Red Dead Redemption

More than enough to make a port profitable. VGCharts states 810k (if it's to be believed given the ridiculous split between Europe and the rest of the world) but they don't include digital downloads so you're talking well over a million (possibly closer to 2m). Sure that's small compared to the console versions but WELL worth a quick easy port.

Hell there's a petition out there with over 700K signatures, if you consider that as your minimum guaranteed sales then it's still well worth a port.
If person X can buy (or more likely pirate) game Y on PC why should they buy it on the console for most likely a worse experience. So perhaps they do see 700k copies on PC, but sell lots less on the consoles

from most recent financial report
Take 2 revenues (including digital) for 2014 year
Console 91.4%
PC and other 8.2%
Handheld 0.4%

yes I know some ppl believe PC gaming makes as much money as console gaming, but yeah ....... nahhhhh
If person X can buy (or more likely pirate) game Y on PC why should they buy it on the console for most likely a worse experience. So perhaps they do see 700k copies on PC, but sell lots less on the consoles

from most recent financial report
Take 2 revenues (including digital) for 2014 year
Console 91.4%
PC and other 8.2%
Handheld 0.4%

yes I know some ppl believe PC gaming makes as much money as console gaming, but yeah ....... nahhhhh

what pc games were released that year ? What company is it ? If its take 2 I don't think they released pc stuff this year
I've just woken so not seen the Sony conference or the Rockstar footage. So the GTA V port using the same textures as 360/PS3?

Yeah, can you guys go talk about GTA5 somewhee else now? Thanks! LOL

Guess we'll hear about Red Dead next year. I hope.
Yeah, I'm really disappointed, I was so hoping for RDR2 or even.. Bully 2!
I've just woken so not seen the Sony conference or the Rockstar footage. So the GTA V port using the same textures as 360/PS3?

Yeah, I'm really disappointed, I was so hoping for RDR2 or even.. Bully 2!

Same but different. Most of the textures look less compressed and higher resolution. My guess is back during development of GTA5 like they were originally authored at higher quality and downgraded for all the limitations of the ps3/xbox360 hardware.

The specular or diffuse maps on the water/ppuddles look really nice. LoD is much better, traffic density is better. Foliage is more detailed and thicker.
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Again, looking at a texture from 1m is like 5% of the gameplay and even less the beauty of GTA. All the rest will be dramatically improved by using 2x as many pixels and better AA and shadows and shaders.

I utterly fail to understand this focus on texture resolution in close up views.

It breaks immersion. You have the rest of the game looking so well and then suddenly texture resolution from 2006.* Kinda surprised you didn't think of that angle...

*I've not played any GTA or RDR game, I am just using a hypothetical example.
The only reason RDR and GTAV aren't on pc is piracy.

so now that they announced GTAV for the PC, is piracy gone!? :rolleyes:

on the PC you can find games like Witcher 2, 100% DRM free with more sales than the Xbox 360 (and all its locks) version,

obviously most of the time PC games are selling less, but for example huge multiplatform titles, released simultaneously like Skyrim have 6mi owners on Steam, and the game was not offered with huge price drops for a long time.
and it's a game with no MP and extremely easy to pirate, as much as piracy is bigger, digital sales and multiplayer are really changing the PC,

the lack of Rockstar San Diego games ported to the PC makes no sense.
the lack of Rockstar San Diego games ported to the PC makes no sense.
Rockstar Toronto have lead on PC ports and in 2012 they were merged with Rockstar Vancouver and relocated to Ontario which may have impacted PC and Wii operations.
I'd like to see it on a platform with keyboard and mouse. Third person shooting is tolerable on consoles, but IMO it works better on k&m.

That said, I'd definitely be happy with a PS4/Xbox One port. The game has slowdown issues at times on PS3/X360, doesn't it?
from most recent financial report
Take 2 revenues (including digital) for 2014 year
Console 91.4%
PC and other 8.2%
Handheld 0.4%

yes I know some ppl believe PC gaming makes as much money as console gaming, but yeah ....... nahhhhh

That's a slightely bizzare comparison considering GTAV was available on consoles around that period and not on PC. And you're comparing how many consoles to the single PC platform there? At least 4.

And considering they've just announced GTAV for the PC, this argument seems a little defunct now. TBH I'm just suprised anyone actually doubted it in the first place.
And a little bit of good news for RDR fans... Come on, where's RDR2?
I hope this is true and they aren't playing with my emotions, the original RDR is one of the best games yet made.
If that happens I'd expect a port for the PS4 and the Xbox One, maybe the WiiU too -depending on sales-.

But that would be exceptional news for PC gamers. To me RDR and Skyrim are special, along with Call of Juarez. Only one of those was never released on the PC...
I hope this is true and they aren't playing with my emotions, the original RDR is one of the best games yet made. If that happens I'd expect a port for the PS4 and the Xbox One, maybe the WiiU too -depending on sales-.

But that would be exceptional news for PC gamers. To me RDR and Skyrim are special, along with Call of Juarez. Only one of those was never released on the PC...

I do not see the Wii U handling RDR, or GTA IV. All three cores together probably can't handle Euphoria in any decent manner thanks to lackluster SIMD. That being said, how's Watch Dogs on the Wii U? :D
The investment on the engine for GTAV is significant. It's not just last-gen at higher res, but a refactoring. I'd be surprised at this point if a RDR remake isn't coming. I think the improvement in visuals will be enough to attract gamers who skipped RDR on PS360 as it'll be a very convincing cowboy simulator and next-gen showcase. I expect GTA and RDR testing the engine before sequels.
RDR doesn't even need a remaster. the 360 version looks so good already, just bump it up to 1080p and repackage it. They did really good with the texture work to begin with, and those volumentric clouds....sweet jesus.

This is one of the few games of the 7th gen(like GOW3 for example) that i think you could put on PS4 untouched except for resolution maybe, and have people not be able to tell the difference between it and games made natively for the platform.
RDR was great and all but I wouldn't really want to play it again just in higher res. I'd prefer a sequel on PS4/XB1 since a) its not as if the game didn't sell well enough to warrant a sequel, and b) its been soo flippin long that a HD rehash would just be underwhelming.