Revolution Tech Details Emerge ( Xbox1+ performance, 128 MB RAM )

So did everyone forget that Iwata and Merrick said that Revolution games will look pretty much the same as PS3 and 360 games on a SDTV? This "article" is crap. It sounds like someone got confused and thought that since Nintendo is having them develop using GC kits right now that the Rev is only as powerful as a GC.
mckmas8808 said:
Sorry I don't understand your post pc999. Can you explain more please?

200$ (in the core system) + the price of the memory card (at least one) those prices should be tied everytime.
mckmas8808 said:
Please Joe stop the crap. If you think the 360 Core can be $200 next holiday season, then you should acknowledge that it is possible for the PS3 to launch at $300.

Why ?

The xbox 360 would have been produced for a much longer time period than the ps3 .

Hell the ps3 may not even be out in all markets by next holiday or it may havej ust been released to all markets by next holiday .

THe likely hood of the xbox 360 core being 200$ is much greater than the ps3 launching at 300$
Teasy said:
There really aren't any specs there. The only actual spec we can see rumoured here is amount of main ram. But we can't really put too much stock in that right now considering most developers out there are using the very first Revolution dev kit (a modified GameCube with more ram) and even the lucky few are still using incomplete kits.

Certainly there are no exact specs (other than RAM) in the unsubstantiated article (I just want to point it out again that this is just rumor so far) but it seems fairly clear from it as to the ballpark performance level we can expect.....not much more than Xbox1.

Now what I don't understand, is how something that was claimed to be 3x GCN is "not much more than Xbox1". That is something that seems inconsistent to me but I might have glossed over the article too quickly.
Guden Oden said:
They SOLD a pad first merely because they had their console out already and Nintendo had not, but Nintendo had at that point been working with analog sticks for years, all through the creation of Mario64, so they weren't first from that sense. Tacking on a crappy analog stick (rotating ball design sucked) onto nights for some on-rails flying sillyness doesn't count as being first...

Nights was a truly superb game, and that pad was the predecessor to DC, Xbox and, yes, GC pads. And sega had been working with analogue sticks and force feeback for over a decade and long before Nintendo. It was my understanding that the N64 hit Japan a few days before Sega's 3D controller giving them the crown, but either way it doesn't matter.

I don't think anyone deserves credit for "inventing" analogue pads. It would've happened with or without Nintendo OR Sega bringing products out because in the end it's a logical extension of what existing game control devices did. Sony would've got their sooner or later without both of their competitors going first.

Lots of people have experimented with various forms of motion sensing game controllers, all of which have failed or been niche products in the first place, but Nintendo deserve credit for trying make a new type of controller mainstream.
jvd said:
even while loosing market share they made more money on thier console than either ms or sony .

So they don't have a thing to worry about untill they stop making profits .
Except that we never see just what kind of profits they have from their home console division.All we get is what the whole company is making and that includes a handheld monopoly( was a monopoly a few months ago).

Nintendo has been loosing aprox. 40% of its userbase with every new console generation and that is not a good thing AT ALL despite the profits they generate from their handheld division.They have critical mass as far as home consoles go and they really must reverse the trend that has been going on for almost 15 years(the trend of losing marketshare that is).
maybe it is that Revolution has 3 times higher raw specifications compared to Gamecube but comparable performance to Xbox. maybe not

how about 3 times higher raw specifications than Gamecube and noticably better than Xbox ?

we need more details.
mckmas8808 said:
Please Joe stop the crap.
Didn't we have, not long ago, a discussion about being polite with the people you're discussing with? Please, try to argue other people's point without categorizing it by a pejorative adjective.
Well, you can use a pejorative adjective, but it would be better if it was chosen more tactfully, you know. ;)
as I said in my OP, the way I am looking at Revolution's core specifications (as well as the unique control methods) is, this is the 'Dolphin' that we should have had, but did not get when Gamecube was revealed in August 2000.

Dolphin was originally rumored / reported to have

*a more powerful CPU than Emotion Engine in every area
*more main system memory (32 to 64 MB)
*more embedded GPU memory (at least 8 MB)
*more graphics horsepower than PS2 not just higher quality graphics.
*sensory controllers

from the original reported Dolphin capabilities, what emerged was a less powerful Gamecube. then even these lower Gamecube specs got cut back before release (GPU clockspeed, bandwidth). the final Gamecube was basicly
less than Dolphin and it seems Revolution will be Dolphin+ that's just my way of looking at it.

Nintendo seems content making a very powerful current-gen console with a next-generation controller interface. that's about as positive a 'spin' as I can put on it.
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Vysez said:
Didn't we have, not long ago, a discussion about being polite with the people you're discussing with? Please, try to argue other people's point without categorizing it by a pejorative adjective.
Well, you can use a pejorative adjective, but it would be better if it was chosen more tactfully, you know. ;)

You're right Vysez, my fault. It's just that some people know what to say to push my buttons. To me why would MS want to sell the core pack 360 for $199? Don't they actually care about profits? I can see the console being sold for $249 next year but a $100 drop in price in 12 months is quite stupid for MS to do imo. If they do drop the price to $199 next Christmas then what's stopping them from dropping the price to $149 for Christmas 2007 and $99 for Christmas 2008?
I just noticed that somehow these developers are able to judge the power of the Revolution without knowing much about the GPU. Hmm. :???:
Branduil said:
I just noticed that somehow these developers are able to judge the power of the Revolution without knowing much about the GPU. Hmm. :???:

Notice what I posted a few post back. It's coming from offical documentation. Changes can happen, but for right now these guesstamations are true.

Matt from IGN said:
That said, devs do have official documentation and it has been directly quoted to me over the phone.
MS isn't going to cut the price of any product they sell unless the market dictates they have to. it's not going to happen until after this hardware shortage is resolved, and that's looking like 2nd quarter 2006 by the looks of things at this point. and even then, why wouldn't they wait it out until ps3/rev are launched to drop the price? or keep the price the same and bundle a game, extra controller, ect instead.

microsoft wants this generation of hardware to actualy make money. they aren't messing around this time. otherwise, they wouldn't be selling $40 video cables and $50 controllers.
mckmas8808 said:
You're right Vysez, my fault. It's just that some people know what to say to push my buttons. To me why would MS want to sell the core pack 360 for $199? Don't they actually care about profits? I can see the console being sold for $249 next year but a $100 drop in price in 12 months is quite stupid for MS to do imo. If they do drop the price to $199 next Christmas then what's stopping them from dropping the price to $149 for Christmas 2007 and $99 for Christmas 2008?
I believe he gave it a range of $200 - $250. Thus, he was not saying it would sell for $200. He was trying to hit the most likely range, and I think he hit it. Remember that the Core system's purpose is to be as cheap and casual-friendly as possible. $250 within a year is darn close to a given. $200 is probably further than they're willing to go, but who knows? If they can get production costs under control, a $200 Core system could be close to breaking even and netting them much more sales.

Anyway, this's getting kind of off topic...

If Hollywood is along the lines of the R5XX series, or even the R4XX series with a decent processor, it should deliver some nice looking visuals for most games. If you can get some decent textures, and some decent effects that should cover it pretty well.
!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
John Carmak sucks, i stoped lissening to his bull shit when he started to complain about multiple core cpu's and how hard they are to program. He should shut the hell up and do what every PS2 dev did......just get on with it and learn.

Um, you might want to realize that Carmack is the only developer to actually SHIP a multi-processor game. He's dealt with the sync issues, etc. Anyone that thinks that multi-threaded programming is easy is an idiot. It is a significant step function from uni-thread programming. But developers will have to adapt, cause us hardware designers are tired of doing all the heavy lifting for the software developers. The issue is how difficult people like me, the hardware designers, are going to make it on devs.
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Megadrive1988 said:
as I said in my OP, the way I am looking at Revolution's core specifications (as well as the unique control methods) is, this is the 'Dolphin' that we should have had, but did not get when Gamecube was revealed in August 2000.

Dolphin was originally rumored / reported to have

*a more powerful CPU than Emotion Engine in every area
*more main system memory (32 to 64 MB)
*more embedded GPU memory (at least 8 MB)
*more graphics horsepower than PS2 not just higher quality graphics.
*sensory controllers

Nintendo seems content making a very powerful current-gen console with a next-generation controller interface. that's about as positive a 'spin' as I can put on it.

I would tend to doubt that.

PS2 is likely the last thing they are targeting for performance. My Guess is it has a 2ghz processor of some kind, and a 8-16 pipe SM2 or SM3 derivative GPU. Which would make it quite a bit more powerful that the Xbox or PS2 as far as what you can see on the screen.
mckmas8808 said:
If they do drop the price to $199 next Christmas then what's stopping them from dropping the price to $149 for Christmas 2007 and $99 for Christmas 2008?
Say they do that, what do you see as an end result? Huge gains in marketshare, that's what I see, maybe MS sees this too. It may not be too far-fetched, I wouldn't bet on it, $250 is the safe bet, but I wouldn't be totally shocked to see them do an aggressive move like this. The timing would be impecable with PS3's more than likely being sold out at the time.

As for revolution, they're kinda discounting the GPU aren't they?
scooby_dooby said:
Say they do that, what do you see as an end result? Huge gains in marketshare, that's what I see, maybe MS sees this too. It may not be too far-fetched, I wouldn't bet on it, $250 is the safe bet, but I wouldn't be totally shocked to see them do an aggressive move like this. The timing would be impecable with PS3's more than likely being sold out at the time.

The last I heard from MS themselves they were actually trying to make money off the Xbox 360 this time around. I don't see them doing that with a console that is very close to the PS3 in technology but half the price.
boltneck said:
I would tend to doubt that.

PS2 is likely the last thing they are targeting for performance. My Guess is it has a 2ghz processor of some kind, and a 8-16 pipe SM2 or SM3 derivative GPU. Which would make it quite a bit more powerful that the Xbox or PS2 as far as what you can see on the screen.

don't get me wrong, Revolution is going to be alot more powerful than PS2. my point was, Nintendo was targeting PS2+ specs with Dolphin but these specs got cut back a few times by the time the final Gamecube arrived.

Revolution should make PS2 look primative, even without coming close to Xbox360 and PS3.