If you had followed Moore's blogging and podcasts over the last few years, you'd know BSG does have a consistent story arc. Yes, filler episodes will exist, many to stimulate discussion on various sociopolitical issues, but that is no different than Star Trek, StarGate, Babylon5, et al, even *24* have done over the years. Art is about challenging people, not preaching to the choir. We knew that JMS, for example, had a Story Arc for B5 from the beginning. However, that doesn't mean every detail over the 5 years was filled in, or that he didn't have to make some changes to make all the tiles fit into place. In one respect, BSG is making it up as they go along, I'm pretty sure Season 4 hasn't been written yet. But that doesn't mean Moore didn't visualize the series' beginning, middle, overall thrust, and one or more endings.
I know perfectly well that BSG would be high praised by right wingers if the issues that it tackled happened to side with right wing views. Did I see Republicans bashing the show for an episode that basically outlawed Abortion? Or episodes that ridiculed civilian government views of military policy as riduculously naive to the real world reality they were in? How about the episode which made peace activists of the A.N.S.W.E.R. type look like IDIOTS for wanting a "truce" with the Cylons and conducting "shut it all DOWN" style protests?
I saw no peeps of criticism. But let the show offer a criticism of occupation and the futility of putting down terrorism resisting occupation with force (where the only real solution is total genocide) and all of a sudden, the show sucks, is transparently subversive and obvious.
24 went out of their way to portray Muslims in a fair way, most of the time tricking the audience by encouraging them to believe the dark skinned Muslim was a bad guy, only to find out that blond headed WASPs or Westerners were the true bad guys. What did they get for this? Conservatives protested political correctness, and Muslims protested racial stereotype when in *ONE* season out of FIVE, the masterminds turned out to be Islamic.
Yes, any show that by analog criticizes the Bush administration is going to seem obvious to people are who sensitive to criticism of Bush. Does that mean it's either bad or wrong? What is wrong with getting people to think about the Iraq/Israeli issues by obvious analogy?
IMHO, the raison d'etre of Science Fiction is not about the future, but about today, the here and now, by showing us alternative ways history might unfold and giving us a vantage point on ourselves. Trek really was't about humans in the 23rd and 24th centuries, it was about us, now, and how we'd like to see ourselves and our era evolve.
BSG is obviously about the here and now. The very set design, costumes, and poltics shown in the civilian fleet and Colonial One would not be distinguishable from a show based on Congress and Air Force One, if you clipped out any mention of Cylons.
If that upsets people, tough. Kudos to Ron Moore for creating challenging art.