Fall Of Man.mp4
Short little video showcasing a raining map with lots of explosions going off around you. 117MB, x264, 720x404
Thanks Dot50Cal for that video. :smile:
Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers. Fall Of Man.mp4
Short little video showcasing a raining map with lots of explosions going off around you. 117MB, x264, 720x404
Hey everyone, we've been hard at work here at Insomniac on improving the game, we've decided to let you in on some of the upcoming improvements! They're coming in two forms: a server-side update for ranked games, and a downloadable client-side update. Here's some of the things we'll be changing:
Server-side (ranked game) update:
* Map size determined by the number of players in the game
* All maps available for ranked games
* Score limits for team deathmatch adjusted based on the number of players in a match
* Time limits added for all game types that were missing them
Client-side (downloadable) update:
* Added a game option to allow "map voting", which will allow players in a custom game to vote on a new map from the results screen
* Expanded tactical element of squads. In objective based team games (CTF, Meltdown, Breach), players will be able to select to spawn near their squad as well as all the previously available spawn points. Additionally, squad members will be displayed different on the map/radar so that you will be able to find them easier
* We've been busy refining the balance between the Chimera and the Humans in order to make both races more fun to play, and to give players improved tactical options (you'll have to wait on the specifics)
* We've improved the spawning algorithm to prioritize spawn points that are away from enemies and near teammates and squadmates
* Wins/Losses are now displayed on the character sheet
* We have replaced the Skeleton skin with a new skin, the Mechanic. We've determined that the Skeleton is much smaller and more difficult to see on many levels than any of the other skins. The skins were never meant to give a gameplay advantage, but to offer you the chance to customize your character as you see fit, and we don't want people to be at a disadvantage because they didn't pick any one particular skin. Never fear, the skeleton may make a return at some later date, in some form or other.
Finally! A console game that offers map voting online. Haven't heard of this in other games? Or perhaps its not that amazing feature so nobody mentions it - but to me thats freaking great.
Indeed. The skeleton skin, while cool, scared the crap out of me the first time I saw it.interesting to see that they are changing some skins in Resistance though. that is a HUGE balance factor online. glad they took notice.
jstevenson said:The stuff we didn't reveal yet --- specifics on some of the balancing changes and team stuff are really cool too. I'm excited to share that info when I can.
Oh and patsu, I play just about every other night (if not, every day). I'll probably be setting up a team DM server tommorrow (well I guess that would be today, its 5:44am at the time of this post), I did a DM server tonight and had some great fun with some of the guys in the gaf clan.
Finally! A console game that offers map voting online. Haven't heard of this in other games? Or perhaps its not that amazing feature so nobody mentions it - but to me thats freaking great.
I still have to add some names to my list, but I'll get into the online play as soon as I beat the single-player campaign. Here are some screenshots:
Great patch, seems like everything I could think of and more was added/changed/fixed.Happy Holidays everyone! To celebrate, we've released the first update to Resistance: Fall of Man! Read further for specific details.
Ranked Games
* Map size determined by the number of players in the game
* All maps available for ranked games
* Score limits for team deathmatch adjusted based on the number of players in a match
* Time limits added for all game types that were missing them
* Various bug fixes and formatting issues
* Fixed a rare issue where a player would become invisible to all other players in a match
* In Human vs Human or Chimera vs Chimera team games, all players on a team will show up as the same model to help distinguish between the teams.
* Added a barrier on Manchester, which was previously left out, to prevent players from leaving the playable area.
Character Sheet
* “Return a Flag” ribbon now displays properly. All “Return a Flag” ribbons earned prior to this patch will be restored.
* “Multi Kill” ribbon will now be tracked. Unfortunately, no “Multi Kill” ribbons earned before this patch can be restored.
* “Target Bomber” ribbon can now be achieved with the frag grenade as well as the hedgehog grenade
* You will now receive a system message when you earn a new rank.
* A player’s rank will not be sometimes misrepresented as lower than it actually is.
* Wins/Losses are now displayed on the player stats.
* Changed the requirements to earn some of the medals on the character sheet.
* We have replaced the Skeleton skin with a new skin, the Mechanic. We've determined that the Skeleton is much smaller and more difficult to see on many levels than any of the other skins. The skins were never meant to give a gameplay advantage, but to offer you the chance to customize your character as you see fit, and we don't want people to be at a disadvantage because they didn't pick any one particular skin. Never fear, the skeleton may make a return at some later date, in some form or other.
* You can now accept a party invite if you are in a game and the party you are joining is in the same game.
* The results screen will now automatically rejoin the game after 30 seconds instead of disconnecting from the game as it previously did.
* There is now an option to enabled “Map Vote” for custom games. If this option is enabled, players may press triangle when they are on the results screen to vote on what map they wish to play next. This option is enabled by default.
* You can now create a deathmatch game with a time limit as the only end game condition.
* Fixed a bug where players joining a game in progress would sometimes be placed on the team that had more players instead of the team with less players.
Voice Chat
* Voice chat is now “push-to-talk” by default in team games as well as free-for-all games. The standard button is L3 and it can be remapped. Open mic is active only for squad chat when you choose to join a named squad. In that case you still use the push-to-talk button to broadcast to your entire team. Other places where open mic is active are when observing in a limited lives game and when you are in a party
* There is now an indicator in the lower right hand corner to let you know when you are transmitting on the microphone
* Players in a squad will now be given an additional option to spawn near their squad in CTF, Meltdown, and Breach.
* Player names that are longer than 11 characters will no longer be truncated if they have a clan tag enabled.
* The flag taken message will stay on the screen longer in CTF games
* Enemies are now represented as triangles on the radar and map.
* Buddies on your team will show up as green dots on the map and radar (if it is enabled)
* Squad members will show up as yellow dots on the map and radar (if it is enabled)
Balance and Tuning
* Chimeran rage damage multiplier has been reduced.
* Chimera at max heat will now only lose health until they are at 50% health instead of going all the way down to 1% health.
* Humans will now spawn with 1 frag grenade as well as the M5A2 Carbine
* Enemies will now show up on the Human map/radar if they are within radar range of ANYONE ON YOUR TEAM and only in the following circumstances: They are sprinting or in rage mode, they are firing/attacking, they are jumping, or they are within range of node radar (Breach)
* The L11-2 Dragon will now do extra damage to Chimeran players as was originally intended
* Most weapon damage values have been tweaked in the interest of balance. In general, weapons have been tweaked to deal slightly less damage.
* The spawn selection algorithm has been modified to make players spawn next to enemies less often, and to spawn near teammates and squadmates more often
* Moved the location of the flag in several CTF maps to help prevent stalemating
* Suicide will now increase the waiting time until a player respawns by 10 seconds in team games.
Great patch, seems like everything I could think of and more was added/changed/fixed.![]()
Cool, this is probably the first update to a PS3 game ever. I'll try it when I get home.
But do you update it from inside the game itself, or download some kind of patch from the PS Store?
Insomniac Games and Sony Computer Entertainment America have released the second content update for Resistance: Fall of Man. This update features two new modes of play amongst a host of other changes.
New Gametypes
- Added Team Conversion
In Team Conversion your goal is to kill everyone on the other team before they kill your team. Players are given a limited number of lives as a human and Chimera. If your team has at least one player with at least one life when the other team is completely dead, your team wins. You become a spectator when you have lost all your lives.
In Team Conversion mode, you are scored by how long you survived and how many other players you killed, like in free-for-all Conversion. However, the win goes to the last team with one or more players alive.
- Added Assault
Both teams start with a few nodes and all of the base defenses from Breach. To win, destroy the enemy reactor. When you deactivate an enemy node, it becomes permanently neutral, and your opponents lose some base defenses. At the start of the match, both reactors are shielded (invulnerable), so you must deactivate at least one of the enemy nodes. Nodes do not regenerate health in Assault, but they take substantially more damage than in other modes.
Individual players are scored based on damaging the enemy reactor and defending your reactor and nodes. Unlike other gametypes, players are also awarded points for damaging enemy nodes.
When you are killed, the map will appear. In an Assault match you can choose to respawn at nodes that have been deactivated as well as your team's reactor and active nodes, or with your squad if you are a member of one.
New Game Options
- Added "Round Balancing"
Round balancing can be set to either "on" or "off". It will default to "on". When round balancing is "on", if the number of players on each team is uneven at the end of the round, players will be moved from the team with too many players to the team with too few players to attempt to balance the teams. Parties will not be seperated, so it is not guaranteed to result in perfectly balanced teams. Round balancing is turned ON for ranked games.
- Added "enhanced" radar mode
"enhanced" radar is a new radar option. In custom games, the radar option can now be set to “on”, "off", and “enhanced”. In enhanced radar mode, human radar will show any enemies who are moving (not just sprinting/raging), jumping, or firing. Enemies who are crouching and moving will not show up on radar in "enhanced" mode.
Spectator mode
- Added "Spectator mode"
You may now join a game in "spectator mode", either by selecting "spectate" from the "Join Game" popup in the "Find Game" screen, or by bringing up your options menu from the "Staging" screen and changing your team until it says "Spectators". Games are limited to having 10 spectators, and there is a new game option "Allow Spectators" which defaults to "on" that may be turned off if the game creator does not want to allow spectators. Ranked matches do not allow spectators.
Spectator players will not be visible to anyone else in-game (although they will be visible in the staging screen), nor will they be able to talk to anyone except other spectators using the voice chat. Spectators can see all players on both teams on their radar. Spectators can toggle between two modes, "Observer" and "Free roam". In "Observer", spectator will see through the eyes of the player they are observing, including seeing the player's first person weapon and animations. Spectators can switch between observing different players with the "Melee/Action" key (default: Triangle), or switch to "Free roam" mode with the "Reload" key (default: Square). In "Free Roam" mode, spectators may wander freely about the map to view the action however they want. Spectators in "Free Roam" mode can switch back to "Observer" mode by pressing the "Reload" key (default: Square). If a spectator in "Free Roam" mode toggles to "Observer" mode while aiming at a player, he will observe the player he was aiming at instead of randomly selecting a player to observe. In both "Free Roam" and "Observer" mode, spectators can toggle their onscreen HUD on or off by pressing the "Zoom" key (default: R3).
In gametypes with limited lives (such as conversion, or if limited lives has been turned on by the game creator), players who lose all their lives and are eliminated will enter spectator mode, with a few small differences: Eliminated players cannot observe players on the opposite team, they can only see what their team sees on the radar, and they can only chat with other eliminated players (NOT with spectators).
UI Improvements
- Sorted buddy list by online status
- Made text on the map easier to read
- Players added to the ignore list will be removed from the buddy list
- Previously the health of a node was indicated by how fully shaded it was in the color of the team that controlled it or was capturing it. This was difficult to see, and it did not distinguish between nodes that were in the process of being captured from nodes that were in the process of being detroyed. Now nodes will have a health bar underneath the node (which will be team colored) to indicate its health, and the color of the node icon will indicate whether any team is in control of that node or not (it will be colored that team's color, or gray if no team controls it). Therefore if a node is in the process of being captured will have a team colored health bar and a gray icon, and a node in the process of being destroyed will have a team colored health bar and a team colored icon.
- Optimized net code
- Improved respawn algorithm to avoid selecting spawn points near enemies
- Optimized join game process for ranked game to be faster and more reliable, especially for large parties
- Increased points for a "defense" kill from 1 to 4 in all modes
- Shotgun damage will decrease faster as range increases
- LAARK respawn time increased to 90 seconds, ammo respawn time increased to 60 seconds
- LAARK splash damage radius reduced
- Carbine headshot damage increased
Bug Fixes
- In FFA gametypes, you can no longer incorrectly see players on the radar who are within radar range of other players but not within radar range of you.
- Chimeran players no longer take extra melee damage from some weapons
- Enemies killed after you die but before you respawn will no longer count towards your killing spree for your next life
- Deaths will now tally correctly when a player dies by drowning
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the wrong map to load after a map vote
- Fixed problem where the quality of the microphone chat would degrade over time when in a party or long game
- Fixed bug that would cause you to reload after firing one shot if you had full ammo and hit reload and then fired in rapid succession
- Fixed several collision problems, including potential methods of escaping from the intended play area
- Fixed several potentially exploitable gameplay glitches
- Fixed several rare crash bugs
Is it possible/how easy is it to work in a team with some friends independently of the rest of the team? Could I play with 2 or 3 buds in a team of 16, and we 3-4 buddies chat and scheme and work as a unit without having to listen to chatter from the other 12 team-members?