Yeah, the chatting is pretty cool! I like it a lot. When I noticed that you could only type really short lines I suspected this had a reason - you'd be able to see them in-game or something. And true enough, you can join a chat room and then just go back to whatever you were doing. Tuna is in Guitar Hero, Phil is in Killzone, patsu is ... sort of ... working, and I'm typing this here in the browser right now while I see those three chatting away. Pretty awesome! And from the looks of it, they seem to be aiming to make this support voice eventually. Of course I realise that compared to the 360 it's small steps, but for us PS3 owners this is a pretty big one. 
I also really like that you can cut and paste text in the browser now, by the way. That was one thing that I sometimes missed being able to do.
I also really like that you can cut and paste text in the browser now, by the way. That was one thing that I sometimes missed being able to do.