Resident Evil 4 - Remake [XBSX|S, PS4, PS5, PC]

Anyone else surprised that the PS5 has a performance advantage on XSX? Also have no idea what kind of visual benefits RT On offers
Not really. We have seen either washes or back and forths in regards to performance on both platforms since the beginning.

Someone made a good argument that on top of Sony having better apis and tools, devs are likely going to prioritize the more popular sku in addition to needing to split their time between Xbox series consoles ensuring either one of them is not optimized as good as could be.
Anyone else surprised that the PS5 has a performance advantage on XSX? Also have no idea what kind of visual benefits RT On offers
For rt I just turn it off. Not worth it. Same with hair stuff.

One issue I have though is that supposedly PS5 IQ is pretty rough despite being very high res. I'm glad performance mode sticks very well to 60fps tho
Anyone else surprised that the PS5 has a performance advantage on XSX? Also have no idea what kind of visual benefits RT On offers
Hasn't that been the case for all the RE engine games? I'm not really surprised about it at this point.
Hasn't that been the case for all the RE engine games? I'm not really surprised about it at this point.
Have no idea. At this point you would expect devs to get better hands with Series X.
What exactly does RE Engine have in particular that might work better with PS5?
Have no idea. At this point you would expect devs to get better hands with Series X.
What exactly does RE Engine have in particular that might work better with PS5?
I'm sure they've worked extremely closely with Sony while developing the engine for PS4, and naturally that extends across to PS5. Perhaps with Cerny and his ability to speak fluent Japanese, as well as many others developing the PS5 has allowed them the ability to better communicate with Capcom, and provide better support/documentation?

Could also literally just come down to better API and such for this type of renderer... which incurs a bit more overhead on the MS platforms.

I think the engine performs pretty damn amazingly regardless of where you play.. so a big kudos to Capcom on that. The engine scales very well performance-wise (The REmake games perform incredibly well on Steam Deck for example) and now we're also seeing the engine being demonstrated in other games with different graphical styles as well, and doing a great job.
There seems to be some shimmering on vegetation when some effects are applied on it. It's really not great. Textures could be higher resolution (it's clearly a cross-gen game) but overall it's a very pleasant looking game with very atmospheric lighting. I'd say now with proper settings the game does look better than RE Village and certainly controls way better. Increasing game's brightness in the options certainly helped with the general aspect of the game.

In the elanalista video he probably used the default IQ settings which seems to be different for XSX and PS5.
Anyone else surprised that the PS5 has a performance advantage on XSX? Also have no idea what kind of visual benefits RT On offers
Well the engine lately with Monster Hunter Rise favored PS5 to a similar extent. Before that it actually favored Xbox with some previous games (RE2, RE3 I think). In DMC5 it was a wash. But I do think both versions (PS5 and XSX) are rendering a bit differently somehow. TAA is maybe different (like in RE2 and RE3).

It's Capcom, so not surprised.
Well no as some RE Engine games actually perform better on Xbox. It also depends of the game and developers.

@Remij Please just stop with the narrative: "when it performs better on XSX it's because of the more powerful hardware, when it performs better on PS5 is because of the tools". It's getting ridiculous at this point and is almost completely baseless.
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@Remij Please just stop with the narrative: "when it performs better on XSX it's because of the more powerful hardware, when it performs better on PS5 is because of the tools". It's getting ridiculous at this point and is almost completely baseless.

But to be fair, Xbox literally has more powerful hardware, and by many accounts, PS5 literally has better tools.
Great video discussing and showcasing the controller dead zone and acceleration curve configuration of the game, and why (at least on Xbox) it might feel "clunky" to some people.

Basically large dead zones and an aggressive acceleration curve cause the game to feel somewhat unresponsive on Xbox. Unfortunately the video only covers the Xbox version. I wonder if the PS5 feels slightly better due to Capcom perhaps choosing a different sized dead zone for the Dualsense controller? I've only played the game on PC using my Dualsense so far, and it feels awesome. I've tweaked the in-game sensitivity settings just a bit.. but seeing this video from the Xbox.. yeah it would be maddening to be stuck with those dead zones and acceleration. I'm going to have to try my Xbox controller on my PC to see if I can notice any difference with default settings.

Hopefully Capcom can patch the game to either fix it, or just allow dead zone customization from within the game itself.
You guys just with you could use the amazing GameSir T4 Pro that I played it with!!!! :D :D :D

I didn't look at what input settings are available on PC. I also haven't put much thought into whether I want to get it on PS5 instead. I guess that depends on how serious I am about PSVR2.
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You guys just with you could use the amazing GameSir T4 Pro that I played it with!!!! :D :D :D

I didn't look at what input settings are available on PC. I also haven't put much thought into whether I want to get it on PS5 instead. I guess that depends on how serious I am about PSVR2.
Already there 😜

I'm sure they've worked extremely closely with Sony while developing the engine for PS4, and naturally that extends across to PS5. Perhaps with Cerny and his ability to speak fluent Japanese, as well as many others developing the PS5 has allowed them the ability to better communicate with Capcom, and provide better support/documentation?

Could also literally just come down to better API and such for this type of renderer... which incurs a bit more overhead on the MS platforms.

I think the engine performs pretty damn amazingly regardless of where you play.. so a big kudos to Capcom on that. The engine scales very well performance-wise (The REmake games perform incredibly well on Steam Deck for example) and now we're also seeing the engine being demonstrated in other games with different graphical styles as well, and doing a great job.
Monster hunter rise goes beyond native 4k at settings above the switch with double the fps. The engine when you think about it is really going above and beyond. Yeah some people dismiss because rise is a switch game but that's still very impressive imo
I had heard certain game engines and general game processes benefit from having access to more of the fast memory at a time and higher clock speeds of ps5. But I don't know how true that is. Could be nonsense
I had heard certain game engines and general game processes benefit from having access to more of the fast memory at a time and higher clock speeds of ps5. But I don't know how true that is. Could be nonsense

Your guess is as good as anyone. ElAnalista twitter (guy who make video) says this.

“Since Capcom has not even wanted to spend time on the Xbox One version, it is clear that the performance problems in XSX are due to lack of optimization. Recall that RE Village had better performance on this console compared to PS5. We will see in the final version”

Used google translate. Not that he is some sort of guru when it comes to 3D knowledge but I think he may have a point here.
But doesn't his post kind of imply the opposite of what he's claiming? It could also be figured Xbox one was wasnt worth it and so they would put more effort into series s and X instead?

After all he directly says village had better performance compared to PS5 so it's not like they have some sort of priority against Xbox in general
Well the more I think about it, it likely comes down to the different memory configurations and IO. Xbox One was likely a bridge too far, and the cuts (or extra effort) needed to get the game running decently on that hardware just weren't worth it. Xbox one game sales ratios are probably quite low these days.

I'm basing a lot of this assumption off playing the game on my Steam Deck. It's quite a bit more demanding than the earlier REmakes and RE7 and RE8. I can get it to run at a very consistent 30fps, but it's clear that while traversing, there's more demand on memory and asset streaming.
But doesn't his post kind of imply the opposite of what he's claiming? It could also be figured Xbox one was wasnt worth it and so they would put more effort into series s and X instead?

After all he directly says village had better performance compared to PS5 so it's not like they have some sort of priority against Xbox in general

Or they don’t care about Xboxes at all. Whatever it is is fine. As long as it runs and dosent look significantly worse is acceptable.