Resitance Fall Of Man First Look Article + Gameplay Video

I don't understand the hype at all for the GFX in this game. If GOW and HS are 9/10 for next gen graphics, this is like a 7 at best. It looks on par with stuff liike COD3, and worse than stuff like BIA: HH or Rainbow Six Vegas. Very very average in imo.

Well their goal is still 1080p. Rumor is that they will meet it.

Compared to GOW, If both games were at 780p with no-AA, GOW would certainly be the more technically impressive game. But if they ship at 1080p and it still looks as good as it does now (keeping AA and everything), it would be very impressive technically.

And for the few of use with screens that can support 1080p, possibly even more aesthetically pleasing than a GOW with no-AA at 780p.
I don't understand the hype at all for the GFX in this game. If GOW and HS are 9/10 for next gen graphics, this is like a 7 at best. It looks on par with stuff liike COD3, and worse than stuff like BIA: HH or Rainbow Six Vegas. Very very average in imo.

It took me awhile to warm up to it. At first I was firmly against the art/setting. I mean... WW2 and aliens? How transparent is that? Obvious attempt to appeal to the masses.

Buuuuut Insomniac are one of those houses that's just supernaturally good so when this latest wave of buzz started happenning I gave it a closer look and I now am starting to find the game very impressive. In particular, the physics and particles. The physics are imlplemented with subtlety. The smoke and fire are awesome. And then the engine seems not to care how much of these effects are going on at once. It makes the world seem really persistant and believable. Throw in the apparent scale, the nice animation, and the details. There's a pic where you see the backs of several soldiers and they are all carrying differnt gear. Nice.

Overall it's been really growing on me and I have a feeling that it'll really impress once it's in the home. And course, if all this runs in hi res (as in 1080p hi res) taht really kind of puts it on another level, technically.

I can't shake the feeling that this project was started with the idea that it would have to duke with Halo 3. Hence the sort of generic artstlye. That's a big responsibility for Insomniac. If that is true, then they must be pleased that their game won't have to launch in the shadow. Gears is obviously hyped up but it's kid's gloves compared the the Halo train.
The game could ship in 720p and I'd still be happy with the graphics. The attention to detail is probably what gets me the most. The debree scattered throughout the streets, the alien architechture taking over the human structures, the individually modeled tree branches (speed tree iirc), the mech-widowmaker raising one leg on higher ground of a wall while the others seem realistically planted on the lower street, the puff of smoke explosions that occur pretty much randomly, the physics on the pipe/cord on a few of the weapons that swing/sway realistically, the animations of the running soldiers and weapon reloads, the audio of fellow fighters is noted to be non repetitive, actually making the 6 axis controller seem more useful etc.

Anyways I could go on an on about the small details that give the game a bigger effect. Its not just graphics that seem important to me. The story seems to be a nice change from WWII shooters and Alien shooters pretty much mixing the two. The weapons have that 'insomniac games' feeling with a variety of choices (not to mention 2ndary fire modes which i loved about ut). The multiplayer seems to be just as important as the single player with clan support, 40 player servers, the modes to choose from, large number of maps, ranks of skill progression (60+ iirc), etc. I suppose you just like it or you dont, but imo I can't wait to sit down with this one. Glad I got it pre-ordered. :)
I don't understand the hype at all for the GFX in this game. If GOW and HS are 9/10 for next gen graphics, this is like a 7 at best. It looks on par with stuff liike COD3, and worse than stuff like BIA: HH or Rainbow Six Vegas. Very very average in imo.
um how can this be graphically 9/10
yet this is only 7/10

perhaps u meant the other way around?
I'm in love with the blood splatter in Gears. Somthing about it looks just awesome. And I'm in love with the smoke in Resistance. I love them both. To choose....

I choose the blood. =)
I pay very little attention to any shots that don't have a HUD. Real-Time Custcenes, replays or photomode type shots are a good notch above actual gameplay in graphical terms generally. The resistance shot being discussed seemed like a quality jump from most of the in-game stuff I have seen (IMHO)
For promotional material, HUDs are often turned off. Relying on a HUD to tell you the shot is in game isn't safe. PR shots can also move cameras to unrealistic positions to get dynamic shots. It's possible for something like the referenced pic to have happened in game, and the PR people feeze the action, move the camera in, and take a picture to show the 'deep emotional suffering of the poor struggling humans.'

As for cutscenes, yes they can often be extra quality and shouldn't be viewed as the actual in-game graphics, but for this referenced screenshot I don't think it makes a difference. It looks very in-engine. There's nothing super special about it. The only questionable bit I can see is the AA, which is the norm for PR shots and you get those on in-game HUD-containing shots too.

For the game visuals, what really strikes me at the moment is how dull they are. Not just the colour scheme, which is probably quite realisitic and certainly cinematic, but the fact there's only one type of soldier and one type of alien on view. It looks like 20 hours or whatever of running around the same brown town (with 20GB of individually textured brown buildings and brown roads) shooting the same brown aliens with a collection of interestingly dark-grey guns. That's probably quite normal for shooters though. I guess GOW is about the same, just set in a sci-fi. Maybe that's why I stick to fantasies where ever level is a totally new world with new environment and creatures? :D
Anyone posted this yet? Thanks to TTP on GAF:


Nice to see some BLOOD.

(I'm looking at you, HS, though there is a 17+ warning on the site now I believe... ::crosses fingers::)

Oh spoken like teh mature gamer...
For the game visuals, what really strikes me at the moment is how dull they are. Not just the colour scheme, which is probably quite realisitic and certainly cinematic, but the fact there's only one type of soldier and one type of alien on view. It looks like 20 hours or whatever of running around the same brown town (with 20GB of individually textured brown buildings and brown roads) shooting the same brown aliens with a collection of interestingly dark-grey guns. That's probably quite normal for shooters though. I guess GOW is about the same, just set in a sci-fi. Maybe that's why I stick to fantasies where ever level is a totally new world with new environment and creatures? :D
yes i somewhat agree ( i want games to have more color, throw realism out the window, give me beauty )
though if u look here it doesnt look like earth (so maybe thats the second part attack the aliens base)

perhaps the color scheme is like the matrix film, warm browns for the humans (reality) + dull blue for the alien stuff
Is'nt the game based in the UK?

Nope. Not anymore. The Chimera got wind of the offroad park and junior colledge girls and drunk driving leniancy. They just kinda jumped into their Ford F150 dualies and headed for sunny Livermore where the rent is low and so are the standards for conduct in public. Theyz cowboys now. The human resistance has no choice but to take them on on their own turf. The good news is that Europe can now resume doing whatever they hell they were doing previusly, unmolested. The other good news is taht noone gives a rat's about Livermore anyhow. So the game is actually better for it.

Great selection of screens there Zed, how long did it take you to create that ridiculously skewed comparison? :rolleyes:

There's a thread right on the first page of this forum with full res GOW pics you could easily have linked too, any reason you ignored those and sought out downscaled, blurry, compressed pictures instead?


is far more impressive than this:
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Too early to tell. Why don't we just wait for them to release first ? To me, both games have strength in different areas (including graphics). From the way things pan out, it seem that they will do well.
Great selection of screens there Zed, how long did it take you to create that ridiculously skewed comparison? :rolleyes:

There's a thread right on the first page of this forum with full res GOW pics you could easily have linked too, any reason you ignored those and sought out downscaled, blurry, compressed pictures instead?


is far more impressive than this:

Scoob now you have posted a bad R:FOM shot there aswel....
I don't think Zed was trying to maliciously pic bad screens.

I thought the picks were fair. I don't think the pic you posted represents the game any better or worse.

I understand the resistance pic you dug up is trying to prove your point but I think really hurts it in the end.
Too early to tell. Why don't we just wait for them to release first ? To me, both games have strength in different areas (including graphics). From the way things pan out, it seem that they will do well.

Fine, I still don't understand the graphical hype for this game at this point in time.

And it seems to be mainly forum hype, not the press, I've seen very few gaming publications that have lauded this game for it's GFX.
I don't think Zed was trying to maliciously pic bad screens.

I thought the picks were fair. I don't think the pic you posted represents the game any better or worse.

I understand the resistance pic you dug up is trying to prove your point but I think really hurts it in the end.

The pic I "dug up" is one of the first ingame pics on the first page at IGN if you goto screenshots.

Here's the first 2 ingame shots, they're no better:
The pic I "dug up" is one of the first ingame pics on the first page at IGN if you goto screenshots.

Here's the first 2 ingame shots, they're no better:

They are indeed right on top. Appologies, I should have thougt before I accused you of anything. But it stands I think the pic was a below average representation of the game. The new leaked shots of the latest are notably better.
I don't know... after HS, I tend to want to see the games in action more before judging them. I did not really compare FoM and GoW, but if pressed... my impression is:


* Animates really well and smooth even in 1080 (I played it in E3 2006 briefly, but like I said I'm getting tired of FPS so I didn't really pay attention to it). Since then, they said they are going to add more effects (and may be retarget to 720p, don't know). There has been a steady improvement in visuals lately.

From the recent clips, the action is also more hectic than GoW. But I think people are really comparing FoM to Half-Life. That's why there is this feeling of "We have seen this before".

* A few of the latest images and clips showed me large areas, and a sense of scale in FoM. I have not played HL before (although I'm familiar with it), I don't know if there are large levels in HL. So far in GoW, I only saw enclosed areas.


* I really like GoW's art direction. It's more cinematic and dramatic. Because it has large characters and many many small details, it looks refined to me too. The color palette is more interesting than FoM (which appears dull colored so far, although the alien levels are more colorful). FoM is more subtle. I didn't notice the NPC soldiers are all carrying different equipements and bags until someone pointed it out (in one of the shots).

* I also noticed that GoW camera tend to be hi-to-low or level-off (in an enclosed area). So it may not need to draw far.

But like I said, I'm waiting for both games to be released. I care very little (if at all) for X/10 grading. IMHO, the current FoM and GoW hype are both well deserved. People are just interpreting the screens/clips differently (They see very different things in their minds).

Now that I have seen more of FoM, I hope for good AI in order to have a Halo-like experiences (or supercede it -- ;) ). As for GoW, I hope for a good story, and a responsive and more free gameplay.

Scooby, I just thought of something. The FoM background seems to show more variety of structures and skyline. The GoW ones I have seen are pretty detailed, but due to the camera angle, I don't remember seeing any skyline, varied landscape or large structures yet. Just want to say there are probably some grounds for the FoM engine hype.
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