Resistance: Fall of Man update! BIG READ , come inside!

Look at its hands and shoulders. Just, eww. Flashbacks of DOOM3.

If you are talking abiut the quality of the graphics indeed I totally agree. Some flat textures on the model and polygon edges. This one unlike DOOM3, atleast has huge open enviroments, vast draw distance, and tons of things happening on screen.
Any pics/videos of the rain in Resistance?

I'll see if I can get some. I might end up forgetting -- it'd need to be a video too, as pictures don't really show it very well.

I think there was a video of the Snow recently -- it's the area where you have to jump on the rooftops.
I think what nAo was saying is that a game can look great for art and content reasons, and not technical reasons. Many people thought Half Life 2 looked amazing, but the Source engine is primitive, a piece of hacked up junk IMHO, and HL2 looks good because of excellent texture, geometry, and character design. I don't know anything about the Resistance engine to say anything technically tho.
The Snow/Rain are the best done weather effects I've ever seen.

Screw the glass! Having seemingly separate particles for each snow flake/rain drop is rather impressive looking (the snow especially -- it flies around like real snow, not just falling straight down like rain).

I'd love to see some of those effects too. Haven't seen any vids or even half-decent screenshots so far ... What has drawn me to Resistance is the physics, above anything else, as this shows, to me at least, areas in which we can expect to see some nice innovations.

Even simple stuff by the way like the way the couch is shot to pieces in one of the multiplayer maps in GoW is pretty neatly done. This stuff really adds to the experience.
Is "Chimera Cooties" an integral part of the gameplay?

Yeah, and you have to shake the sixAxis to get the insanely smart "cooties" (thanks to the smarter cell chip than our brain) off you and even use your anti-cootie shampoo weapon which makes insanely realistic deadly bubble effects that kill them. Or even use the sixAxis to simulate scratching on certain areas of the characters body (you know where) because you had some lovely time with the Chimera earlier (huggies kisses) so your main character wouldnt lose concentration, smooth movement and precise aim from the virtual itchiness.

..........What am I saying? Someone slap me
The first time one of those chimera jumped on me I was soo surprised and the frantic shaking of the sixaxis to get them off just adds to the excitement.

Yeah, and you have to shake the sixAxis to get the insanely smart "cooties" (thanks to the smarter cell chip than our brain) off you and even use your anti-cootie shampoo weapon which makes insanely realistic deadly bubble effects that kill them. Or even use the sixAxis to simulate scratching on certain areas of the characters body (you know where) because you had some lovely time with the Chimera earlier (huggies kisses) so your main character wouldnt lose concentration, smooth movement and precise aim from the virtual itchiness.

..........What am I saying? Someone slap me
*slaps Nesh*
(with a spade)
Apparently you can also use the SIXAXIS to extinguish yourself if you happend to have caught fire (forward-backward), and you can trust forward for melee action.

Gamespot has a guide now for members, which has videos of some of the tougher sections, and two of these have the snow we discussed earlier. Very nice, indeed! Even follows different wind-speeds in different sections. I also loved the nuclear reactor ... a certain 'creature' there was rather impressive, looks promising to have such creatures to fight against in games in the future.

I also looked at the guide for Gears, and I can see that all the energy in that title went into creating some big fellas. :D The big spider is nice, although he seems a bit pathetic (far too afraid of you and your pesky gun). But his surface and skin textures look excellent, and the game has some great lighting effects. I can see what the fuss is about.

Love the physics and huge areas in Resistance though! Look forward to giving the game a go sometime soon.
Hmm I never caught fire in the game. Theres really nothing that would s...OH the cars..Jeeze I didnt even think of those. Ill have to see if that true :) But I do know you are supposed to shake the controller when one of the lower lifeforms grabs you :) You give em a swift rifle butt to the face!
Hmm I never caught fire in the game. Theres really nothing that would s...OH the cars..Jeeze I didnt even think of those. Ill have to see if that true :)

It's not (just) the cars - there's a different type of grenades that set people on fire, which I suppose you get a little later in the game.
I think what nAo was saying is that a game can look great for art and content reasons, and not technical reasons. Many people thought Half Life 2 looked amazing, but the Source engine is primitive, a piece of hacked up junk IMHO, and HL2 looks good because of excellent texture, geometry, and character design. I don't know anything about the Resistance engine to say anything technically tho.

Look at what Cliffy B. (maker of Gears of War) has to say about Resistence.

Cliff B. gave it a10:
Finally a chance to play it first hand, and what can I say... This is a pretty damn amazing achievement - the quality of the graphics, complex animation blending system, realistic deformation and ragdoll physics, density of particle effects, glass simulation, etc, etc...Once you get to sit down and play it the graphics turn out to be way better than I was expecting - if anything this game has been unfairly underrated in this department. There are some of the most spectaular environments I've ever seen in a game, especially when you get to the huge alien interiors towards the end. Gameplay is great, as you would expect from Insomniac - the pacing is perfect and builds nicely as you progress through the game - by the end of it the whole experience gives you that feeling of adventure like when you've read a great novel and intrigued to find out about what the Chimera are, where they came from, and where do the "Cloven" fit in to it all. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I hear that's one of the best things about it. Just mind-blowing what they pulled off here, especially for a launch title.

Even the man that made one of the best looking games in history has said these great things about Resistence. Honestly man this is a great great looking game. And I'm playing it in SD right now. :LOL:

HDTV playing should start sometime this week for me.
^^ Just because it says Cliffy B it doesn't mean it is the real one. Believe or not my name isn't really Ben-Nice ;)

Well the way he expressed his opionion it seems like it could have been him. Anyways Cliffy did say you looked forward to playing this game a lot in the past so....
Honestly, I don't think that Cliffy would spend half of a review on graphics. After reading his blog, listening to him on blogcasts and interviews, etc. I'd be pretty hesitant to believe that he wrote that.