So, we know the lag-minimising effects of using analog audio outputs vs. audio-over-HDMI, but do we have anyone here with insight into how (if possible) audio lag could be reduced through software tweaks?
I seem to recall that originally a Ubisoft guy said they had no plans for an X1/PS4 version due to there not being any analogue audio options, and that it would take considerable coding effort to provide an acceptable experience over HDMI. This implies that there are possible software fixes.
Ubisoft are now releasing that HDMI-only version of Rocksmith, so what has changed? Have they worked out how to sample from the Realtone cable faster, i.e. is the lag reduction at the input end rather than output?
What kind of encoding/decoding is needed at either end of an HDMI signal, and are there transfer formats that require different levels of processing before the audio is usable?
I'd love to upgrade my 360 copy to X1, but using a component+stereo cable currently produces only just acceptable lag. More would not be useable IMO.