% of their wealth every year, that would be enough to bring poor people up to 'basic' standards (roof, toilet, food on table, electricity... basics). There are different collections meant for different things, whether it is this alms, or for orphans or for different sects of people that need different things, so you get to choose a where your money goes basically.
I can tell you about life for me. Basically, I get up in the morning, brew coffee, maybe make some eggs or on the rare occasion eat a twinkie (a weakness of mine). I read the paper. Get ready for work, go to work where I run an tech team supporting our systems. We have a strong network infrastructure with DELLs everywhere (I tell you DELL must love us, we just ordered 18,000 new machines to replace some older ones).
work is a mixture of meetings, phone calls, strategic plans, project reports, etc etc etc. calls from the family come in throughout the day (just to hear my baby girl make noises or talk to my wife who gets three months off work to take care of the baby). It was nice that all medical related things were free for us, and this is in a hospital that could contend with any hospital in the world with regards to facilities.
I get to go home for lunch time, as I only live five minutes from work. If I was living FAR away - not living were I work, I would commute at most 45 minutes. so I get to play with my baby for a little bit, get her to smile (I swear I would spend all my time acting like an idiot just for her smiles!) either we ordered out (western food like dominoes or arabic food like mushakil which is a 'mixed grill' of lamb, chicken, beef stuff, tasty, or etc).
I go back to work and but it is calmer, everyone slows down usually after lunch and internet traffic spikes. if I wasn't feeling well, I could just call in sick. I am allowed three days per month of sick leave, no questions asked. This is basic for all employees (gov't sanctioned i think actually).
I go home at 4pm (work for me is 7am to 4pm) if I am done with everything, then I usually spend some time with my family. My wife is a social butterfly and is always out and about arranging some party or going to one. In the next two weeks I have FIVE weddings to go to, two christmas parties, one new years bash, two birthdays, and my wife is throwing a 'mubaraka' which is a baby annoucement party for our daughter. And that isn't me going out to see my friends also. about three times a week we gather together and hang out - depends on the weather but we might go off roading in a jeep, rent dirt bikes and ride which is a blast, but I suck at it and end up hurting myself all the time. If its a weekend we go camping and search for old forts, ruins, or caves. We can go digging for 'sand roses' which are really pretty rocks that form underground, usually in salt flats and such places where they harden into these very kewl shapes, total fractals. Maybe do some rock climbing/repelling. We may go to the beach for a bar b q and paly volleyball or soccer, some of us will be fishing or waterskiing and jet skiing.
I mean, to me, life is all right. the things that annoy me here are stuff like:
checkpoints, these are now necessary since we had the bombings. They are all over, especially the expatriot compounds, they have tanks and netting and big machine guns everywhere. It does help though allay our fears, so it is all right.
There are two types. There is the army/national guard which guard the compounds and then there are the police that are just everywhere else. The police are annoying because they are usually not educated and don't really have a set of rules to follow, other than 'let me see your id, let me check your trunk.' That is not the problem. the problem is when one of these guys is bored and in the sun all day and grumpy and decides it is you he doesn't like. Not a big deal, but he will hassel you, who are you who is that with you? your wife? can you prove it? where is your marriage license? (who the hell carries that around?). Anyway, these idiots skimper away as soon as you push back, but a lot of people do not. It is just their own issues with their own life they are trying to get out, but damn it not on me. I used to HATE gov't offices, but now I just don't like them. They have gotten a MILLION times better and some of the BS you have to go through has been cut out, but still, there is just no reasoning behind it sometimes. a case in point is, we are trying to get my mother in law over here right now and it has taken the powers that be four months and they still are not done processing the papers. There is a problem with my mother in law coming, her passport expired 20 some odd years ago, so they are trying to find out who she is, but FOUR MONTHS?!? come on....
so... stuff like that. I am not hassled by any religious police cuz I tell them to shut up. When it is someone real, like a police officer I am cordial and such and usually things go smoothly and quickly, but when someone ma 3ndu salfah (that means has no reason) then I tell him F*#@ off. They don't like that, but they can't do much really especially now a days more and more.
Something extremely horrible here is there is no consumer protection. Basically, you pay and that is it. If it doesn't work or what have you you gotta FIGHT to get your money back. real pain in the arse. I think the biggest social problem is people don't have outlets. I mean kids cannot date, cannot mix socially, or any of that stuff officially or publicly. There is a HUGE underground movement of social life, but the problem is it is illegal and thus a 'problem' that the gov't tries to fix. They are not succeeding nor are they failing, kind of a stand still so to speak. Causes lots of stress basically for the elders in the families and malcontent and rebelliousness in the younger generation. People flock to Bahrain daily to go drinking and partying. There is a growing drug problem here as well, that is sort of at a stalemate, if not being lost by the gov't.
With all the bad stuff that goes on here, crime is VERY low. I don't hear about families killing their daughters for 'exposing' themselves, but you do hear it like once in a blue moon. In fact we usually hear it on CNN or something like that as they don't show that on the news here.
ahh... the news here is HORRIBLE. but in the last year it has also improved so much, there is a lot of good newpapers, but the tv news sucks. the papers are improving a lot and a lot of negative comments toward the gov't are printed regularly now.
There are lots of discussions going on on how to improve our society, there are lots of discussions on the issues of why Islam is portrayed the way it is. A lot of people realize the hatred that comes from the Sheikhs and Imams (I want to be clear that of the THOUSANDS and thousands that we have only a minority are really hate preachers.) needs to be stopped. I personally go to prayer on fridays (like church on sundays) for prayer AFTER the Imam spoke.... I would hate to hear him just say stupid stuff. I could see people next to me just getting depressed listening to the guy.... anyway, he is gone now.
gosh, I kinda rambled, but really life is not that bad here.... yes the summers are HOT (avg 115 to 120 F) but from Nov to maybe april we have the BEST weather.... it is SOOO nice what the hell am I doing inside?
Some of my friends who are not so well off, don't seem to be different from me..... people who grew up here their whole lives and lived here their lives.... of course, there are bad apples everywhere, but I do believe they are the minority. Any hate speech that stuck and took root, it did so in a small percentage of the population as opposed to the larger number that people seem to think of. This is not to belittle the seriousness of the situation here at all but rather, try and put it in perspective to what you think you know or believe...