Resistance 2

What would bowl you over, then?

Well Gears 2 did upon it's initial reveal. Resi 5 certainly impressed me. KZ2 looks nice from a filter point of view. I just feel that R2 is looking a little sub Halo 3 in many aspects (Note, I'm not trying to turn this into a versus thread, you merely asked my opinion). I'm not saying it doesn't look good. It certainly does. I just wanted more.

/Is greedy.
These videos make me sad. he blood effect looks so liquid in this game compared to anything else I have seen. I know so much of this game is going to be censored for Japan. And if it's anything like R1, even if I buy the US version it will still be censored.

Otherwise it looks amazing!
Well Gears 2 did upon it's initial reveal. Resi 5 certainly impressed me. KZ2 looks nice from a filter point of view. I just feel that R2 is looking a little sub Halo 3 in many aspects (Note, I'm not trying to turn this into a versus thread, you merely asked my opinion). I'm not saying it doesn't look good. It certainly does. I just wanted more.

/Is greedy.

You're doing it wrong.


Anyway, footage looks fantastic, scale is enormous, effects are top tier, water is great, and the amount of on screen action is staggering (note: Far bigger than Gears, Halo, KZ2, etc).

There's room for "this game is pretty" and there's room for "this game is mind blowing". I prefer mind blowing over pretty. Fighting 2 dozen enemies w/explosions and bullets flying everywhere (with dust and fog floating around, fire, smoke, etc) is much more engaging than fighting 4 enemies with dozens of character models running in the BG that I can have zero interaction with. Action set pieces > all.
These videos make me sad. he blood effect looks so liquid in this game compared to anything else I have seen. I know so much of this game is going to be censored for Japan. And if it's anything like R1, even if I buy the US version it will still be censored.

Otherwise it looks amazing!

Perhaps the US game save trick will work with R2 as well? I'm sure most here would be happy to help you out with an empty save game.
I just feel that R2 is looking a little sub Halo 3 in many aspects (Note, I'm not trying to turn this into a versus thread, you merely asked my opinion). I'm not saying it doesn't look good. It certainly does. I just wanted more.

/Is greedy.

Well it gots lots of pre-baked stuff like lighting, shadows and SSAO. But it gives it a nice look despite being "cheap" effects. you dont have this special detailed effcts/explosions or such but its the quantity and artwork/design that stands out when fighting lots of enemies IMO. Reminds me of how good those Star Wars games for GC looked in forest areas, pre-baked but very realistic looking.

IMO nice tradeoff for larger levels/areas.
I promise you the build they were playing was no where near the same as what we will receive on November 4th. The health of the Chimera was toned WAY down from what it is normally (I know from beta experience).

The reason they tone it down is to ensure that the demo continues on without multiple stalls and deaths. It wouldn't be a very good demo if someone was dying every couple of minutes, would it ;)
There is no point in talking about texture resolution and how great they are if the pictures you show are 640x340...

Strange, even for such small pictures it looks kinda standard. Texture resolution is definitely not RE2 strength but perhaps quantity/artowrk or the design of the level and how textrues are applied to make little contrast.
lighting and shadowing are dynamic, and it's impossible to bake SSAO.

Not all of course (baked, duh) and if not SSAO then some static SSAO or darkening? Like that in Oblivion that creates shades of dark without shadows or dynamic lightsources.
People need to try the games themselves for this new wave of PS3 titles. It's different when you play them yourself. Watching someone else play removes the emotion experiences.

I was awed when I first played a few R2 levels ("Where IS the edge of the level, damn it !"). The sceneries don't repeat even within a level. The amount of on-screen action is indeed staggering. The shadows are nice and affect gameplay too. It's really difficult to see someone against the Sun, or when they linger in shadows. The shadows don't flicker too., and yes there are dynamic shadow (of course). The lighting looks natural too. ^_^

The trailers showed 2-3 more new enemies but I am sure there are more out there (The water one(s)). Same for weapons. They did not show Splicer here, and I am sure there are yet more.

:love: the fog in Orick. Love the signature clean lines/edges (also in R1). Even though we talked about the steriity of the ground textures, when in-game, we just had no time to complain :)

They also have not shown the R2 community feature. It's supposed to feature some sort of website integration. I hope it's as slick as LittleBigPlanet in usability.
put it simply, the game wowed me in a way that i feel like im playing an epic alien invasion movie in realtime. the scale and giant bosses here totally transcend the game to a new level.
I have been watching the Videos last night and I think Insomniac has outperformed itself in a big way. It might not seem coherent artistically, but technically they have nailed it.
Not all of course (baked, duh) and if not SSAO then some static SSAO or darkening? Like that in Oblivion that creates shades of dark without shadows or dynamic lightsources.

SSAO means screen space AO. You (obviously) can't bake something that work screen space.
I don't see any AO in R2.It could use some imo ,sometimes.