Resistance: Fall of Man update! BIG READ , come inside!

Look at what Cliffy B. (maker of Gears of War) has to say about Resistence.

Even the man that made one of the best looking games in history has said these great things about Resistence. Honestly man this is a great great looking game. And I'm playing it in SD right now. :LOL:

HDTV playing should start sometime this week for me.

Interesting that the same Cliff. B gave Gears of War a 4/10...

Nice textures in Resistence.

These are not my pictures.

November 21, 2006 - Wondering why the online audio in Resistance: Fall of man works so well? Sony tapped VoiceAge Corporation to enhance the online audio. VoiceAge technology is said to "dramatically enhance voice communications" by allowing for greater clarity and a more dynamic range.
Very nice texturing. Exellent use of normal maps to add relief. The texture repetition isn't too obvious either, so in the game I doubt anyone would notice. It'd just seem like peely paintwork, before you have to run off before getting shot at!

Is there any explanation to how these textures fit in with the other screenies we've seen? Is this level a very enclosed space? Or is this detail of texturing something you wander up to in one of the town levels?
For those of you have have this game and play it on HDTV, can you give me your opinion on the graphics through 720p? I have this game, but I play it on standard TV and it doesn't really look all that next gen. I read some reviews saying that you need an HDTV to really see into the games visuals.

Are the graphics that much better?
Anyone else who beat it get the HL2 vibe from it towards the end? Seems like all these alien invasion games have the same Plotline (Halo, HL2, Resistance..etc)
Just finished the game about an hour ago, SO AWESOME. It might look more awesome towards the end, but it's the gameplay that is the most awesome of all.




I'm probably half way through. I'm taking my time and also I can only play in 1hr spurts.

Different areas of the game are so good and exhilirating. The "Cathedral" was awesome... such a rush and frantic fight!!

This game I have thoroughly enjoyed right up there with HL1 when it just came out.

I don't want to finish it until something else comes out, although multiplayer so far has been a lot of fun.
