Resident Evil 5 (PS3 & Xbox 360) expected in 2008

The only thing really bad about RE4 is, the music starts/stops depending on enemies. So you always knew when you fought them all, or there is still someone, or someone new is coming. This made quite a downer for the horror moments, would've been better if the music wouldn't adapt, so you don't know what's going on.

Besides that, I can't wait for a continuation of it, as it's an awesome game.
It was extremely atmospheric and gory, just not quite in the Romero style, which isn't neccecarilly a bad thing.. I thought RE4 was an amazing action shooter. The best of the generation IMO by far. Its one of those extremely rare games where the shooting element is incredibly satisfying.

While the original Resident Evil wasn't supposed to be an action shooter, RE4 was supposed to be an action shooter with survival horror eliments. Nothing contradictory there, I think your only seeing contradiction because you love the old formula so much.

Also I don't see how its a flaw for the game to change from section to section as you move through different locations. If anything it stops the game from getting boring, then again your talking to someone who would start off the original style RE games enthusiastically and just get sick of the same things over and over. So I suppose we just like two different kinds of game.

Oh believe me Resi2 and Resi1 where much more gory and atmospheric in their time than what 4 was in last gen. (actually 4 was less gory than 2 as it was)

And although it had better graphics it often felt the least realistic due to a bad choice of animations.

Also the "too action shooter element" is one of the things that made the series go downhill since 3. Thats not what made 4 good. Its other things that made 4 good.

The problem wasnt the section changing. Thats not what I was talking about. The sections werent the problem. As long as each section is well made. I want variety anyways.The problem is that many of them were badly made and because of this some sections were ouright boring. Literally felt like playing a mediocre game while in others it was perfect. Thatst he contradiction I am talking about. It broke the pace and reduced interest.
I think 5 is going for more of 2 but set in the daylight with 4's control and camera. Which is OK by me. Does that make sense?
I think 5 is going for more of 2 but set in the daylight with 4's control and camera. Which is OK by me. Does that make sense?

Makes sense to me, and if done well it will show exactly how a Resi should be with the same control and camera system as 4's

The only thing that makes me slightly worried is the "daylight" thing. Although to tell the truth its a nice addition for a change. But they should include nightime as well
I'm very forgiving of RE. It's the "A" grade story line (A grade by video game standards) that grabs me. I've even forgiven the oft clumsy controls.

RE4 was a different story though. Didn't enjoy the story as much even though the gameplay rocked.


"Is that.....CHRIS'S BLOOD?"

"A little bit longer and you would have been a Jill Sandwich."

"What IS that?"

IMO, the story barely edges out Megaman X, which is one of the deeper video game story lines.

BTW, RE4 had dumb enemies. There had to be lots of them since a few powerful ones would be either too powerful for you to deal with, or still easily dispatched since you only had a few to worry about. I'd like to see a return of hunters and lickers, though the bug creatures were already kind of like those. The bug creatures were some of the tougher enemies in the game too, just by the time you're facing them Leon is fully loaded with guns and ammo. Still, those areas (and the regenerators) would have been nearly impossible (besides running) without those weapons.

Oh, and the old resident evils had similar progressions in weapons. You'd start out having to run and dodge from everything, but by the end of the game you were so loaded with weapons that every enemy went down easily, save for the bosses. Re4 is one of the more difficult RE games I'd say.
RE4 rocks. The enemies were kinda dumb but it could still get hectic with larger numbers, in situations where you'd be surrounded easily. E.g. I think those monk dudes with the shields and morning stars put up a good fight here and there. Or that place where you meet the Spanish agent (and the shop keeper) for the first time.

Limited turning speed ftw. Slow but lunging enemies ftw. Capcom will do it right :love:
Would a daytime setting still have a creepy feeling? :???: (just wondering...)

I think so. If I was designing it it would have dymanic clock cycles and you would still have to go into buildings that have no electricity. Plus making the night more scarce it accentuates it and makes it more memorable and tense. Rendering in the daylight allows them to show more of the city going to hell and maybe hordes of zombies. Makes it necessary to go building to building and use things like sewers. Really brings back the concept of survival horror.
The last survival horror game that i've played which had a daytime was Parasite Eve II, and iirc, it was pretty frightening(back in the day :LOL: )

I guess its been so long that I just cant imagine how daytime would get a "horror" feel, but im sure with the technologies of new consoles, they would showcase something new and unexpected(for me anyway ;) )
"Is that.....CHRIS'S BLOOD?"

Oh, and the old resident evils had similar progressions in weapons. You'd start out having to run and dodge from everything, but by the end of the game you were so loaded with weapons that every enemy went down easily, save for the bosses. Re4 is one of the more difficult RE games I'd say.

Personally I feel like it was the least challenging with Resi1 and 2 being the most. I am playing Resi4 in proffesional and still lacks the feel of challenge because there are herbs and ammo everywhere and if you lose you begin in the asme room. I restart the game from my last save point every time I lose just to make it a bit more challenging. I even tried to kill both El Gigante in that lava place with just my weapons in proffesional. After a while I started feeling like I was playing DMC with just guns and less moves

Resi 3 and onwards begun to have too much ammo and superpowerful weapons(which is when the series begun to lose its shine) but Resi1 and 2's most powerful weapons were as if they werent there because ammo were much less and you couldnt hold too much so you had to save them up as much as possible. In 1 and 2 (and especially 1) I was saving as much as possible to be able to face more powerful enemies later. 1 and 2 were real survival horrors in their time because they managed to build tention. 4 for me is as much as survival as Splinter Cell, Hitman and Metal Gear Solid. The horror element comes just because it has monsters(....ahm....well not exactly monsters). It really seperated the survival and horror elements when originally these were bond together.

Also the handgun was very "powerful" by itself. All I did was shoot them on the face or knee and then perform a kick or supplex. And that kick was enough to get 10 Ganados and throw them away from me.

Leon for me is like Chuck Norris in disguise. Nothing can stop him. And thus no need to worry :p
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RE4 rocks. The enemies were kinda dumb but it could still get hectic with larger numbers, in situations where you'd be surrounded easily. E.g. I think those monk dudes with the shields and morning stars put up a good fight here and there. Or that place where you meet the Spanish agent (and the shop keeper) for the first time.

Limited turning speed ftw. Slow but lunging enemies ftw. Capcom will do it right :love:

Exactly! I also like how Capcom implemented variable reload speeds for the weapons. It made it quite challenging when you run out of ammo and tried to reload while being surrounded by various enemies.

Resi 3 and onwards begun to have too much ammo and superpowerful weapons(which is when the series begun to lose its shine) but Resi1 and 2's most powerful weapons were as if they werent there because ammo were much less and you couldnt hold too much so you had to save them up as much as possible. In 1 and 2 (and especially 1) I was saving as much as possible to be able to face more powerful enemies later. 1 and 2 were real survival horrors in their time because they managed to build tention. 4 for me is as much as survival as Splinter Cell, Hitman and Metal Gear Solid. The horror element comes just because it has monsters(....ahm....well not exactly monsters). It really seperated the survival and horror elements when originally these were bond together.

IMO that actually made the previous games just more frustrating and annoying because you had to back track a lot to get to the stupid storage chests to get more ammo that you have stored since you couldn't just drop items at will. I find I wasted a ton of time going back and forth between storage chests in the previous versions REZero excluded. Also in RE4 you don't have unlimited storage carrying capacity.

I also disagree that RE4 had too much ammo and super powerful weapons. You start off with a pistol, then you get a shotgun which makes sense because the village has lots of enemies. Sure you could probably kill those enemies with the pistol but that would required lots of ammo which would be stupid and tedious eg shoot zombie a few times, run away, turn around shoot some more, run away etc etc...BORING and time consuming! Shotgun is for crowd control and close range combat without the need for precise aiming. Why should I be forced to aim at the head all the time using the pistol so that I could save ammo all the time? Wouldn't that get annoying after the 30th time? It's more interesting to choose the right weapon in the right situations. That's what I call saving ammo not using a stupid pistol through half of the game aiming at the head of every damn enemy.
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i havent played any of previous sequels. is that big disadvantage for me???
Yes. Err. No.
The biggest common negative with Resident Evil games, for me, has been that it always takes an hour or so until it clicks. To varying extents that happened with every part I've played (1,2,Code Veronica X,4,Zero). The beginning can be mundane, boring, even annoying. Do not expect a shooter. Be prepared for adventure/puzzle gameplay with shooter elements.

Now 4 has a much faster pace with more emphasis on combat and, given 4's success, 5's mechanics will probably be closer to that than to the older parts. But still, RE in general bends and stretches the common rules of shooters a little. It also usually starts slow and moody, and almost like a non-game. It will be a strange and unfitting experience at first, but you should not let that turn you off. If you give it an hour or so you'll feel your way around the game and it'll make sense.

E.g. lesson #1: instant gratification isn't going to happen. Any RE game will reward attempts at Ramboism in the beginning phases of the game by pissing you off, letting you run out of ammo and killing you. IOW in RE games you start out weak and must run away from enemies, not kill them.

I notice I could ramble on a good while ...
I really just like the series and I think any self-respecting gamer should give it a serious try. I have high hopes for RE5. I'll stop now :)
Judging by how fast the enemies moved in the trailer I would think that Capcom is going to aloww the char to move while shooting this time around. Although I would like to see it more realsitc to maintain some tension.
For example the faster your char moves the more "bouncy" the aiming will be. There are already a tonne of good action games out there,I would like to see RE stick to it's horror routes. And just adding zombies is not enough,that's just superficial window dressing. I've seen enough zombies in games that I might as well be fighting fluffy kittens(actually that might be more disturbing). No,Capmcom has to do something like they did in Condemmed where your character feels weighted and acually vunerable.
IMO that actually made the previous games just more frustrating and annoying because you had to back track a lot to get to the stupid storage chests to get more ammo that you have stored since you couldn't just drop items at will. I find I wasted a ton of time going back and forth between storage chests in the previous versions REZero excluded. Also in RE4 you don't have unlimited storage carrying capacity.

I also disagree that RE4 had too much ammo and super powerful weapons. You start off with a pistol, then you get a shotgun which makes sense because the village has lots of enemies. Sure you could probably kill those enemies with the pistol but that would required lots of ammo which would be stupid and tedious eg shoot zombie a few times, run away, turn around shoot some more, run away etc etc...BORING and time consuming! Shotgun is for crowd control and close range combat without the need for precise aiming. Why should I be forced to aim at the head all the time using the pistol so that I could save ammo all the time? Wouldn't that get annoying after the 30th time? It's more interesting to choose the right weapon in the right situations. That's what I call saving ammo not using a stupid pistol through half of the game aiming at the head of every damn enemy.

No the back tracking frustratement was due to having too few boxes in very certain areas for saving your inventory.

Due to the nature of the puzzles you were forced to back track to those certain areas to get the needed key, crank or whatever. And due to the fact that the ammo were fewer and you had to save them, you have to back track to store them or get them.

The frustratement isnt necessarilly due to limited ammo and limited room for carrying things in your inventory. These were a problem in previous Resis due to inventory boxes being scattered in extremely few areas and due to door loading times. But the frustratement was mostly an issue for those that had problems at solving puzzles and didnt know how to use their ammo well anayways. So they were forced to wonder endlesly trying to figure out what to do and what works

But even if that was the case, Capcom sacrificed too many good things in an effort to find a quick solution while I strictly believe they could have gotten rid of that "frustratement" without sacrificing other elements that made 1 and 2 great.

About the pistol and too powerful weapons I ll say the following. So ok you start with the pistol. You dont even need all the pistol ammo to kill an enemy. That pistol can stunt the enemies giving Leon a kick and supplex ability. The pistol comes bundled with abilities that turn Leon into a Chuck Norris. One shot on the head and Leon can perfom a kick that can get all surrounding Ganados. One shot one one's knee and you can perform an extremely powerful supplex. And voila you end up with lots of pistol ammo. But even if I DO use the pistol to kill enemies, the game understands when you are running short of ammo and so it starts supplying you more often with the weapon's ammo that has a shortage with each enemy killed.

Then here comes the shotgun if you are bored using the pistol like that. Not only it has a HUGE range. One shot is enough to throw ALL my enemies away from me. Even more, shooting them in the head is ofcourse a better solution since it does more damage just like in 1 and 2 but who cares anyways? In 1 and 2 you did that to save ammo and ammo were even more valuable. In 4 you may save more ammo that way but you know you ll find LOTS of it anyways even if you dont blast their heads of. So even if I dont use the stupid pistol but use the shot gun too much I wouldnt care, I just replaced the pistol and its close range abilities with a too powerful shotgun and its widespread range. All I do is just blast my way through. How interesting.

And I feel like Rambo.

At the end you dont care about saving ammo anyways wether you are using a pistol or a shotgun. They are everywhere (unless you are searching for ammo for weapons like the Magnum).

Most of the right situations will do with the gun or the shotgun.
But even if these situations were evenly spread for each weapon usage I ll always know that in every situation I ll almost always have an abundance of ammo for almost every gun I ll have to use in that particular situation.

And then here comes the even more powerful weapons and their upgrades.

Its Rambo2.

I ve had a discussion in another forum about this and the answer I got was the lame excuse " Its your fault. Use only the pistol if you want to see how great Resi4 is". My reply to that was "thanks a lot for fixing the game for me. I see no difference in interest"

So if you still didnt get what I am saying the problem isnt the boring pistol. The problem is that I dont have to do much to save ammo (no I dont need to use the pistol or the right weapon in the right situation either). Its almost everywhere almost whenever I need it, and that both the weapons and Leon's close combat moves make him too destructive and turn the game in many occasions into a mindless action shoot em up in which you dont have to worry about getting killed or losing ammo.
And when I say you dont have to worry about getting killed I mean both its an easy game, and even if you can die you dont seem to bother even if it does happen often. Blasting my way through is not what I d call the element that makes 4 or in general Resident Evil (or even other games) great. Its the reason why this great game could have been much better.
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No the back tracking frustratement was due to having too few boxes in very certain areas for saving your inventory.

Doesn't matter the end result is still the same, annoying backtracking for no other reason then to get something from your own inventory. The stupid chests aren't even linked to one another in the previous games. Creating more chests just adds to the stupidity of it all. RE4 has the best inventory management of the series because it works well without the backtracking and frustration. If you run out of room in your inventory you drop items so you can pick up other items that are more important etc. Also in RE4 all of the necessory puzzle pieces that you carry has it's own compartment, it doesn't have to compete for space with your weapons, ammo, first aid etc. which is a huge improvement. The way it was managed in the previous games was just stupid.

Due to the nature of the puzzles you were forced to back track to those certain areas to get the needed key, crank or whatever. And due to the fact that the ammo were fewer and you had to save them, you have to back track to store them or get them.

It's still annoying rather than challenging.

The frustratement isnt necessarilly due to limited ammo and limited room for carrying things in your inventory. These were a problem in previous Resis due to inventory boxes being scattered in extremely few areas and due to door loading times. But the frustratement was mostly an issue for those that had problems at solving puzzles and didnt know how to use their ammo well anayways. So they were forced to wonder endlesly trying to figure out what to do and what works

Even after playing through the previous games and knowing what all the items were used for you still had to backtrack which is annoying. The only way to avoid that is to use a superfast walktrhough from GameFAQs that somebody made after playing the game for 10 times. :LOL:

But even if that was the case, Capcom sacrificed too many good things in an effort to find a quick solution while I strictly believe they could have gotten rid of that "frustratement" without sacrificing other elements that made 1 and 2 great.

The only thing that changed much was the ability to buy ammo etc. from the merchant. RE4 had much more enemies than the previous games so it makes sense that more ammo were available.

About the pistol and too powerful weapons I ll say the following. So ok you start with the pistol. You dont even need all the pistol ammo to kill an enemy. That pistol can stunt the enemies giving Leon a kick and supplex ability. The pistol comes bundled with abilities that turn Leon into a Chuck Norris. One shot on the head and Leon can perfom a kick that can get all surrounding Ganados. One shot one one's knee and you can perform an extremely powerful supplex. And voila you end up with lots of pistol ammo.

Like I already said it gets pretty annoying to have to aim for the head everytime. It gets annoying to have to always do Chuck Norris style moves all the time to save ammo.

But even if I DO use the pistol to kill enemies, the game understands when you are running short of ammo and so it starts supplying you more often with the weapon's ammo that has a shortage with each enemy killed.

I hear this claim a lot but in practice the game doesn't really give you that much ammo when you run out. I think people are forgetting about the fact they buy ammo from the merchant and mistakenly conclude the game provides too much ammo. YOU are buying the ammo, the game isn't giving you that ammo automatically.

You have to remember that the merchant aspect is a whole new addition that was intended to make it more fun. It gives you more tinkering options. Sure it may make the game easier but that is entirely up to you. Nobody is forcing you to upgrade your weapon's ammo carrying capacity or forcing you to buy ammo.

Then here comes the shotgun if you are bored using the pistol like that. Not only it has a HUGE range. One shot is enough to throw ALL my enemies away from me. Even more, shooting them in the head is ofcourse a better solution since it does more damage just like in 1 and 2 but who cares anyways? In 1 and 2 you did that to save ammo and ammo were even more valuable. In 4 you may save more ammo that way but you know you ll find LOTS of it anyways even if you dont blast their heads of. So even if I dont use the stupid pistol but use the shot gun too much I wouldnt care, I just replaced the pistol and its close range abilities with a too powerful shotgun and its widespread range. All I do is just blast my way through. How interesting. And I feel like Rambo.

You just ignored the fact RE4 has way more enemies so of course you'll need way more ammo.

At the end you dont care about saving ammo anyways wether you are using a pistol or a shotgun. They are everywhere (unless you are searching for ammo for weapons like the Magnum).

Most of the right situations will do with the gun or the shotgun.
But even if these situations were evenly spread for each weapon usage I ll always know that in every situation I ll almost always have an abundance of ammo for almost every gun I ll have to use in that particular situation.

Again there are much more enemies so of course it makes sense to have more ammo. Again you are ignoring the fact you are buying ammo from the merchant. Have you played RE4 without buying any ammo from the merchant? I didn't think so.

And then here comes the even more powerful weapons and their upgrades.

Its Rambo2.

The previous games didn't have a grenade launcher? Ever heard of flame, acid, explosive rounds?

I ve had a discussion in another forum about this and the answer I got was the lame excuse " Its your fault. Use only the pistol if you want to see how great Resi4 is". My reply to that was "thanks a lot for fixing the game for me. I see no difference in interest"

Well I would give you similar advice. Don't buy ammo.;)

So if you still didnt get what I am saying the problem isnt the boring pistol. The problem is that I dont have to do much to save ammo (no I dont need to use the pistol or the right weapon in the right situation either). Its almost everywhere almost whenever I need it, and that both the weapons and Leon's close combat moves make him too destructive and turn the game in many occasions into a mindless action shoot em up in which you dont have to worry about getting killed or losing ammo.
And when I say you dont have to worry about getting killed I mean both its an easy game, and even if you can die you dont seem to bother even if it does happen often. Blasting my way through is not what I d call the element that makes 4 or in general Resident Evil (or even other games) great. Its the reason why this great game could have been much better.

It's your fault if you keep on buying ammo and ugrading your weapons to be able to carry more ammo. It's an option not a requirement so if you take the option you can only blame yourself not the game.
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To the post above me:
You also couldn't run from many enemy encounters in Re4, whereas most were avoidable in the previous REs. That necessitated the use of more ammo, whereas in other RE's, just run away, activate a story sequence, and all the enemies disappeared.

Additionally, I know you tried to make a big point out of it, but you can't buy ammo from the merchant. You could occasionally buy a weapon that came with ammo, or an ammo upgrade that gave you ammo, but those were insignificant to the amount of ammo found in the game. However, enemies primarily only dropped pistol ammo, and occasionally shotgun and tmp ammo. The big weapons were very limited in their ammo.
Doesn't matter the end result is still the same, annoying backtracking for no other reason then to get something from your own inventory. The stupid chests aren't even linked to one another in the previous games. Creating more chests just adds to the stupidity of it all. RE4 has the best inventory management of the series because it works well without the backtracking and frustration. If you run out of room in your inventory you drop items so you can pick up other items that are more important etc. Also in RE4 all of the necessory puzzle pieces that you carry has it's own compartment, it doesn't have to compete for space with your weapons, ammo, first aid etc. which is a huge improvement. The way it was managed in the previous games was just stupid.
I agree on that one. I never implied bringing back the chests anyways. The fact that 4 doesnt have chests isnt my complain anyways. Actually it was a good move to get rid of them ;)

It's still annoying rather than challenging.
Again this is irrelevant with the challenge. It was just an effort to explain what was bad in previous Resis and how it was linked to the chests. But now that we mentioned it they should have made the puzzles better in 4. There was no point of them being there from the beginning in 4. Its the only Resi I solved puzzles "accidentally".

Even after playing through the previous games and knowing what all the items were used for you still had to backtrack which is annoying. The only way to avoid that is to use a superfast walktrhough from GameFAQs that somebody made after playing the game for 10 times. :LOL:
Never said backtracking was a good thing anyways, but atleast it didnt get annoying if you thought well of the puzzles. I was annoyied extrenmely by it only in some occasions I was trying to find what to do next. But the again I never tried to present the backtracking as a good thing that should be back anyways ;)

I do admit that 4 improved on many areas over the previous games.

The only thing that changed much was the ability to buy ammo etc. from the merchant. RE4 had much more enemies than the previous games so it makes sense that more ammo were available.
Enemies didnt "throw" ammo and herbs when dead in previous resis unless in special and rare occasions. These ones throw ammo and they throw much more than needed. I feel like I have unlimited ammo. Its not the quantity of ammo in absolut numbers the problem. Its the relative number of ammo relative to the enemies and the damage they inflict.
Like I already said it gets pretty annoying to have to aim for the head everytime. It gets annoying to have to always do Chuck Norris style moves all the time to save ammo.
Its either Chuck Noris (HAYA I know karate) or Rambo (my guns are always loaded) ;)

I hear this claim a lot but in practice the game doesn't really give you that much ammo when you run out. I think people are forgetting about the fact they buy ammo from the merchant and mistakenly conclude the game provides too much ammo. YOU are buying the ammo, the game isn't giving you that ammo automatically.
But I never buy ammo from the merhcant.
You have to remember that the merchant aspect is a whole new addition that was intended to make it more fun. It gives you more tinkering options. Sure it may make the game easier but that is entirely up to you. Nobody is forcing you to upgrade your weapon's ammo carrying capacity or forcing you to buy ammo.
But the problem the game isnt balanced in a way so that you can enjoy the game without upgrading. If you dont upgrade the weapons are worthless when you progress further. If you do upgrade the weapons are too powerful. Wether you upgrade or not though again the game feels like a shoot em up. the game is fun but it doesnt feel much like a survival horror anymore. I didnt enjoy it as a Resi game and as much as I would have been expecting from a Resi game.
You just ignored the fact RE4 has way more enemies so of course you'll need way more ammo.
But you ignore the fact that the game constantly supplies you with ammo and offers you the chance to supply yourself with ammo, and if the "impossible" happens and you have no ammo left you ve got the Pistol and the Chuck Noris moves, or the Knife and the Chuck Noris moves. In previous Resis the game offered a certain and specific amount of ammo in the whole game which you had to use wisely. This added pressure and made the survival and horror elements into one. If Capcom decided to put 10000 zombies in Resi2 it would have offered more ammo too but the ammount of ammo would have been specific in the whole game to be able to finish it and they would have been positioned in certain palces as well. Unlike that strategy though, Capcom made ammo available everywhere, and if you happened to be a happy shooter you would still finish the game because ammo would become automatically more often available.
Again there are much more enemies so of course it makes sense to have more ammo. Again you are ignoring the fact you are buying ammo from the merchant. Have you played RE4 without buying any ammo from the merchant? I didn't think so.
I dont buy ammo from the merhcant and if I even happen to run out of ammo the merchant would be there. Again ammo become available more often ;)

The previous games didn't have a grenade launcher? Ever heard of flame, acid, explosive rounds?
Ofcourse. Thats when Resi3 and later started to become less and less great ;)

It's your fault if you keep on buying ammo and ugrading your weapons to be able to carry more ammo. It's an option not a requirement so if you take the option you can only blame yourself not the game.

Whataver I d do in the game it d still be my "fault" for many people because for them I should ignore the ammo, the chuck noris moves, the action oriented gameplay, the bad choice of hit animation on the Ganados, the powerful weapons and the merchant and pretend that the game doesnt have these flaws.

Well that doesnt change the fact that the game doesnt offer a challenge. It offers you 101 chances to avoid challenge and too much action.
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Additionally, I know you tried to make a big point out of it, but you can't buy ammo from the merchant. You could occasionally buy a weapon that came with ammo, or an ammo upgrade that gave you ammo, but those were insignificant to the amount of ammo found in the game.

Well you understand what I meant. Here's the thing, if you keep on upgrading your weapon when it's empty, you'll end up with a lot of free ammo for that weapon after the upgrades. For example the striker shotgun I think can be upgraded to carry 100 rounds. If you add all of the rounds from each upgrade you end up with like 300 rounds of free shotgun ammo from the upgrades. That is a lot of shotgun ammo.

However, enemies primarily only dropped pistol ammo, and occasionally shotgun and tmp ammo. The big weapons were very limited in their ammo

Yes this is true that's why I keep saying the game isn't unbalanced with respect to ammo that you find in the field. If I'm only using a sniper rifle the ammo that gets dropped by enemies don't magically start turning into sniper rounds. The claim that the game automatically gives you more ammo for the kind of weapon you have is false. Also pistol ammo are the most abundant but the pistol is the weakest weapon excluding the knife so it doesn't detract from the challenge the game offers.