IMHO, MGS4 is still one of the greatest achievements this generation. What it may lack in graphics (though I disagree personally), it makes up for it in game-mechanics.
I disagree completely, MGS4 to me has very very dated in game mechanics. Your constrained by ridiculous things, like boxes or 40cm tall ledges. For some reason your character is unable to climb these! The whole game is basically build around the same mechanics in previous MGS games. The feeling i got from MGS4 was a PS2 game with PS3 graphics.
A game that didn't forget it's a game and is most importantly, fun and challenging to play.
I didn't find MGS4 much fun to play, if Konami would have hired an editor to cut some of the redundant cutscenes away i might have enjoyed it more.
Challenging? What exactly is challenging about MGS4? You have a camo suit that makes you invisible for all practical reasons, there is no challenge, you just have to move slowly enough (or just tranqulize everybody if your on speed runs).
Most of the challenge comes when engaging in the cat & mouse game with the enemy soldiers. Sure, you can trick them easily once you figured out how they work, but you have to get there first and the way to get there is some good fun. The AI is also quite complex once you start playing on the higher difficulty settings.
Are we playing the same game? The Enemies all run around on scripted paths, all that is required of you is to lie still with camo suit if they are close, and move slowly if they are in visible range. If you get into trouble and actually have to shoot enemies, they are exceptionally bad. They really suck, i never encountered normal enemies that proved to be a challenge, you can easily kill all enemies (where they dont respawn) on any given stage without breaking a sweat.
Engaging cat and mouse game? Unless the AI has been alerted, all it takes is some crawling and pacience. If AI is allready allerted, you might aswell tranqulize or kill them anyway.
Also, have to give credit to Team Kojima for making MGS4 as varied as it is. Espionage action, stealth play, action, escape on vehicles, beat'm up showdown, boss fights, varied landscapes and levels, many different enemy types with varying AI (metal gears, soldiers)...
I dont really think its that varied. The base core gameplay is allways the same (not that there is anything wrong with that), basically you just try to run around and not getting seen. Sure it has some different boss fights and what not (it also has a lot of the same basic boss fights - like with those girls).
Its just a stealth game, get from point a to point b without sounding alerts, that is the game. You might have to do something at point B, but this is still what the game is all about. I would not give MGS4 credit for "espionage action, stealth play, action, escape on vehicles" and so forth" You sound like a commerical.
The action is horrible, as a shooter it doesn't hold up compared to any decent titles. This largely because of weapon dynamics and horribly stupid AI that gives you 0 challenge in fire fights.
Escape on vehicles? You really gonna give them credit for this basic "addon" that every single action game i have ever played (well, allmost) has? Its not like the vehicle escapes are particularly mind blowing, stay on the vehicle and aim - just like any other game, the motorcycle ride was quite entertaining thought.
It does have variety in the locations, and it does have quite a few different enemies, outside of that i wouldn't give them much credit. Certainly not for all the points you put up there.
All in all, i can understand why MGS fans like the game, but for people who haven't played the previous titles and are not to into the story, MGS4 isnt particularly groundbraking. It just comes out like a run of the mill stealth game, that plays like anyother stealth game, and does little to nothing in regards to evolution of the genre.
Splinter Cell does everything that MGS4 does, and i have to say i prefer the Spy's vs Merc type multiplayer, instead of MGS4's basic FPS shooter ripoff where you might have a chance to play as snake depending on gamemode. This is because as shooters both games are horrible compared to say CoD4, and therefore atleast the Spy vs Merc games offer something completely different in regards to multi, not just some bad shooter multiplayer game.
Im not saying SC is better, im just saying if you take away the enjoyment that some people get from the Storyline and cutscenes in MGS4, your left with a pretty average game, certainly not the masterpiece that some people here swear it is.