Real Time Blue Dragon Trailer

expletive said:
New screen:



Some artwork as well...

Actually those aren't artwork, they're all realtime ;)
Blue Dragon just looks 'ok' to me so far. The scene where there's thousands of robots was the most impressive but that was most certainly CG. Hopefully they can populate these barren environments with lots of NPCs.
Fo far they've only shown mostly scenery and then isolated characters, and CG stuff (cutscenes I guess). Unless there's something new, they haven't shown the actual game yet, so we don't know how populated these scenes will be. I expect there to be enough going on though to really give the world life, unless they do a FF on us and have invisible random encounters which is quite possible given the JPRGness of the game.
Shifty Geezer said:
Unless there's something new, they haven't shown the actual game yet, so we don't know how populated these scenes will be.
Sure they have, watch the trailer, there's a scene by a stream, where the boy and his sidekick run out and stop at the rivers edge. That's clearly ingame to my eyes. Granted, there's not any NPC's in that scene.

This is one of my most anticipated games by far, I can't wait for this.

Here's a shot from the scene I'm talking about:

And the first direct feed version of the trailer, I believe it's an extended trailer as well:
Shifty Geezer said:
Fo far they've only shown mostly scenery and then isolated characters, and CG stuff (cutscenes I guess). Unless there's something new, they haven't shown the actual game yet...

You sure it was cg? I don't think they ever stated it was cg. Until they state its cg I'll have to give them the benefit of the doubt and say its rt as it looks doable this gen on 360 to me. ;)
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TheChefO said:
You sure it was cg? I don't think they ever stated it was cg. Until they state its cg I'll have to give them the benefit of the doubt and say its rt as it looks doable on this gen on 360 to me. ;)

Watching the trailer you can see the beginning is CG, followed by the "Realtime" notice, followed by a lot of realtime footage... then another fade out that then finishes the introduction.

There is a quality disparity between the intro/ending and the stuff that follows the "realtime" notice. My one hope: The scene with 10k little bots makes it into the game! Kameo and N3 had a TON of people on screen. If they can get a decent lighting/shadowing model with that many little bots that would rock! Oh wait, this is an RPG... does that mean no realtime combat :cry:
Acert93 said:
Watching the trailer you can see the beginning is CG, followed by the "Realtime" notice, followed by a lot of realtime footage... then another fade out that then finishes the introduction.

There is a quality disparity between the intro/ending and the stuff that follows the "realtime" notice.

Yeah but the game isnt out yet so they could hit the render target err... I mean umm .. they could replace the cgi with realtime graphics. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this one until the game is released - but then I'd probably just say the rt graphics look close enough to the cgi ones to not make a difference... er umm ... yeah:cool:

The game looks great and is just what 360 needs! Keep em comin j-devs! Have they stated a release date for the us version yet?
TheChefO said:
Yeah but the game isnt out yet so they could hit the render target err... I mean umm .. they could replace the cgi with realtime graphics. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this one until the game is released - but then I'd probably just say the rt graphics look close enough to the cgi ones to not make a difference... er umm ... yeah:cool:

The game looks great and is just what 360 needs! Keep em comin j-devs! Have they stated a release date for the us version yet?

It's funny because I don't think you would do the same if they were PS3 devs. :LOL:
Are you also going to give Square the benefit of the doubt that the FFXIII CGI will be turned into real-time when that game hits the streets? Being that it also looks close to the real-time footage.

But regardless the real-time footage looks great in Blue Dragon.
I think TheChef was attempting some parody when he wrote that Mckmass, I don't think he is honestly argueing that the game will look like CGI and that we should wait for the game to be released to comment.

Humor does not transfer over the the net well, of course sometimes it is the only effective form of communication. The irony!
Acert93 said:
Humor does not transfer over the the net well, of course sometimes it is the only effective form of communication. The irony!

I think had almost anybody else said that, I would have read it differently, but ChefO is a weee bit different you know?
Acert93 said:
There is a quality disparity between the intro/ending and the stuff that follows the "realtime" notice.

... hmmmmmm .... what is this quality disparity you speak of? This term is new to me and intrigues me. I'm wondering if this might apply to other images I've seen sequenced together to form these so called "moving pictures" or "videos".

I believe I may in fact have experienced this. But perhaps I'm wrong...:???:

...indeed humor does not transfer well over the net.:oops:
TheChefO said:
... hmmmmmm .... what is this quality disparity you speak of? This term is new to me and intrigues me. I'm wondering if this might apply to other images I've seen sequenced together to form these so called "moving pictures" or "videos".

Well, like the 0:07 mark. You see the space craft and the general quality, lighting, and fidelity of the textures and art (not to mention the clouds) and then at 0:13 you pass through the clouds and there are the huge plumes of smoke, realistic fireball explostions, and thousands (tens of thousands?!) of distinct robots (with glowing eyes and actively being lit with great detail by the explosions) in a scene with massive draw distance and detailed terrain. The actualy game footage, while very nice, absolutely lacks that quality. It can bee seen in the dust particle effects for example, or at 1:40 when the ship flys by it lacks all the subtle detail and fidelity of the CGI. It appears the CGI may be using game assets, but the fidelity difference on the rendering side appears significant. Blue Dragon does look very good though and due to the cartoon style I think the transition between CGI and gameplay won't be as jarring as games with more detailed characters or more realistic ones.

Of course some people have a hard time seeing the differences ;) I remember last year a reporter saying they thought NBA2K6 on the 360 looked like a real game while in fact his son was playing a game (pretty obvious to me there is a huge difference!) and similarly a lot of people are for one reason or another able to see the difference between a CGI like Motorstorm 2005 and the game in 2006. I guess part of it is experience and an eye for detail and also knowing the distinction between how current hardware does effects compared to offline rendering. Where it personally becomes annoying to me is when someone cannot spot a distinction in one product and yet will nitpick another to death, but that is another topic altogether! :smile:
Acert93 said:
Well, like the 0:07 mark. You see the space craft and the general quality, lighting, and fidelity of the textures and art (not to mention the clouds) and then at 0:13 you pass through the clouds and there are the huge plumes of smoke, realistic fireball explostions, and thousands (tens of thousands?!) of distinct robots (with glowing eyes and actively being lit with great detail by the explosions) in a scene with massive draw distance and detailed terrain. The actualy game footage, while very nice, absolutely lacks that quality. It can bee seen in the dust particle effects for example, or at 1:40 when the ship flys by it lacks all the subtle detail and fidelity of the CGI. It appears the CGI may be using game assets, but the fidelity difference on the rendering side appears significant. Blue Dragon does look very good though and due to the cartoon style I think the transition between CGI and gameplay won't be as jarring as games with more detailed characters or more realistic ones.

Of course some people have a hard time seeing the differences ;) I remember last year a reporter saying they thought NBA2K6 on the 360 looked like a real game while in fact his son was playing a game (pretty obvious to me there is a huge difference!) and similarly a lot of people are for one reason or another able to see the difference between a CGI like Motorstorm 2005 and the game in 2006. I guess part of it is experience and an eye for detail and also knowing the distinction between how current hardware does effects compared to offline rendering. Where it personally becomes annoying to me is when someone cannot spot a distinction in one product and yet will nitpick another to death, but that is another topic altogether! :smile:

hmph - you dont say.... well, I respect your opinion but I still think the whole video is rt or could be done rt.:p

seriously - one thing I just noticed after looking at this video is the animation looks superb. If they can attain a smooth(er) framerate with this level of graphic detail and populate their worlds/stages with enough "life" this game will be very impressive (to me) and on my must buy list.
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