[PS3] Uncharted 2

Reason why i mentioned AC1 earlier, is that in that game, you also climb lots of stuff, but i never noticed that Altair was magically being pulled to the "right" spot. It just seed fluent, smooth and natural.

Altair was also incredibly unresponsive to control (at least compared to Drake) because the game always seemed to insist on finishing every single pre-fabricated animation for the sake of making him look good. Same with the new Prince of Persia.
There really is only one stat that matters (well, two for objective based games) kill ratio (can be combined with kills per minute aswell for even better measurement) for death match type games, and killratio combined with some measure of how well you do in objective type games (amount of captures or whateveR).

Exactly. I think an accurate measurement should only consider K/D ratio when the player is alone. When I'm in a good party, it tends to boost my K/D ratio artificially.

Most matchmaking in games go by experience level and location (for less lags), which really doesn't do anything to ensure even and balanced teams. Sure, people with high levels will tend to be on different teams, but high levels =\= skill.

Yap, ND mentioned "skills" in that Online Tech trailer. So I will give them the benefit of the doubt. They will need enough play data to tune the matchmaking. I don't know how party matchmaking works in general though.
Got my copy a day before it's supposed to be released over here. I've been playing for 6 hours straight so far, and I'm at chapter 17 right now.

I've also bought Brutal Legend, and I took the whole day off tomorrow.:cool:
Altair was also incredibly unresponsive to control (at least compared to Drake) because the game always seemed to insist on finishing every single pre-fabricated animation for the sake of making him look good. Same with the new Prince of Persia.

And AC platforming was terrible. Hold X to climb. I prefer the attachment Drake has to movements.

I also felt the same about Prince of Persia platfomring. Used to be SOOO good in the PS2 games, but then instead of holding down R1 to go along the wall (and then letting go to stop and drop) in the PS3/360 Prince of Persia you just tap X and he goes the same distance everytime. Detachment of movements from controls is NOT good. I think UC2 at least gets that right.
Exactly. I think an accurate measurement should only consider K/D ratio when the player is alone. When I'm in a good party, it tends to boost my K/D ratio artificially.

I usually loose K/D ratio when playing in parties in games i play regularly. Less kills to be mine. :p

K/D can be deceptive thought, now that i think about it. It should be factored with other stuff like kills per minute (remove campers, they suck but can hold decent K/D), there should be some team factors aswell (objective based scores?\score per minute? i dunno), as if your playing with a team how well you play in team based modes should correlate with your skill.

Altair was also incredibly unresponsive to control (at least compared to Drake) because the game always seemed to insist on finishing every single pre-fabricated animation for the sake of making him look good. Same with the new Prince of Persia.

Never thought of it that way, very good point.
I think Naughty Dog actually had an AC-like animation system up and running for Uncharted. Supposedly it looked incredible, but when they play tested it the game felt unresponsive and stiff. They basically wanted the best animations you could possibly achieve without sacrificing the quick and fun controls that made the Jak games so popular, so they scrapped it. There's a video doc about it on the first Uncharted Blu Ray disc.
I'm quite pleased with the trade-off here. Sucker punch basically did the same with Infamous. It doesn't look quite as stunning when Cole climbs around buildings, but it sure as hell is a joy to play.

AC (especially during combat) and especially the new Prince of Persia almost feel like elaborate QTEs without the button prompts. Looks very pretty, though, so no arguments there, but you have awfully little control over what actually happens on screen.
Like everyone else, I am loving this game. At chapter 22 right now, finish it this weekend. Chloe's voice is a perfect fit for her too. ;)
This game is simply incredible! I'm finding hard to keep track of all the details on screen, the visuals are so overwhelming sometimes that I had to just stand there just absorb. Up to chapter 17 now and it's getting really intense
was that a big ass Yeti that killed the wolves?
Just came home from a friend where we played to chapter 7. I heard they have improved on every aspect, but hell...even the treasure models look better.
Chapter 6 was the best so far. Only saw some small glitches, one time Drake was swinging on a lantern without using his arms , another time he was running on the spot like on ice.
I don`t know if it was designed that way, but it was cool: There was a spot where you are supposed to jump to a poster ad frame and my buddy missed it and died. He had just said" Strange I could have sworn this was the right way" as the game loaded the checkpoint and Chloe was jumping to the spot instead of waiting for Drake. We: "Oh, looks like it WAS the way" .
Can`t wait to get my own copy.
Finished the game on Hard, Can you play the levels on crushing in any order and as long as you beat them all in order to get the crushing trophy, like killzone 2? Because if I can't beat the last 2 chapters on crushing there's no point in playing all the others which are easier. Oh and the god damn train of course...
If you guys are impressed with the graphics, wait till you get to

Nearing the end, I can say this has been one of the most enjoyable single player campaigns I've ever experienced. My GOTY hands down.
Completed it !

Some parts are a little frustrating, but it's quite a journey.
Best thing is the characters.

My favorite is Chapter 16.
is nice but it's just another
to me. ^_^

I'm going to start it right now. I heard its easier than UC1, do you suggest me to start on hard or normal level?

I prefer to start with Normal, but if you are very proficient in shooters, I supposed Hard may work for you too.
I've been playing survivor coop with betan, it's quite hard with only 2 people instead of 3. We'd have beaten it, we were at wave 10 (last wave) with only a few guys left, he was dead and I just had to aim the rocket launcher too close to the ledge taking myself out!!! We will beat it this weekend for sure!
I'm going to start it right now. I heard its easier than UC1, do you suggest me to start on hard or normal level?

I think it's difficult to compare. I finished on hard and it wasn't easier than the first one.
The thing is the first one has weaker enemies but there are sections where you keep getting waves of them from opposite directions, which wasn't as apparent in the sequel, I guess partly because better platforming mixin with combat. It does however have more bullet sponges, but stealth can be used to avoid a lot of fighting.
Where to put comma?

From this quote:

"Our characters they typically have eighty thousand polygons in you know, one character, like the main character. In total- what we try to push through to the graphics chip at one point two million triangles that we try to draw every frame. We do a lot using the cell processor."

Is it:

"In total- what we try to push through to the graphics chip, at one point two million triangles that we try to draw every frame"


"In total- what we try to push through to the graphics chip at one point, two million triangles that we try to draw every frame"
This game is simply incredible! I'm finding hard to keep track of all the details on screen, the visuals are so overwhelming sometimes that I had to just stand there just absorb. Up to chapter 17 now and it's getting really intense
was that a big ass Yeti that killed the wolves?

After literally one minute on U2.....i had to pick my jaw up! Staggeringly beautiful! And im ONLY at the part where im hanging from the train!!!! The texture detail is just insane, especially the mountains, coupled with the depth of field, i can`t recall an opening quite as stunning as this! And the top where the train wreck is.......my oh my, on a purely technical level, i cant believe what im seeing! A lot of developers must be shaking their heads at what ND have pulled off with this!