Heavenly Sword & Lair don’t suffer from frame-rate issues, maybe the occasional V-Sync hiccup (i.e. Gears) like so many console games tend to have. I can’t comment on Uncharted since it’s still in development; however the current videos are pretty awesome.
Anyhow this thread isn’t going to get far, for so many reasons.
This thread can be discussed in a civilized and intelligent manner so yes this thread can get far as long and we don't lose that.
My answer would have to be that no its not really "developer lazyness" (not trying to defend devs) merely it is that it will just depend on the game being made, what its displaying on screen, expericence with dev tools, dev tool revisions, etc.
I would like to point out that in the 3d gaming console world many other console games for other platforms have suffered from occasional framerate slowdown issues/hiccups.
Sega Saturn
Nintendo 64
Sony Playstation
Sony Playstation 2
Sega Dreamcast
Microsoft XBox 1
Microsoft XBox 360
Basically some games, and sometimes even if its a game made by an experienced dev in that platform or platform specific game title may have framerate issues (not V-sync tearing) depending on the gaming stage or situation.
One example I can speak of is Turok series on N64, Turok Rage Wars was like the third game specific to that platform and it had some framerate issues depending on what was going on.
On the other hand a game dev that is very experienced and very familiar with the game tools or platform (specific or not) may make many games that play buttery smooth with no issues what so ever.
In the case of your question just keep in mind the past for what is going on in the present because it will also happen in the future.
The Playstation 3 in comparison to previous generation consoles is ridiculously powerfull in terms of tech specs numbers alone but just because some new game may have a slight framerate issue do not dismiss or discount the new console's architecture because all of the new games are displaying stuff that the old consoles could not and some game devs are pushing their own limits on what they have managed to display on the screen out of a given console.
One good look at a screenshot in Lair and you can tell that its a very busy screenshot with lots of things being displayed. Same goes with Ratchet and Clank ToD.
Now its true that some games purposely hide things to prevent people from noticing 3d engine flaws in pretty games and the best example I can think of is only PC Doom 3 for making many of its enemy vanish from the stage after death as opposed to Call of Duty 1 PC where the screen can be littered with dead enemy soldiers (again different games/3d engines/etc)