PSP and DS sales in North America

The sales in north america are out for portables and here they are.

A colleague recently asked me what had happened to the national buzz about the PlayStation Portable.

Simple answer: The buzz is translating into sales.

Here are numbers from Sony, and intriguingly, they compare most closely to figures from Nintendo for Game Boy Advance sales (instead of for the DS):

Sony says it sold 250,000 PSPs in May (more than $62 million in revenue).

The obvious competitive yardstick is Nintendo's DS: about 57,000 units that month.

But here's the eye-opener: Nintendo says its GBA sales totaled 223,000 in May.

From Sony's point of view, the PSP is THE portable game machine of choice.

From Nintendo's perspective, the combined clout of the GBA and DS is the leading market force.

I'll say this for now (more later): If the DS didn't also play GBA games, I'm not sure I'd be using it at all this spring.

What the...? That's almost the exact reverse of Japan right now, as the DS has been leading console sales since Nintendogs came out (though the yearly total for it, PSP, and PS2 are all pretty even), and the GBA has been selling at about 1/3 that.

Weird... But hey, Pokemon still seems to be a driving force, and Emerald came out end of April, didn't it? Must have been a few more kids growing up between this version and the last. ;)
well, i see nothing so weird in may's low of ds sales - look what titles were available for the platform in NA during that time - absolutely nothing of common interest. we're still waiting for nintendogs, and after that nanostray and castlevania. psp, oth, pulled a ps2 - av-media playback and emulators galore.

btw, it seems psp was badly cracked recently.. hope this does not affect the sw sales..
It didn't in May so I don't think the hacking it will kill PSP sw sales. As time passes Sony will keep releasing firmware updates so...

What the...? That's almost the exact reverse of Japan right now, as the DS has been leading console sales since Nintendogs came out

Exactly and people have to remember that NA sells about twice as much videogames than Japan does so that should tell you something. And the PSP didn't have millions of games coming out for it either in May either.
mckmas8808 said:
And the PSP didn't have millions of games coming out for it either in May either.

Yeah, and it's not going to have a lot of releases this summer, either.

The system needs games or it won't be able to sustain its sales.
sales will pick up for the ds in june and july

We have golden eye , splinter cell , intendogs

Plus new color unit + mario 64 pack in

This is what happened in japan . With the new color around the corner a few weeks before the launch sales spiked down for those who wiatied for the color .

We can't keep the blue ones in stock at the store (the grey / silverish ones aren't selling all that great though)
I hope the PSP sells like gangbusters, this lil thing is looking to be the handheld gaming unit I was dreaming about back when I was playing Genesis games.

Seriously, it's a faboo little toy! I never picked up and played with the kids GB/GBA, but the PSP I'm borrowing off my son all the time to play with. :)

When they get cheaper I might pick one up for myself.
I hope the PSP sells like gangbusters, this lil thing is looking to be the handheld gaming unit I was dreaming about back when I was playing Genesis games.
bah back when i was playing enesis games i was dreaming of a handheld that would play them. Then i got the nomad

Sadly both systems had to short of a battery life
PSP >>>>>>>>>>>>> Nomad, for size, looks, screen and battery life (and graphical ability of course :)).

PSP's battery life is seriously fine, I am still yet to have a problem with it and I play it all the time.
I had the problem yesterday at the hospital . My sisters charge went dead while i was in surgery so i dond't get to play
mech said:
PSP's battery life is seriously fine, I am still yet to have a problem with it and I play it all the time.
Oh man, running stuff just off the memory stick and the battery last for freaking evah! :)
Got myself a PSP, Wipeout Pure and a 512mb card on my way back from work today. :D Been trying out all the emulators, Doom, features, and I've just started testing with movie/series transcoding. It's 12:30am and I'm not even tired! When will it stop!?!
jvd said:
I had the problem yesterday at the hospital . My sisters charge went dead while i was in surgery so i dond't get to play

They don't have power points in a hospital!??

She played it for 5-6 hours in the hospital?

Like I said, I charge it only when I remember (which is every few days), and I've only seen the battery light flashing once; I probably play it for about 1-2 hours every day. This to me is more than acceptable; I certainly have to charge it a lot less than my other gadgets.
jvd said:
I had the problem yesterday at the hospital . My sisters charge went dead while i was in surgery so i dond't get to play
Taken out of context this sentence brings brings multitude images in my mind, some of them disturbing.
rabidrabbit said:
jvd said:
I had the problem yesterday at the hospital . My sisters charge went dead while i was in surgery so i dond't get to play
Taken out of context this sentence brings brings multitude images in my mind, some of them disturbing.
your sick !