Red Dead Redemption

A simple cross-port like that shouldn't be too expensive, I agree. Use the same assets and just crank the quality up to 11, and you'd get a decent enough upgrade to the visuals.
GTA5 for nextgen will most likely be released together with new SP DLC pack for both oldgen and nextgen. That will fuel the sales on both generations.

Yeah, thats how I imagine they would do it. Release the first part of the San Andreas Stories with the main game packed in on next gen consoles.

RDR2 would be #1 on my must have list if it were announced at e3.
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You realize that the development effort for a nextgen port of GTA V is in no way comparable to that of a complete game, right? It shouldn't require more than a few dozen engineers and technical artists, compared to the army of people who were building an entire game world and animating it and so on.

The investment in time and money is both a fraction of the cost of a new game, let alone another giant open-world RDR title.
And they did release a PC version of GTA IV also...

The marketing budget would also be brought down out of the stratosphere--going by the reports that over half the original's budget was not development cost, and the market presence of the game itself serves as an extremely well-targeted ad for potential DLC or current-gen buyers.
A simple cross-port like that shouldn't be too expensive, I agree. Use the same assets and just crank the quality up to 11, and you'd get a decent enough upgrade to the visuals.

The investment would not be wasted, in a way it would make sense to let gta 5 help with financing a new generation engine for Rockstar.

My money is waiting
You realize that the development effort for a nextgen port of GTA V is in no way comparable to that of a complete game, right?
Sure. If, when Rockstar North started designing the game five years prior, they had in mind a version of GTA V running on more powerful hardware than 360/PS3, they may well have managed the art assets and made meticulous records of their art decisions to make a later port with a visual upgrade easier. But that's quite a big if and requires Rockstar's engine team (Rockstar San Diego developed RAGE) to have been maintaining that exact version of the RAGE engine used by GTA V for other platforms as well as honing the engine to work well on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

I was of the same view of the PlayStation 4 version of The Last of Us, I figured that it was a case of just (just!) porting the engine and dropping in some higher res art assets and rewriting the shaders for the same visual aesthetic but Neil Druckmann described it as "hell".

Neil Druckmann said:
“We expected it to be Hell, and it was Hell. Just getting an image onscreen, even an inferior one with the shadows broken, lighting broken and with it crashing every 30 seconds… that took a long time. These engineers are some of the best in the industry and they optimised the game so much for the PS3’s SPUs specifically. It was optimised on a binary level, but after shifting those things over [to PS4] you have to go back to the high level, make sure the [game] systems are intact, and optimise it again.

“I can’t describe how difficult a task that is. And once it’s running well, you’re running the [versions] side by side to make sure you didn’t screw something up in the process, like physics being slightly off, which throws the game off, or lighting being shifted and all of a sudden it’s a drastically different look. That’s not ‘improved’ any more; that’s different. We want to stay faithful while being better.”

It shouldn't require more than a few dozen engineers and technical artists, compared to the army of people who were building an entire game world and animating it and so on.

Yeah. perhaps Rockstar are better at this than Naughty Dog. RAGE was developed from the outset to be multi platform.

The investment in time and money is both a fraction of the cost of a new game, let alone another giant open-world RDR title.
How much would you estimate this would cost?

And they did release a PC version of GTA IV also...
Yeah, that was three games back. GTA IV came out on 29 April on 360/PS3 and 3 December so about 9 months later. RDR came out in 2010 with no PC version in sight. GTA V came out in September 2013 with no PC version in sight. Maybe RDR was an aberration. maybe Rockstar have market research that shows PC gamers hate cowboys and GTA V for Windows is just around the corner. Maybe :yep2:

How many copies did GTA IV sell on PC at full price?
You seem to have a very strange idea about the workloads... And again, I don't think Rockstar needs to rework any assets at all, a bump in resolution and quality should be enough to create a good enough looking game.

My estimate would be that a port shouldn't cost more than say, $5 million. That should be enough to pay ~20 guys for two whole years.
Whereas the game itself was about $150 million.
You seem to have a very strange idea about the workloads... And again, I don't think Rockstar needs to rework any assets at all, a bump in resolution and quality should be enough to create a good enough looking game.
Why wouldn't they need (let alone want) to rework any of the assets? You think they'd throw out the same low resolution textures as in the 360/PS3 version? And surely they'd want to, if not have too, re-write the shaders. The words "good enough" don't tally with my experience of Rockstar North games btw ;-)

My estimate would be that a port shouldn't cost more than say, $5 million. That should be enough to pay ~20 guys for two whole years.
Okay, so how many copies they have to sell to make a profit? How many copies of GTA IV were sold on the PC?
I've already explained why I don't think there's a need to update anything. I don't have time for more of this...
Fair enough. I disagree, having played a lot of GTA V on PlayStation 3 I've notice the world is littered with low resolution textures and I've yet to experience textures looking better at higher resolutions unless the cause of poor quality is a byproduct of the filtering at the lower resolution. Witness WATCH_DOGS. Using the low resolution textures at high resolution does nothing to improve the visuals, what does improve the visuals is using the higher resolution textures.

If Rockstar shove a One/PC/PS4 version of GTA V out of the door with the same textures and models as exist in the 360/PS3 version, it'll look poor next to its contemporary competition - despite Rockstar's epic lighting. Aren't the most popular GTA IV mods for PC those which replace all supplied textures with higher resolution ones? :yep2:
Again, looking at a texture from 1m is like 5% of the gameplay and even less the beauty of GTA. All the rest will be dramatically improved by using 2x as many pixels and better AA and shadows and shaders.

I utterly fail to understand this focus on texture resolution in close up views.
Okay, so how many copies they have to sell to make a profit? How many copies of GTA IV were sold on the PC?

More than enough to make a port profitable. VGCharts states 810k (if it's to be believed given the ridiculous split between Europe and the rest of the world) but they don't include digital downloads so you're talking well over a million (possibly closer to 2m). Sure that's small compared to the console versions but WELL worth a quick easy port.

Hell there's a petition out there with over 700K signatures, if you consider that as your minimum guaranteed sales then it's still well worth a port.
Talking about profit... Has everyone missed the reports that even with GTA5, Rockstar made a loss? Or maybe I missed the coverage about it on here.
No wonder they might want to release an el cheapo next gen version to balance their accounts for the next year or two.
Talking about profit... Has everyone missed the reports that even with GTA5, Rockstar made a loss?

You must mean the publisher Take-Two? They have had many quarters where they made loss like the last one, but the one where GTA 5 was released certainly wasn't one of them and their full fiscal year was also profitable.
More than enough to make a port profitable. VGCharts states 810k (if it's to be believed given the ridiculous split between Europe and the rest of the world) but they don't include digital downloads so you're talking well over a million (possibly closer to 2m).
So Rockstar are either idiots, or know better. Lack of real PC figures doesn't help but even if figures were known, without correlating sale prices, it's still an unknown. Plenty of PC folks on these forums say they prefer to wait for a Steam (or other) sale to buy PC games. Consumer savvy for sure but not great for the developer or publisher. That combined with what seem to be much lower PC sales (compared to consoles) across the board for games like GTA are likely significant contributors why the PC is a second class's platform for some in terms of support.

I don't think Rockstar are idiots. If it was as easy to Laa-Yosh thinks it is and as profitable as you think it is, they would have ported RDR and GTA V by now.
You know what you'll have to do if GTAV ports are announced at E3...
Ha! I have no problems admitting when I'm wrong but what I probably won't be doing it re-purchasing GTA V. Prior to WATCH_DOGS I thought GTA V on PS4 would be an easy day one sale but I like the way WD accommodates my changeable play preferences. Open combat. Stealth (no kills) . Stealth combat (kills). Combat by hack deaths. As much as I liked GTA V, I think my purchases of open world games that railroad me into one style of play are coming to a close. I do look forward to GTA VI though and would welcome back San Andreas's stealth option.

Are Rockstar confirmed as being at E3?