r420 benchmarks (not real..extrapolated results)

XT looks good if that is true..
Dunno, it looks fairly realistic, but that is no guarantee i guess..

doesnt say what settings it uses does it?
and one of the pics sais "X2- the Tread" which might mean its "homemade" and it might not..
Surprising, if true. I'm not sure why the author says we'll have to wait until the 4th of May for more. Is that a case of not breaking NDA more than he has, or just not having enough time for benching?

3DM03 seems to be 10x7 plain, but what are the other settings? I can't determine comparable 6800U scores in AT's preview. 12x10 plain? 10x7 AA+AF?

And did ATI give out both Pro and XT boards at once, or are they deriving or getting Pro scores from the XT board? Meaning, is the Pro also 16-pipe? :eek:

(The term "fanboi" has spread, it seems. Yes, America will win hearts and minds by exporting our culture. ;))

This post by Nightmare on p. 3 says the benches are real, according to Google's translation:

Danke für diesen Beitrag!
Die Fakten, wenn sie bekannt wären währen auf einmal überall zu hören! Die Benches sind keine Fakes, aber leider nur dumme Berechnungen! 3DCenter ist nunmal leicht ProNvidia, aber das ist auch nicht unser Thema. Auf Rage3D wird es keinen Test einer nVidia Karte geben.
Diese ganzen Spekulationen sind doch alle bei den Haaren herbeigezogen! Abwarten was neue Treiber bringen und abwarten bis es erste echt Benches gibt

so long



Thanks for this contribution!
The facts, if it admits were lasts everywhere to hear at one time! The Benches is not Fakes, but unfortunately only stupid computations! 3DCenter is now times easily ProNvidia, but that is not also our topic. On Rage3D it will give no test of one nVidia to map.
These whole speculations here-pulled all nevertheless with the hair! Wait for which new drivers bring and are waiting to it first genuinly Benches gives

so long


That's assuming "computations" means benchmarking. I'd find it hard to believe they'd stoop so low as to try to guesstimate X800P performance from a 9800--did they?
Forget these numbers. They aren't real benchmark numbers, they are projections calculated from the R420 specs based on R360 benchmark results.
Wow! Where do they get this stuff?

The benchmarks look really good, but it seems like they are clocking the R420 much faster than NV40. If NV40 was this fast, what would it's benchmarks be? Has anyone seen hard information that indicates R420 is this fast? Is there really that much difference in the process and design/architecture such that NV has to be that much slower?

Insights anyone on NV40 versus R420 clock rates?
These are not real tests just extrapolations
Erg. NV40 : Erg. NV38 * Erg. R360 * 1.5 *80 / 100

- Die 1.5 (1.3 bei der X800 Pro) Ergeben sich aus dem Taktunterschied zwischen dem R360 und dem R420.
- Die 80% am Ende sind für "allfällige nicht vorhergesehene Ereignisse".
My german sucks but I believe he calls his results forcasts. Perhaps based on the chart he gives?

If someone with better german would have a go at it perhaps. :)
no way!!! these number are not even remotely true ...... i thought it was agreed apon that these cards are cpu limited .... but if it is true ...sign me up ...ati must have some mean tech going on if it is true.

Again, THE NUMBERS ARE NOT REAL, THEY ARE EXTRAPOLATIONS based on the R420 specs and R360 benchmarks.

Rage3d.de is the German branch of "ATI Fanboi Central" and the pathetic fucktard who hacked up this "preview" just deliberately made up the these "benchmark" numbers with some bogus calculation while masturbating to renderings of ATI's Ruby.
L233 said:
Again, THE NUMBERS ARE NOT REAL, THEY ARE EXTRAPOLATIONS[ based on the R420 specs and R360 benchmarks.

Rage3d.de is the German branch of "ATI Fanboi Central" and the pathetic fucktard who hacked up this "preview" just deliberately made up the these "benchmark" numbers with some bogus calculation while masturbating to renderings of ATI's Ruby.

don't say that just imagine the fun we all gonna miss now :rolleyes: ;)
L233 said:
Again, THE NUMBERS ARE NOT REAL, THEY ARE EXTRAPOLATIONS based on the R420 specs and R360 benchmarks.

Rage3d.de is the German branch of "ATI Fanboi Central" and the pathetic fucktard who hacked up this "preview" just deliberately made up the these "benchmark" numbers with some bogus calculation while masturbating to renderings of ATI's Ruby.

No there not, This Rage3D.de has nothing at all to do with Rage3D. They used the Rage3D logo and made there site look like Rage3D with out permission.
Vengeance said:
No there not, This Rage3D.de has nothing at all to do with Rage3D. They used the Rage3D logo and made there site look like Rage3D with out permission.

"ATI Fanboi Central" is just a name I came up with for the evil Austrian Nazi castle where ATI clones braindead fanboi zombies from fecal matter.

I heard nVidia run a similar outfit on the site of a former Soviet Gulag.
Vengeance said:
No there not, This Rage3D.de has nothing at all to do with Rage3D. They used the Rage3D logo and made there site look like Rage3D with out permission.

you should beat them up.. or something.. extract vengeance so to speak...