[PS3] Metal Gear Solid 4 *spoilers*

Only 3 hours after the MS conference is kind of fishy. A 360 version would have been less likely to suspect if the timer ended near Sony's conference.

Is Konami going to give a speech or something? Are they going to have their own conference? If yes when?
The (current) counter ends some time after the MS keynote.
If the teaser was somehow related with xb360 MGS4 or MGS5, announcing it in the MS keynote would somewhat nullify the impact of the teaser, don't you think.

I think the teaser is not for MGS4, but new MGS game or games for PS3 and PSP.
A MGS4 port for 360 is still very possible, but nothing to do with the teaser.

or it could be a multiplat new MGS game. You really don't want to announce a new multiplat title based on a huge franchise at a specific console vendor's conference, unless you don't mind the confusion created because MS won't allow "also on the PS3" to be mentioned during the presentation.

I don't see the point of pulling another Assassin Creed, a new multiplat new MGS would deserve its own conference. Otherwise if it was a Sony exclusive, Sony would be begging for its announcement during their own conference.
Is Rising 360 exclusive?

Very excited for it, I've wanted another Raiden game since MGS2. I was always fond of his story (many were not) so here's to hoping it's fantastic!

I wonder what kind of game it will be though?
Is Rising 360 exclusive?

Very excited for it, I've wanted another Raiden game since MGS2. I was always fond of his story (many were not) so here's to hoping it's fantastic!

I wonder what kind of game it will be though?

If it was exclusive MS would make sure to make it very very clear, its multiplatform.

I expect another mgs game staring big boss on psp.
Another Big Boss title on PSP would be awesome. A PS3 Big Boss title with a digital copy of a PSP counter part, however, would be much much cooler.
Konami's press release only mentions the Xbox 360. However, Microsoft lists the game in their multiplatform section of their press release.
wasn't it announced only on 360 section of MS E3 conference?

The fact that there were no Tattoo's present, and MS made no comments about exclusivity during the press conference leads me to believe it is multiplatform. MS Probably got dibs on it for their conference.

I bet we'll see it in trailer form during Sony's conference. Much like RE5.
IGN is reporting it is exclusive

E3 2009: Metal Gear Solid: Rising Revealed

Kojima bringing the next Metal Gear game exclusively to Xbox 360.

by Jim Reilly


June 1, 2009 - Kojima took the stage at Microsoft's press conference and dropped a major announcement:

Remember all those teasers we saw over the past month? It wasn't the new PSP game. It was, in fact, a completely new series in the Metal Gear franchise.

Titled Metal Gear Solid: Rising, the game appears to mainly focus on the character Raiden, as there were no shots of Solid Snake at all in the extremely vague announcement teaser shown.

While this news comes at the Microsoft presser, no announcements of exclusivity were revealed, so for now, expect this to be multiplatform, or a timed-exclusive at the very least.


The game is indeed
exclusive to the Xbox 360. Sorry, Sony fans.
If it's true (they could be wrong) I"m guessing we will see another MGS game announced tomorrow for Sony anyway.
I still don't know what the game does.

If MS's listing it on their multi-platform list, it could be one of those timed exclusives too, or a pure press release mistake. Whichever the case, it's good that Konami has finally become a cross platform dev.

I'd like to see Zone of the Enders though.
You can't spell IGN without...ohh screw it.

Still doubting it's exclusive. MS made a point to talk about exlcusivtiy for everything else.

Even the stupid MP Maps for MW2.

Even Konami's PR skirts the issue of exclusivity, and MS's E3 lineup lists the game as "Multiplatform" not exclusive.

Just saying. IGN probably looked at the Konami PR, and assumed since no other system was mentioned, it was "exclusive".

Anyone remember a similar situation many years back? A certain game, about an Assassin? A Ubisoft game? A sheet of PR that intentionally left out other systems, but never mentioned exclusivity?

Just saying.