Pax I have to get ready for a 12 hour shift.. but briefly. I think that the Indian Act is outdated and ought to be thrown out in its entirety. I don't agree with native first class citizenry at all with rights above and beyond the rest of the country. I don't give a dam if the idea is too radical.
Official bilingualism is a waste. Putting signs up in BC that include a French translation is a waste of taxpayers cash. Maybe you could get the French to get rid of their Nazi language police?
We spend less in federal bureaucracies than we did in the 50's. At least Paul Martin made that claim recently on CBC. How many more food inspectors and other essential oversight should we cut into?
That sounds like bullshit to me.
Subsidies to biz should be cut. But again not relevant to your socialistic fears. In fact to the contrary.
How so?
The minimum income idea was one to streamline existing programs and bureaucracies. It would have one program covering what are now done by everything from welfare to cpp to UI ect... And again was bare bones income support for people who couldnt work and likely even more bare for those who wouldnt like it is in welfare right now. Our premier is a neo con and not a socialist... last I hear heard he was a member of the conservative party.
Hmm, I think you are getting confused or something. The Prime Minister that recently left office in Ottawa proposed a guaranteed income scheme it was only the stanch opposition to the idea that it was not pursued.
The Net debt has been reduced somewhat but not enough but overall increased dramatically over the last 10 years under the federal liberals.
Trudeau a left wing socialist? By rhetoric maybe on a handful of issues but in life? He inherited from his families large business of gas retailing. He opposed medicare like the other liberals of his time who only adopted it as the NDP was about to win the election.
The debt was incurred not by Trudean but largely by Mulroney. And virtually all by his bad management of the bank of canada where skyrocketing % rates accounted for 44% of the debt alone. When everywhere else the rates were much lower by the mid to late 80's. Thank to John Crowe and his insane 0% inflation theory he experimented with the country's economy he non only pilled on interest payments but damaged the economy for nearly 10 years keeping it from growing...
This is inaccurate. Trudeau created the federal bureaucracies. The Mulroney government inherited them and didn't have the guts to cut the spending incurred by Trudeau. The bureaucracies simply have grown just like they are still doing just like Canada's net debt has. The debt is a serious problem and expense. Mulroney being one of them "red conservatives" created the GST and did nothing to curb the spending at all. The one good thing that his government did though was sign NAFTA. Canada's economy did fairly well in the mid to late 90's. I do think that inflation would have prolonged any sort of economic recovery we had.
So we have 2 things debt load of gdp rapidly dropping and actual debt is dropping in dollar terms. Very low (too low) business taxes. Effective 3% federal and 1% provincial. Health care most New Brunswickers couldnt possibly afford if it was privatised... where else can we cut ?
The greatest reason presently why our debt load would be dropping presently is mainly because of a higher dollar. But that is a double edged blade putting more pricing pressure on exports. Thankfully we can sell across the boarder to our friends in the US with relatively little to worry about in terms of tariffs (thanks to NAFTA.) their economy seems to be rapidly improving under the Bush administration.(Thanks to his tax cuts.) I am not really addressing provincial politics here Pax, but I would suggest that there is indeed money to be saved on the provincial side of things as well, just not as much as the federal.
But we do have high middle class taxes... talked to my cousin dentist who made 530 000$ last year. He wined about the 70 000 in taxes he had to pay last year... yea like the issue is the taxes he pays and not the insane premiums and cost of care we can barely afford for dental now.
70 000 in income taxes, then another 18% worth of sales tax, gas tax, property tax, SIN tax on and on. Lol, I think he paid more then his share towards your health care provider paycheck.
Canada has no collectivist model at any level so I dont know where you are getting that. We have bare income supports which mostly help single moms and the ill and handicapped. Most of the program cuts you support arent realistic. Most of the cuts that could be made have already been made. Gov hasnt expanded next to the economy in a long time now.
I am saying that it could slide into it even more so then it is. I would agree though we are "behind" in redistributionism compared to what is going on in Europe and for that I am thankful. But too say that socialized health care is not a collectivist ideal is absurd. Never mind all of the other universal welfare type programs.
The only time that heppne was when the gov absorbed the health care system back the 60's and 70's.
Pax, the net debt increased in the 60's and 70's, it was late in Trudeau's rein when he became more and more of a big spender when Canada had the increase in debt. Particularly from 1977 – 1984 long after health care was in place.
Bureaucracies grow whether they need to or not.