[PS3] Killzone 2

Yeah, the chatting is pretty cool! I like it a lot. When I noticed that you could only type really short lines I suspected this had a reason - you'd be able to see them in-game or something. And true enough, you can join a chat room and then just go back to whatever you were doing. Tuna is in Guitar Hero, Phil is in Killzone, patsu is ... sort of ... working, and I'm typing this here in the browser right now while I see those three chatting away. Pretty awesome! And from the looks of it, they seem to be aiming to make this support voice eventually. Of course I realise that compared to the 360 it's small steps, but for us PS3 owners this is a pretty big one. :)
I also really like that you can cut and paste text in the browser now, by the way. That was one thing that I sometimes missed being able to do.
Yeah, the textchat is very nice for getting things organised in Killzone 2. Like who's going to find the next game, or which side to join. It was about time we got a way to message groups, instead of sending individual messages.
Can anyone comment on the 4d ad that was just released on PSN?
I cant get my PS3 on the net for the time being, so I'm stuck hunting down opinions and commentaries on it.
I've seen screens from it though and it looks awesome. Tech demoes such as this really get me fired up and excited. :D
I assume the textures and models are higher res because GG can actually use all of the available memory (no online features) for a completely scripted and controlled cutscene.
I've found a pretty reliable way to earn the engineer's turret ribbon and have earned the medal that allows me to do repairs. :eek:

The general idea is to set up 1 or 2 turrets to work like to team with you to kill people who pass by. The important part is the location. I found the following factors useful:
1) You mostly only need to look in one direction for enemies.
2) People mostly only passes by in isolation. There is no strong incentive for a group of enemies to storm your fort together.
3) Relatively open area, so you have space to move. No single grenade or rocket can damage you and your turret(s) at the same time. Another way to put it is the turret(s) and you can flank any single enemy who decides to engage.
4) Enemy air support flying around is a bonus. Turrets are pretty good at shooting them down for points. I don't know if this counts toward the ribbon though.
5) Not about the location, but I think the shotgun isn't very good here. You want your weapon to shoot relatively distant enemies together with your turret. When someone comes close to fight you, shotgun is also more likely damage your own turret by accident. I'd either find a rifle before setting up shop, or just rely on the revolver.

The location that got me the most ribbons is in Visari Hammer. It's to the side of the area outside the small "window" corridor where two teams often trade grenades and bullets.

Anyone interested can try. You'd have to give up on the team goals though.
The KZ2 ad is pretty cool: it has commentary from the ad's director plus 3 different members of GG, and I'm a sucker for commentary.
LOL. I typed fast... my apologies. Trying to get you guys invited to the new B3D chatroom. Will need you to add me to the friends list first. If you're running out of friends list space, you can delete me after accepting the chatroom invitation. Once you have the XMB link to the chatroom, it's there "permanently".

[size=-2]Wife is hogging the PS3 for Everyday Shooter now. Will send out the friends list invitations once she quits[/size]

EDIT: betan, deepbrown, Jaeyden, Carl Bender, corduroygt, Arwin, tha_con, Phil, Shifty, Titanio, catisfit, tuna and me were in and out of the room throughout today.
Me and betan played Supersonic ............ Battle Cars until we got really tired today. More of you please buy the game so we have an easier time with matchmaking...There are only 4-5 games at a time on the US PSN...which sucks, because the game is so simple to learn, yet so hard to master, and unbelievably fun. It's also a sharable game but it gave us hours of entertainment for a measly 10 bucks.
I've found a pretty reliable way to earn the engineer's turret ribbon and have earned the medal that allows me to do repairs. :eek:

The general idea is to set up 1 or 2 turrets to work like to team with you to kill people who pass by. The important part is the location. I found the following factors useful:
1) You mostly only need to look in one direction for enemies.
2) People mostly only passes by in isolation. There is no strong incentive for a group of enemies to storm your fort together.
3) Relatively open area, so you have space to move. No single grenade or rocket can damage you and your turret(s) at the same time. Another way to put it is the turret(s) and you can flank any single enemy who decides to engage.
4) Enemy air support flying around is a bonus. Turrets are pretty good at shooting them down for points. I don't know if this counts toward the ribbon though.
5) Not about the location, but I think the shotgun isn't very good here. You want your weapon to shoot relatively distant enemies together with your turret. When someone comes close to fight you, shotgun is also more likely damage your own turret by accident. I'd either find a rifle before setting up shop, or just rely on the revolver.

The location that got me the most ribbons is in Visari Hammer. It's to the side of the area outside the small "window" corridor where two teams often trade grenades and bullets.

Anyone interested can try. You'd have to give up on the team goals though.

that's some very good advice! I have had some similar experience with the turrets, mainly in the Radecs Academy level where setting up to turrets to create cross fire can be very effective. Especially, when as you say, you use them as helpers to weaken your enemy while they try to attack you.

I had some really good games last night - some of the best actually. IMO, the smaller games are on average much better to play than the overcrowded large games. I played a couple of 4 vs 4 games last night and it was actually a lot of fun. Since they weren't crowded and therefore not possible to create effective chocke-points, it gave heaps of possibilities on how to tackle the enemy. Even if they tried chocking you, you could always evade by escaping through at least 2 different paths leading out of the spawn point. Since there were less players, it was also less run and gun, but more strategic gameplay.

4 vs 4 also was great, because you could play the other missions as well (not just body count) and the games were more leveled than in larger games where usually one team gets a huge advantage once they have won the chocke-points.

Anyone going to be online this weekend?
Otay ! Believe it or not, wife is still in Everyday Shooter. >_<

EDIT: To avoid cluttering existing threads, I have switched to PM to handle chat room requests.
Add me too please!

Havent been playing killzone too much although i played a lot to begin with, SFIV has been taking up most of my time. Would like to get back in to KZ though an being in the B3D clan may just be the thing that entices me, get fed up of playing with randoms!

PSN id : ShadowRunner

Please add B3D and your name on here in any friend requests as i dont except requests from people i dont know.