Renegade repair thread

No date on the engine yet but they're gathering all the ancillary parts that might have been affected/contaminated by the problem like a new turbo, intercooler, radiator, cooling system, HVAC...


I have no clue when we're getting this one back I'm just fighting with them constantly over the loaners. The latest VW Atlas sets off my wife's allergies if she uses the HVAC and she has to drive around with her window open. They said they have 7 new loaners that they just need to insure and then we'll get one. That was last week. Last time I insured a vehicle it took me a 5 minute phone call and printing out a proof of insurance from an e-mail, I'd hope he'd have had it done by now but I haven't heard from him, calling him after I post this. <sigh>
Called me back yesterday and said he had a brand new Compass for us and they'd bring it out today whenever we wanted. Since the Atlas wasn't going to be back until 4 I asked he have it here around 4:10-4:30. He says no problem.

My wife worked, we went to PT together, got home at 3:50 and I got the Atlas cleaned out and ready. Even reinstalled the back of the passenger seat liner since I had some trim tools handy. By then it was 4:20 so after tea time I went out and was waiting for the Compass confident it wouldn't be long.

At 4:50 I called Chris since I know he leaves at 5 and told him no one was here and no contacts. He told me he'd call me back before 5.

At 4:59 he sent an e-mail saying his driver was stuck in Chicago until at least 6 so it wouldn't be tomorrow and he'd call me in the morning.

I just thought to myself what a fucking coward he is as I called the dealer. Nice lady at the desk told me he left, I politely explained the situation and she went to go check. Ended up talking to Russel in sales who had no clue what was going on so I gave him a quick, concise, and overwhelming description of the situation so far and the events of the day. I told him while waiting for the driver today I remembered that Chris said he had 7 new loaners and that my wife and me didn't like the Compass so what other 6 vehicles could we choose from? He promised to talk to Chris and call me by 10a tomorrow.

Then in an abundance of courtesy I emailed Chris to let him know about my discussions with the people at the dealership and that I'd really like to know what the other 6 loaners available are so we could get something we didn't hate while waiting for our Renegade after dealing with miscommunications over parts, service, problems and other things as well as it being almost a year now with no end in sight. I told him I thought it'd go a long way towards relieving our growing stress and anxiety over the Renegade.

Chris is taking my car to work tomorrow and leaving me to deal with the Atlas. If he says he has other vehicles I'm gonna either get exact year/model/trim level/features on each or else I'll just go in and look at 'em all and pick one, all the while being nice while pointing out just how awful they've been to us and continue to be. With my neuropathy issues I look and sound like a weak and feeble old man pretty well so it lets me get away with a LOT now that I'm learning how to use it to my advantage. 😈

(Don't worry, I'm still me on the inside and I start speech therapy tomorrow and am continuing PT and OT as well as having joined a's just a neat new gimmick I learned how to use to manipulate people who suck. ;) )
The only vehicles that they had that were new were Compasses, but they gave us a nice trim level. Power seat, sunroof, alpine sound system, 10.1" screen, and blacked out wheels and logos. It's not bad, Chrissy will like it a whole lot more than the Atlas.

Oh and it has 67 miles on it and smells like new instead of old butt, woo-hoo!
It has 1500 miles now and I'm on hold with a new division, the Jeep warranty dept. Our warranty expired a week ago and I want an extra year since it's been in the shop that long, basically I just want them to extend our original warranty so the time in the shop doesn't count and we have a year warranty on the returned Renegade.

Still on hold as they escalate the call, I'm on hold a lot dealing with the Renegade and it f-ing sucks. Still no estimate on when it's going to be done. :(
Jeep warranty escalated my case, they'll have an agent contact me within 24 hours. They also called the dealer and are expediting all the parts for the Renegade.

W00t. :/
Renegade is back together and running. Going through testing and diagnostics now and then they got a driver to put a couple of hundred miles on it this weekend. On Monday the service manager I've been dealing with is then gonna take it driving for a few hours personally and then if all goes well we'll be able to get her back Monday or Tuesday.

Picked her up this afternoon and drove around for a bit then I took her to the car wash for a good scrub and some detailing, the dealer "cleaning & prep" is garbage. They didn't replace the engine they just basically rebuilt it. It's all warrantied so I'm just gonna abuse her for a while and see if it all holds.

Feels great to have her back, I forgot how much fun she is to drive! I know it's just a Renegade but it's the most off-road ready Renegade you could get that year. I missed it's little 1.3 liter with a turbo that is surprisingly zippy with a fun turbo lag.

It's good to have her home. :love:
Yes it's spent most of it's life off the road :runaway:
Probably true considering she's been in two major accidents before this last fun adventure. She's spent more downtime than time with us driving.

Gonna make up for that, gonna take her to the Badlands to do the Turtle Trail! It's the beginners off-road course, the equivalent of a bunny hill in skiing.
I looked at one of those Tassimo machines but it's £5 for 8 pods I think spending £10 to £15 a day on coffee is ridiculous
We got this espresso machine for $50us. It works well, uses real ground espresso, and we have a grinder and beans. :)

We also have a pod style coffee maker that I usually use. Coffee pods run around $0.24us from Costco so it's not too bad.

On non-caffeinated news Stellantis contacted me to let me know they're working on getting our warranty extended for the time it was in the service dept, so that's nice.
Stellantis got back to me about extending our warranty that expired while the Jeep was in the shop. They gave us an additional 5 years or 100k miles warranty, the odometer is at 24k so we're surprised and delighted. :)