PS3 sales


Well, that´s not happening..

Why not? PS3's aren't sitting on the shelf now unlike earlier in the year. If that's the number they're currently sending either they're telling retailers to hide them in the back or they're selling when they get them.

Assuming that number is correct (100k/week) why would that not equate to 500k over 5 weeks (jan07npd)?
I don't know how much they send to Canada. 10%?

Really? Many conflicting reports exist.

Well all I can go buy is what I've seen reported and how it coincided with my personal experiences in my local area. When reports were running rampant of ps3's sitting on shelves some with signs saying as much in the stores front window and I see the same locally (literally) and repeatedly throughout the bay area, I figure the bay area is a good barometer as it jived with similar internet reports in the states.

Currently and over the past couple weeks I've not seen the widely available stock nor have I seen/heard reports of such recently. I assumed this was because they sold but it could be otherwise I suppose. Perhaps retailers are instructed to not have them stocked on shelves now. Wouldn't be a bad strategy as it gives the impression of high demand. But until I see confirmation otherwise, I believe they are pretty much sold out across the states.

Unless you have a link?
Why not? PS3's aren't sitting on the shelf now unlike earlier in the year. If that's the number they're currently sending either they're telling retailers to hide them in the back or they're selling when they get them.

Assuming that number is correct (100k/week) why would that not equate to 500k over 5 weeks (jan07npd)?
Selling more in Jan than Xmas? That's a little optimistic. My guess is that it'll be at twice of Japan's demand... which should come out to about 40-50K per week. Before realizing that Jan NPD covered 5 weeks, I was guessing under 200k. But now that we're counting 5 weeks, I'm going to guess about 230k.
Well all I can go buy is what I've seen reported and how it coincided with my personal experiences in my local area. When reports were running rampant of ps3's sitting on shelves some with signs saying as much in the stores front window and I see the same locally (literally) and repeatedly throughout the bay area, I figure the bay area is a good barometer as it jived with similar internet reports in the states.

Currently and over the past couple weeks I've not seen the widely available stock nor have I seen/heard reports of such recently. I assumed this was because they sold but it could be otherwise I suppose. Perhaps retailers are instructed to not have them stocked on shelves now. Wouldn't be a bad strategy as it gives the impression of high demand. But until I see confirmation otherwise, I believe they are pretty much sold out across the states.

Unless you have a link?

Don't know about the B&M's so I won't even attempt to guess, but all the major online sites have them (60GB). And all but one I checked sold them "naked" (no bundling). Seems to me if we had come around to the point of being supply limited again that they would also be sold out online, and that we'd see some more attempts at gouging.
PPerhaps retailers are instructed to not have them stocked on shelves now. Wouldn't be a bad strategy as it gives the impression of high demand. But until I see confirmation otherwise, I believe they are pretty much sold out across the states.

Unless you have a link?

I doubt they are hiding anything, wouldn´t all manufactores want to hide all there stuff...? :)

The godly honest truth is that the days of driveby sales analysis (unless you visit ALOT!) is over, from here it´s the old school "Sony shipped x amount" countered by "THEY DIDN´T SELL ANYTHING" countered by "NPD NUMBERS ARE OUT they show something else!" countered by "NPD only covers x amount of sales" countered by "Yeah but NPD + X Percent shows something else" countered by "Sales doesn´t equal quality just look at Britney Spears" and then the thread is locked...
By all accounts ps3 was supply limited launch through dec.

I thought you just said that PS3's were just sitting on shelves before January.. Or did you mean that PS3's were sitting on shelves for the first few weeks of January but not the rest?
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I thought you just said that PS3's were just sitting on shelves before January.. Or did you mean that PS3's were sitting on shelves for the first few weeks of January but not the rest?

Right around the beginning of the year there were many stories of ps3's sitting on shelves, signs out front, stacks etc. I saw the same things myself in many stores in my area. Then around the begining of this month, supply seemed to be a problem again and still seems to be in my area. Online perhaps this is not the case and perhaps they are getting a steady stream that continue to sell as the hit the shelf. We will see when npd#'s are released.
These #'s have been posted over at GAF:
Wii 435,503
PlayStation 2 299,352
Xbox 360 293,774
PlayStation 3 243,554
Nintendo DS 238,869
PlayStation Portable 210,719
Game Boy Advance 179,482
GameCube 33,806
Xbox 833

Wonder if they're real :???:
These #'s have been posted over at GAF:
Wii 435,503
PlayStation 2 299,352
Xbox 360 293,774
PlayStation 3 243,554
Nintendo DS 238,869
PlayStation Portable 210,719
Game Boy Advance 179,482
GameCube 33,806
Xbox 833

Wonder if they're real :???:

Seems to be some funny business going on at GAF. I don't think they're real. PS3 sold at least 300k.
These #'s have been posted over at GAF:
Wii 435,503
PlayStation 2 299,352
Xbox 360 293,774

PlayStation 3 243,554
Nintendo DS 238,869
PlayStation Portable 210,719
Game Boy Advance 179,482
GameCube 33,806
Xbox 833

Wonder if they're real :???:

If they are:
- Fantastic month for Wii even though very much supply constrained.
- PS2 keeps on going!
- 360 selling well near PS2 numbers (as usual).
- PS3 selling just okay, supply should not be a problem now. High prices and lack of games hurting it? It's only been out for 2.5 months by end of Jan.
- PSP great month just 18k below DS!

Who bought xbox 1s? :LOL:
Guys, I know we all want these numbers, but let's just be *sure* we have the NPD numbers before discussion ramps up to a fever pitch. We don't want a repeat of last Thursday afterall. ;)
Seems to be some funny business going on at GAF. I don't think they're real. PS3 sold at least 300k.

They seem a little skewed I agree, if they are true the price is obviously a much bigger problem for PS3 than I had expected, and wow at the 360 numbers. If it can sell 300k at $299/399 in a month with no major releases, imagine the units they could move at $199/299.

And wii continues to be a phenomenon, my GF was telling me a story about her office the other day, all middle aged ladies, she's the youngest@25, and they were all sitting around talking about who had a Wii, and who wanted a Wii, she even offended her boss by suggesting she was too old for one!

It really is capturing the intended audience, if it keeps up, the console market is going to grow by leaps and bounds this generation with a huge influx of female/casual gamers.
These #'s have been posted over at GAF:
Wii 435,503
PlayStation 2 299,352
Xbox 360 293,774
PlayStation 3 243,554
Nintendo DS 238,869
PlayStation Portable 210,719
Game Boy Advance 179,482
GameCube 33,806
Xbox 833

Wonder if they're real :???:

I'm wary of any unconfirmed numbers due to last time.
These #'s have been posted over at GAF:
Wii 435,503
PlayStation 2 299,352
Xbox 360 293,774
PlayStation 3 243,554
Nintendo DS 238,869
PlayStation Portable 210,719
Game Boy Advance 179,482
GameCube 33,806
Xbox 833

Wonder if they're real :???:

wow..ps3 terrible..ds bad too, but i forgot apparantly there were/are shortages for ds..

360 sold well, as i predicted. i work at a distribution center, and we had a couple pallets of them left after christmas, but they got depleted pretty fast. so i expected good 360 sales. anyway, i'm telling you guys the 360 sales are all due to gears. it's impossible to play that game, especially online, and not expect it to move hardware.

that's a real solid 360 number. we're getting into territory that xbox one never touched, never came close to touching (excluding Nov/Dec), let alone in january. in fact xbox one normally never reached even 200k on slow months. all that and 360 is still $400...
Guys, I know we all want these numbers, but let's just be *sure* we have the NPD numbers before discussion ramps up to a fever pitch. We don't want a repeat of last Thursday afterall. ;)

Yeah where are the NPD numbers? I know it's 5 weeks of results, but still, we're practically 3 weeks into February now, and still no sign. I thought the numbers came out 2 weeks after the period in question had ended, which must have been a few days ago now, since it included some late December numbers, right?

Anyone know when we can expect them?

Edit: Also, assuming for one moment these numbers are correct, which I don't think they are, don't these seem a little low since it is over 5 weeks?

Edit 2: Also, where the hell is DS lite? Do they really expect us to believe that DS Lite and DS combined sold only 238,869? I don't believe these numbers at all
Yeah where are the NPD numbers? I know it's 5 weeks of results, but still, we're practically 3 weeks into February now, and still no sign. I thought the numbers came out 2 weeks after the period in question had ended, which must have been a few days ago now, since it included some late December numbers, right?

Anyone know when we can expect them?

they do, and normally on thur (should have been the 15th). but on the 15th we got news they were delayed until today (dont ask me why).

Most likely hardware numbers are just above you, just not 100% confirmed yet.

Now to add more fuel, Luke Smith, 1up.cpm editor, is hinting on GAf messageboards that NPD is not going to be releasing the numbers publicly anymore..though I'd still expect we get them "unnoficially".
Most likely hardware numbers are just above you, just not 100% confirmed yet.

Rangers you're a very eager/willing consumer of all things NPD it seems. ;)

Indeed, let's just wait for the confirmation, and the week-long analysis to come will have been delayed by only a matter of minutes (hopefully).