Resistance: Fall of Man update! BIG READ , come inside!

Is it possible/how easy is it to work in a team with some friends independently of the rest of the team? Could I play with 2 or 3 buds in a team of 16, and we 3-4 buddies chat and scheme and work as a unit without having to listen to chatter from the other 12 team-members?

If that's possible, I might be interested. I'm not one for shooters on the whole, but I did get into SW:Battlefronts.

In general you have to push L3 (The left thumbstick) to talk to everyone in the team.

In addition...
When you get into a game, you can also pick a channel/squad say, Tango, X-ray, etc... (There are 6 to 8 of them, I think) for your own little group in the same team. Once you do that everyone in the same channel will hear you right away.

EDIT: beaten by liverkick. ... and yes, you also spawn near your channel/squad mate.
I've finally been playing this for a good bit now, and although it starts a bit confusing and for a moment I even thought 'Normal' would be too hard, but after I figured out how to press R3 it got better. ;) And then I started to find my rhythm and now I rarely die. Instead, I am just downright amazed at the different environments, and the depth of the physics. It's not just bits of little Chimera that fall and keep rolling around a little afterwards, or that the Chimera die in all sorts of positions, but should they happen to die and get stuck hanging down somewhere, you can shoot or hit them and they will start slipping down and fall convincingly too. And Chimeran architecture becomes a factor a lot sooner in the game than I thought (as did the tank bit). As far as the aiming and shooting is concerned, I suddenly just 'got it' and now my aiming is better than in any other game I've played previously.

I think the presentation of the story could be a little better (at least in the beginning), but so far I am very impressed and the game has kept me playing in single player a lot longer than any shooter I played since the first Quake (though I played that much less than Doom already).

Bar a few environments (some of the early rooms can look rather spartan with not the most amazing of textures), I think it looks great, the physics are awesome at times, and the gameplay is just the smoothest of the smooth. Nice! I think with Motorstorm and Resistance I definitely did get some of the best launch-games (I would say the, but Oblivion and VF5 are probably good too ;) ).