Weird, bf culling alone should give you more than that on common geometry
ShootMyMonkey said:As unnaturally high as 60% sounds, 17% also sounds unnaturally low... Do you just have a lot of planar and/or two-sided geometry or something such that BF culling has little effect?
Figured I'd answer both together. Being a baseball game gives us some advantages. There is a freeform replay camera that lets people go anywhere...but it's still bound to the field area. So we have a pretty good idea which areas need no geometry at all. Without getting too detailed, the artists can pre-backface cull a lot of areas with some basic guidelines. That probably brings our spu pre-cull % to less than other typical games, although I still think 60% sounds extremely ambitious.
betan said:Joker, I find the official EDGE numbers a little confusing. If you don't mind answering, in your case;
Is it backface culling only?
How many SPUs are dedicated to culling?
What is the input triangle rate?
750K triangles/s/SPU seems a little low for backface culling, even with the local memory hurdle.
In our case we're currently only doing backface culling. For us that was the "money shot" as it were, where we got the best gains (at least according to gcm replay) by far. In theory a good lod system should minimize the penalty from zero area triangles anyways.
We're using spurs, so all of our spu related work is broken down into chunks and fed to the entire bank of spu's to chew on. I don't know what our triangle processing rate is off hand, I could get that info from our PS3 lead but honestly I can't post that kinda data anyways. I do know though that we still have spu power to spare.
If I remember right, the 750k/s/spu number was for Edge doing a whole lot more than just bf culling. It did the whole suite of tests to eliminate unnecessary verts. I just had lunch yesterday with a friend from Naughty Dog, if only you had asked me a bit earlier I could have asked him