finished U1 and U2 on crashing on my first playthough, started playing U3 on crushing. A few thought here,
things I like
+BP went above and beyond to upgrade U1 graphics, looks much better than the Gears 1 remake IMO, but I rather have them spend more time tweaking the gameplay and fix the collision detection instead.
+Looks like it got upgraded far less than U1, but replacing the cut scene models and upping the shadows and IQ are pretty much enough for this game, similar to the upgrades TLOU remaster got
+U3 barely have any upgrade, I think they kept everything as they were but swap about the cut scene models and improve all low precision effects like smokes, volumatric lights. Its not like this game really need much upgrade to begin with, can easily be taken as a current gen game
-Elena in U2 looks like Elena in U3, she looks weird and got some weird eye liners that I don't remember in the original U2. If they really swapped her model with U3 that is seriously retarded
-I can't believe they forgot to include the grenade/reload buttons swapping, I use L1 + R2 grenade a lot on PS3, thank to PS4OS have the ability to swap buttons, otherwise this would be very frustrating, can't play the game with L1+L2 for Aim grenade throw.