It isn't damning at all. Anyone who has ever been in the service of an administration has towed the political line, even if it conflicted completely with their stance before joining the administration, or afterward. John Snow ring a bell, as I mentioned earlier?
However, this is something from Clarke today that I highly respect, and another thing that you won't get from active politicians or other government officials of any stripe:
Richard Clarke said:
"Your government failed you, those entrusted with protecting you failed you and I failed you. We tried hard, but that doesn't matter because we failed you. And for that failure, I would ask, once all the facts are out, for your understanding and for your forgiveness."
Tar and feather the man all you like. But I can respect someone that owns up to their mistakes and tries to bring them
all, no matter who else was involved, to light.
It was Condoleeza Rice who in 2002 stated that there was no way anyone could have predicted that terrorists would hijack and subsequently fly planes into buildings, turning them effectively into missiles. It appears that she missed the FBI briefing from 1992 that stated this as a possible form of attack. Now, she may simply have not read up on it when she made that statement. But it's obvious that things could have been done. And then there are the problems where data was coming in from all over the nation in FBI offices regarding terrorist activities in flight schools, as well as an unprecedented level of "chatter" in the months leading to 9/11.
Those that believe that nothing could have been done to prevent 9/11, or any other terrorist attack for that matter, and thus we shouldn't sift through the events with a fine toothed comb in order to figure out where the mistakes were made, what happened, and why, are fooling themselves imo.