I might get the idea that MGS4 isn't anyone's cup of tea, but to critize every single one of its strengths is taking it a little bit to far. :S
Ostepop" said:
I disagree completely, MGS4 to me has very very dated in game mechanics. Your constrained by ridiculous things, like boxes or 40cm tall ledges. For some reason your character is unable to climb these! The whole game is basically build around the same mechanics in previous MGS games. The feeling i got from MGS4 was a PS2 game with PS3 graphics.
Game mechanics can mean a little more than jumping over boxes.
The game mechanics is a strength of the game, because it's sharper than most games outthere and a lot sharper than Uncharted (which was brought up as a comparison title). The varied range of moves and actions (CQC -> Grabing enemies, using them as human shields, interact with them, throws and attacks) that Snake can take do are not exactly few either. Compared to most games, one might even find it complex. Even if it didn't evolve much from MGS3 on PS2, compared to most games, it's still boasts an impressive selection of moves while feeling good and sharp which adds to the game experience once you'get used to them.
And as for not being able to climb 40cm tall ledges or boxes - why would you want to climb them anyway? It's not as if there's a reason why you'd need to in the game - and it's not like every other game limits you to an almost 2d grid. Games are built around bounderies, some just offer more so than others. MGS4 is no different in that matter. It doesn't let you climb boxes (that aren't ment to) because there's no reason to. It's not a platformer, it's an action/stealth game and climbing boxes isn't part of the game.
Ostepop said:
I didn't find MGS4 much fun to play, if Konami would have hired an editor to cut some of the redundant cutscenes away i might have enjoyed it more.
Too bad. I wasn't talking about the cutscenes, I was refering to the fun
gameplay engaging in the cat & mouse game with the enemies that the game so brilliantly enables.
Ostepop said:
Challenging? What exactly is challenging about MGS4? You have a camo suit that makes you invisible for all practical reasons, there is no challenge, you just have to move slowly enough (or just tranqulize everybody if your on speed runs).
Playing it on the higher difficulty settings, where the AI not only is more complex, but where the setting is a bit more realistic as well with more enemies patroling the area. The camo suit also doesn't make you invisible - it basically increases (or decreases) the level of awareness. Movement makes you more visible, as well as standing in the light or using an unappropriate camo for the scene you're in.
The challenge is sneaking from point A to point B without getting seen at all or trying to beat the game without killing a single enemy player. This might not be the fun way for you to play it - but if you're honestly wanting to play the game like some random first person shooter, than yes, the game isn't for you. Kojima did try to make the game as accessible as possible to all players (giving various options on how to play the game), but not all approaches give the same challenge, the same fun and there are bounderies as well.
If you're not liking the game, maybe you should try playing it differently. You can't buy a FPS and then criticize it for not being a platformer (while trying to play it like one). MGS4 should be played like the 3 games before them. If you don't, then you're bound to run into problems.
Ostepop said:
Are we playing the same game? The Enemies all run around on scripted paths, all that is required of you is to lie still with camo suit if they are close, and move slowly if they are in visible range. If you get into trouble and actually have to shoot enemies, they are exceptionally bad. They really suck, i never encountered normal enemies that proved to be a challenge, you can easily kill all enemies (where they dont respawn) on any given stage without breaking a sweat.
We are playing the same game, but as explained above, you might be playing it different to the norm or in a way it wasn't intended (you speak of running, which obviously doesn't lend itself well to this type of game) or we might simply have a different view on what is fun.
And your last sentance basically gives away you haven't attempted to play the game on medium let alone the higher difficulty settings. A few direct hits by enemies and you're dead, so no, engaging in fire fights will not get you anywhere. Playing it like a FPS (like you're obviously tried too) will perhaps work on the easier difficulty settings, but the game will hardly be rewarding or fun.
When Hideo put the message "This is no FPS" in the very first MGS4 trailer, he quite obviously ment it so.
Ostepop said:
Engaging cat and mouse game? Unless the AI has been alerted, all it takes is some crawling and pacience. If AI is allready allerted, you might aswell tranqulize or kill them anyway.
No, the cat and mouse game that you
can engage in (if you want to) by playing with the AI by sneaking up on enemies, luring them away from there scripted patroling path etc. There are more than a few different ways to do this and is something that has been a trademark to the series since the beginning.
I'm seriously beginning to wonder how you tried to play this game.
Ostepop said:
dont really think its that varied. The base core gameplay is allways the same (not that there is anything wrong with that), basically you just try to run around and not getting seen.
Here we go again. It's not a running game...
Ostepop said:
The action is horrible, as a shooter it doesn't hold up compared to any decent titles. This largely because of weapon dynamics and horribly stupid AI that gives you 0 challenge in fire fights.
...and it most definately isn't a shooter either. If you got into fire fights, you're definately not doing things right.
Ostepop said:
Its just a stealth game, get from point a to point b without sounding alerts, that is the game. You might have to do something at point B, but this is still what the game is all about. I would not give MGS4 credit for "espionage action, stealth play, action, escape on vehicles" and so forth" You sound like a commerical.
And you sound like a guy playing a tactical shooter/sneaking game like head-less chicken running around
alone in a warzone engaging in firefights and then complaining about the lack of challenge/realism/point in the game. Someone forgot to tell you it's (obviously) a sneaking mission... If you want to criticise the game, AT LEAST play the game how it was ment to be played.
Ostepop said:
Im not saying SC is better, im just saying if you take away the enjoyment that some people get from the Storyline and cutscenes in MGS4, your left with a pretty average game, certainly not the masterpiece that some people here swear it is.
Strangely, you seem to be the only one in this discussion babbling on about cut-scenes and storyline and I certainly don't see any MGS fans talking about it. I stated some of the games strengths and pointed out why and what makes them an impressive feat. Having you point out flaws in it when you obviously didn't even attempt to play the game as it was ment to, doesn't really hold up well, I'm afraid.
Perhaps this is the downfall of MGS4 - It's a game that can be played in so many different ways, but not all ways convey the strengths as well as others. If you want to get the best exerpience, you need to play it like a MGS game. The fact that it is possible to play it differently is perhaps it's greatest weakness. This is the reason why IMO it's best to play it on the higher difficulty settings - it really forces you into the whole sneaking gameplay.