Resitance Fall Of Man First Look Article + Gameplay Video

Seriously though, the screenshots that people pick that impress them with a certain game can be very telling. They are more about the tasteful use of lighting than anything else. I think therefore that a lot of people might for instance like the section of FoM I saw in one of the later gameplay videos in the Church, where sunlight is falling into the church and a large, furry alien/hog hybrid walks into that sunlight and is lit-up nicely.
Can you link directly to that vid please? I grab a few vids here and there, and they're always dark and brown with slimy aliens. Haven't seen any fuzzy ones.
Nor have I. I'd like to see these fuzzy mongrels. Fur is a good way to impress. Like water was 5 years ago.

Well, the video quality isn't big enough to make out whether we're going to be impressed. But I was more interested in the fact that it was a monster I hadn't seen. ;)

Anyway, go to and then watch Resistance: FoM Cathedral Co-Op 2. (That video is nicer than the more recent one that was put on there just a few hours ago, but which does show the monster also)
pointless discussing this with u scobby dobby, youre just upset that the game youve hyped up for ages 'GOW' is surpassed by a ps3 lanch title, oh well cant win em all, theres still halo3.

Not that i disagree too much, but the comparison you make is not very fair. GoW is a totally different game imo. With 2nd person cam and (as you wrote) more corridor like gameplay while Resistance is more open range so the focus of graphical detail is a little bit shifted with these games and makes them less comparable...

But you are right in some respects Resistance looks even better :)
Anyway, go to and then watch Resistance: FoM Cathedral Co-Op 2. (That video is nicer than the more recent one that was put on there just a few hours ago, but which does show the monster also)
Thanks for the link. However, it left me disappointed. Everything's still brown and I was neither overawed with the lighting or animation. The gameplay looks like SW:Battlefronts - a blast fest, which are fun in their own way but quite different from other FPS. And I don't get the different weapons at all. In this game there's a big white rectangle, little white shots that group into a swarm and then buzz around, shotguns and standard shooters. I can't help but feel they all do the same job on the whole, and in a complicated way.

It doesn't appeal to me.
Thanks for the link. However, it left me disappointed. Everything's still brown and I was neither overawed with the lighting or animation. The gameplay looks like SW:Battlefronts - a blast fest, which are fun in their own way but quite different from other FPS. And I don't get the different weapons at all. In this game there's a big white rectangle, little white shots that group into a swarm and then buzz around, shotguns and standard shooters. I can't help but feel they all do the same job on the whole, and in a complicated way.

I take it you also have no experience whatsoever with any Ratchett and Clank games? (which has my favorite powerup, magnetic boots that allow you to walk on walls and ceilings)

If there's one thing these guys are good at, it is designing weapons and strategy. For instance, the 'big white rectangle' is actually a shield that only looks white when it's being hit, otherwise it's transparent/green beehive like. I think the little shots that group into a swarm are the ones which you can set out a path for, which they then follow until they reach the final marker. Nearly all weapon have primary and secondary features, like the rocket that they described which you can cause to hover in mid-air, then resume its path, or split into several smaller rockets, hover those in mid-air, and resume their path, etc. The other weapon we heard about is one that is relatively slow but goes through nearly all mass, some faster, some slower.

When it comes to designing weapons, these guys are often off the map. Of course, they have some stiff competition from Halo 2, but I wouldn't at this point like to predict which one has the edge.

It doesn't appeal to me.

Fair's fair, there's no accounting for tastes. Did you also watch the (hi-res version of the) Resistance: Fall of Man 1UP preview? (9:41)

Mind you, I have a strong feeling we have seen very little of this game still, as the 1up reviewers also indicate. But I personally like what I see so far.
I take it you also have no experience whatsoever with any Ratchett and Clank games?
Nope :oops:. I keep meaning to check them out at some point, but I don't have much time for gaming these days.

For instance, the 'big white rectangle' is actually a shield that only looks white when it's being hit, otherwise it's transparent/green beehive like. I think the little shots that group into a swarm are the ones which you can set out a path for, which they then follow until they reach the final marker.
I understand they have different abilities. What I don't understand is why you'd use them. In the example footage the players seem to switch weapons willy-nilly, rather than tactically to solve a problem. The waypoint weapon would be great for ducking behind cover and shooting round corners to hit entrenched monsters...but that wasn't what was happening. Now it may well be that the footage wasn't indicative of the gameplay, and with God mode enabled the player just ran around showing things off without showing what the real gameplay was like. That's not going to sell me on the gameplay though!
1up Preview

Really encouraging preview, with some nice new screens to boot!



After our time in multiplayer land, we had a chance to check out some of the game's new single-player missions, and it was at that point we realized just how massive a game this is. It's extremely rare to have a title that excels in both single-player and multiplayer -- especially a launch title -- but from what we witnessed, Resistance has a great chance to be that game.
The more I hear about this game the more excited I'm getting...

It may not be the most impressive looking game, but I have no doubts there will be points that will be very impressive. It is an Insomniac game, so no doubt it'll look above average at least, and be quite a bit of fun (I'm quite excited to play with all the weapons and 40 person multiplayer with all those weapons sounds like it could be an absolute blast). The game could look below average and I'd still be excited, because of it being from Insomniac.

From the screens I've seen, I'd have to agree with Scooby, it isn't the most impressive thing around, and going from a graphics perspective alone I'd say there isn't much to get excited about (based on most of the released screens, that is). But, if you take into account who the game is from... it's pretty easy to get excited, and anyone that's played the Ratchet & Clank games should know that.

Day 1 purchase for sure.
pointless discussing this with u scobby dobby, youre just upset that the game youve hyped up for ages 'GOW' is surpassed by a ps3 lanch title, oh well cant win em all, theres still halo3.

Or, conversely, you're building up a game to be much better than it really is because it's the best PS3 title in 2006 and its no better than CoD, much less GoW.

Personal attacks sure are easy when based on abolsutlely nothing aren't they? Let's stick to the facts ok?
The trees are the most interesting part shown so far. They look very procedural. I wonder if they're being created in game, or loaded off disc (5 GB for just lots of trees!)

Something is not quite right when you walk into a monster-infested area and the only thing you pay attention to is "trees".

Them monsters better be good in AI and other interaction at the normal or higher difficulty levels because it seems they don't carry enough weight visually based on the screens/clips so far.

We will have to fight them to find out how well they make their presence felt in the levels.
OTOH, the NPCs seems quite effective in group combat.
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Was watching some more videos on of resistance. The one where the player was using a shotgun. He shot one of those menials (the ones that attack you up close) in the chest or upper torso and he flew backwards on his back, and he shot another at the legs and he fell face forward on the ground. Not sure how many games actually do those type of physics but I thought that was kinda cool.

It's been said a number of times that the game doesn't look "great". I've said it myself. It must be that they don't have and effects that really pop off the screen.

Perhaps it's the lighting. A richer lighting model would (uh oh) cast anew light (ugh. sorry) on the game's assets. Assets which are themselves pretty damn good but just seem to drown in brown.

There was talk lateley of "new lighting" goin in. Do you think we are seeing that already or is the new lighting something we have yet to see?

This TGS wait is starting to get uncomfortable.
Ha ha... relax. In my view, Halo aliens do not look imposing or terrifying either. FoM is doing fine, I just think that for similar amount of work, they can be more impactful with better alien designs and color schemes (i.e., art direction). The lighting, smoothness, landscape and physics are good/great enough :)
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I have a sneaky feeling that this game is gonna score higher then what everyone ( Includudeing me ) thinks it will.
Ha ha... relax. In my view, Halo aliens do not look imposing or terrifying either. FoM is doing fine, I just think that for similar amount of work, they can be more impactful with better alien designs and color schemes (i.e., art direction). The lighting, smoothness, landscape and physics are good/great enough :)

FIrst of all, "Halo aliens do not look imposing or terrying" is an understatement. Go dig up a pic of Marathon and note how the sprite-based aliens look alot like something you would have scribbled on tee back of your notebook when you where 12. Then note their striking resemblance to Halo aliens. Then just have a laugh.

The monster design in Resistance is leaving alot of people unimpressed and rightfully so. The more I look at that main monster, the more I see that insomniac DNA in the design. Truth be told, for all their talent, their character design has been mediocre as long as I rememebr all the way back to Disruptor. They've had couple standouts but for the most part their characters are just innofensive. Seems like the need to design realistic characters here in Resistance has brought that into focus.

The chimera footsoldier that we have seen the most of is boring. I can only hope that Insomniac can get to doing what they do and impart them with some real character via writing, voice, and scripts.