[PS3] Killzone 2

At the moment enjoying more the online (no more controller breakup) and I achieved the ranking of Lieutenant Colonel playing mostly engineer.

I was finally able to play this during the weekend and I finished the single player campaign on normal. A bit short game as my playthrough time was 7h 16m. The special effects were quite spectacular and clearly the main reason for its appealing look.

The gameplay was solid and I unlike many actually thought that the final level was the best one. Imo the battles in the last level were the only ones, where I really felt that the scope was large and felt like I was fighting with blood in my mouth, great stuff.

I wish it were longer and maybe a few more enemy types, but on overal It was a nice ride.


I unlike many actually thought that the final level was the best one. Imo the battles in the last level were the only ones, where I really felt that the scope was large and felt like I was fighting with blood in my mouth, great stuff.

Does your last level include the outside Palace fight ? If so, I'm with you :cool:
It took a while, but in the end I finally got to play with Phil a bit and actually work together, although the matches were pretty hectic. ;) But I seemed to have been one of the few medics and revived Phil a few times as well as someone from GAF, who was my squad leader. Much fun was had! In the process I leveled up again so that I can now place my very own turrets, nice. Being a medic suits me though, and it's a strong team advantage, that I think is sometimes clouded by not being as clear a personal advantage. It's bringing my K/D rate down for instance, but instead I revived 55 team-mates. ;)

The join friend feature seems to work pretty well.

Indeed, it was fun. I felt a bit guilty though, as all the games you joined me in, seemed to be very hectic and chaotic games (some full of assaulters/rocket launchers etc) and aren't the particular games I usually like to be in.

But it was good fun. I'll make sure to send you a PSN message when I see you online and get around to play. I now know myself a bit better around the MP too, so hopefully, in favour of better games.

I practically played the entire weekend and progressed to the rank of general. All in all, the MP is very addictive, though there are a few things that bother me:

- Glitching is already apparent. Kept getting slaughtered by a team where one of the opposing team members found a way into the wall behind our spawn point and kept killing us with the shotgun at point blanc. It's good to know that Guerrilla is going to be very strict with them (hopefully) and I like the reporting feature. Now I just hope they put these reporting features to good use!

- Lag is very fustrating at times, making it nearly unplayable. I lost a fair share of my healthy K/D ratio thanks to a few laggy games, where I would shot someone from the back just to see him disappear in front of me and "jump" away and then get killed by him or someone else. Lots of double kills too. Or instances where I had already stopped firing because I had to reload and while the reloading took place, see him drop dead a good 2 seconds after I had stopped firing.

- Fustrating to be so many times on the losing team (usually Helghasts) and being slaughtered because they were all well within our spawning points. Not much you can do though, that's life. I'm sure I'll have better luck next time. :p
I find it slightly easier to play ISA because Helghast are easier to spot (and kill) from very far away, thanks to the red eye thing. The ISA have the same with blue, but red is just that little bit easier to spot generally.

I only promoted to Lieutenant now, and haven't played as such yet. No glitching was used so far, but I'm sure the higher you get, the more people will do anything ...

Yeah, some of the games were very high level, bad for my K/D ratio, but good for my learning curve. ;) I did very well aftwards in 'easier' matches.

I think one very important thing is still the squad mechanic's ability to spawn on the squad leader, both for avoiding being spawn camped, and for doing some spawn camping yourself. I actually found myself successfully besieging a spawn camp on one map by taking a good position to pop in and out of killing range, and being a relatively safe place for my squad mates to spawn off right next to the enemies main spawn location. That said, I'm convinced better opponents would have gotten rid of me much sooner.

I look forward to playing more with you. :) And maybe you should start the B3D clan? You seem to be much more active in the game than Oste these days.

Lag hasn't been much of an issue for me yet, but you do remind me that I probably would be wise to just log out of the server and try another one if ever I find myself in a lag-fest.
Am I the only one that also enjoys the more chaotic games ? Maybe it`s because I don`t care about k/d ratio (strangely I did in Warhawk) , but I actually like blasting away my RPGs and when it`s empty I engage the boost and fire away with the pistol and melee. Or maybe it`s just because I suck at sniping...
Also I did enjoy a game where we were outnumberd 3 vs. 8 - there was no way we could win that match , but it was fun giving those unfair bastards a hard time.
Am I the only one that also enjoys the more chaotic games ? Maybe it`s because I don`t care about k/d ratio (strangely I did in Warhawk) , but I actually like blasting away my RPGs and when it`s empty I engage the boost and fire away with the pistol and melee. Or maybe it`s just because I suck at sniping...
Also I did enjoy a game where we were outnumberd 3 vs. 8 - there was no way we could win that match , but it was fun giving those unfair bastards a hard time.

No, you're right. I do also enjoy being outnumbered... more moving targets! But the chaotic games I was refering to, were hopeless to get into. Basically, the occasional Radecs Academy level, being Helghast and having the entire ISA forces in your spawning area, throwing grenades into your area or attacking with rocket launchers, not to mention all bots set up around there too. Unfortunately for us, the backdoor tunnel was also taken care of by the enemy, leaving us with few options. Since it was also 30min/100kill game, the humiliation wasn't over quick. :LOL:

Within no time, we were trailing by about 50 kills before we were finally able to get out of our spawning area. We didn't win and the losses were high (especially by that point, many had already chickened out making our position even worse), but at least we fought (and died) hard!
I find it slightly easier to play ISA because Helghast are easier to spot (and kill) from very far away, thanks to the red eye thing. The ISA have the same with blue, but red is just that little bit easier to spot generally.

I only promoted to Lieutenant now, and haven't played as such yet. No glitching was used so far, but I'm sure the higher you get, the more people will do anything ...

Yeah, some of the games were very high level, bad for my K/D ratio, but good for my learning curve. ;) I did very well aftwards in 'easier' matches.

I think one very important thing is still the squad mechanic's ability to spawn on the squad leader, both for avoiding being spawn camped, and for doing some spawn camping yourself. I actually found myself successfully besieging a spawn camp on one map by taking a good position to pop in and out of killing range, and being a relatively safe place for my squad mates to spawn off right next to the enemies main spawn location. That said, I'm convinced better opponents would have gotten rid of me much sooner.

I look forward to playing more with you. :) And maybe you should start the B3D clan? You seem to be much more active in the game than Oste these days.

Lag hasn't been much of an issue for me yet, but you do remind me that I probably would be wise to just log out of the server and try another one if ever I find myself in a lag-fest.

Yeah I agree. I think the red eyes are just a tad bit more obvious than the blue ones, especially more blue-ish lights in the scenery that sometimes wrongly stand out as ISAs. In other levels though, such as the Radecs Academy, I also noticed the ISA usually having the upper hand and have devoted some thought to why this is like this. Perhaps more players prefer playing as ISA... or the room in front of the Helghast base is perfect to infiltrate, setting up bots and throwing grenades into the room...

Not all bad though - I find playing as either fine. Certainly more to my liking than the difference between alien and human in Resistance. :)

BTW: Just noticed you aren't in the clan yet. Are you going to join us? We currently are at 5 members. Have only played with patsu so far and haven't seen the others online yet. Was kind of looking forward to playing along side (or against) Ostepop, but didn't see him online at all. :(

What time zones is everyone playing in? I was under the impression most on the list were within Europe, so generally online in the evening?

For the record, I'm usually online after 7 p.m. (CET) during week days and on weekends a after midnight (if I have plans to go out) or sometimes earlier.
Ah, then maybe that's just the problem. I haven't received a clan invite yet - maybe it's still in the mail. Or maybe it got there now but I haven't booted up Killzone since then. I'll boot it up tonight and see. I haven't been able to login to Killzone since Friday-night (have been away on a trip, two birthdays and some visitors to entertain on Sunday too).

Yeah, I'm usually online at the same time, usually a bit later (at least the kid has to sleep, so usually after 8 ;) ). Sometimes I'm online during Friday as I have a 'parent' day and the kid sometimes sleeps up to two hours in the afternoon, during which I sometimes play.
Arwin, you can also check for invites and join the clan via killzone.com - should be under your profile.

This week I will be on tue,wen and fri from 10.30pm (GMT+1).
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Arwin, you can also check for invites and join the clan via killzone.com - should be under your profile.

This week I will be on tue,wen and fri from 9.30pm (GMT+1).

Thanks, I got it and I'm in. The invite did in fact come on Saturday, so that's why I hadn't seen it yet.

Looks like in our clan I still belong to the n00b half ... :D Though at least I'm the top n00b then. ;)

EDIT: Hmm, comparatively it looks like I haven't spent my 15 hours online as efficiently as I could have in terms of score ... others seem to have achieved more in less time.
Don't look too much into it. A lot of the score can be attributed to certain ribbons that give more points per kill/mission objective in certain mission objectives. I.e. I think I get more points for every kill in body count games, not to mention that participating in winning teams net you the 50% more points (1.5 multiplier).

I find it interesting how quick you progress to General rank though. I'm not sure if I should like it or not. For one, I like it, because I required 3 times the hours in CoD and never quite made it to Supreme Commander in R:FOM (though I wasn't far away) - on the other hand, getting to the top rank easily means larger difference in skill levels in the same game (similar rank only games) among players with the top rank. To get all the ribbons will take some time though, so being General doesn't necessarely mean maxed out.

BTW: macabre, I was a bit confused, but now that I see your Network ID, I now see you're Opposed in the clan! Great. For some reason, I thought Opposed was someone else! We should be online around the same time this week (not sure which days I'll be online - it's always quite sponteneous for me), so I'll try to add you to my PSN list as well.

If for some reason, anyone tries to reach me via PSN XMB message and there's no reply despite me being online - I use my PS3 a lot as a mediaserver and the beamer is not always on. So sometimes, my replies may be late!

Cheers Phil
Patch 1.21 coming on Tuesday (tomorrow) 5 a.m. EDT:

* Increase of the standard points settings for Bodycount. Should ensure longer mode on heavily populated games.
* The return of Online Bots. Adding bots to an online game renders it 'unranked'.
* The option to create unranked games. Players will be made aware that a game is unranked upon joining.
* Fix to Game Search functionality so correct maps are displayed.
* Standardization of the Y-Axis controls on the HGH Scout when zoomed with the Sniper Rifle.
* Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.
* Fix for auto-aim exploit when rapidly tapping zoom/fire.
* Fix to infrequent collision issues with C4 Proximity mines.
* Fix to list of games displayed on search.
* Stability fix relating to disconnect.
* Fix to 'Clan' button functionality in custom game creation settings.

Was hit by the disconnect bug last Sunday.
EDIT: Hmm, comparatively it looks like I haven't spent my 15 hours online as efficiently as I could have in terms of score ... others seem to have achieved more in less time.

Heh. I became the general in less than 15 hours again. i average 68 kills per hour, If you got the right badge (i got the 10% of my teams kills ribbon in every time the first 8 matches i played), then killing people gives quite a lot of xp. Win bonuses are also nice.

I was actually dissapointed how fast you got level up everything if you really tried.
lEven the class abilities felt as they came to quick. If i played body count with 16 player matches (last longer, so more kills for me). I have been pushing to level up stuff while i play (at the expense of having a cool killratio) and if i concentrated i could get 4 different class ribbons in one round. So it didnt exactly take a long time to level up the class abilities as they came along. (Sometimes more, when you level up boosts pills. Hehe, press right directional button 10 times??? should have been get 10 kills while on boost pills.)
I wanted more, it takes quite some time to unlock gold guns(not the desert eagle one) etc in CoD4, there is not much left to do in kz2. Not much in compelled to do, anyways. I also think they should have had more weapons variety. I want a couple guns for each weapon type, i want more abilities, i want something. I dont care about unlocking crap for each mission type, that gives me nothing. I allready have maximum xp, what the hell do i care if i get 50xp point extra for bombing something. I hope that DLC comes soon.

Right now im getting bored,
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Heh. I became the general in less than 15 hours again. i average 68 kills per hour, If you got the right badge (i got the 10% of my teams kills ribbon in every time the first 8 matches i played), then killing people gives quite a lot of xp. Win bonuses are also nice.
Right now im getting bored,

Men, I've played for over 24h and it lacks almost 300 points just to arrive general. Anyway, I'm enjoying the game.
No, you're right. I do also enjoy being outnumbered... more moving targets! But the chaotic games I was refering to, were hopeless to get into. Basically, the occasional Radecs Academy level, being Helghast and having the entire ISA forces in your spawning area, throwing grenades into your area or attacking with rocket launchers, not to mention all bots set up around there too. Unfortunately for us, the backdoor tunnel was also taken care of by the enemy, leaving us with few options. Since it was also 30min/100kill game, the humiliation wasn't over quick. :LOL:

Within no time, we were trailing by about 50 kills before we were finally able to get out of our spawning area. We didn't win and the losses were high (especially by that point, many had already chickened out making our position even worse), but at least we fought (and died) hard!

I actually like this kind of battle. I don't rush into the fray though. I enjoy watching others fight this way by standing back a bit, firing a few shots from time to time and have a laugh.

Right now, I'm having problem getting the engineer's turret kills ribbon. The thing just doesn't seem very effective at killing. Tried placing it on high ground to help, but the thing get destroyed pretty easily. On top of that, I don't like the shotgun engineers start with, compared with the default rifle with green sight. I want to earn the ability to repair things. Any advice? Ostepop?
I actually like this kind of battle. I don't rush into the fray though. I enjoy watching others fight this way by standing back a bit, firing a few shots from time to time and have a laugh.

Right now, I'm having problem getting the engineer's turret kills ribbon. The thing just doesn't seem very effective at killing. Tried placing it on high ground to help, but the thing get destroyed pretty easily. On top of that, I don't like the shotgun engineers start with, compared with the default rifle with green sight. I want to earn the ability to repair things. Any advice? Ostepop?

Maybe try to baby sit the turret and hope for it to finish off the the people you shoot when reloading.
I actually like this kind of battle. I don't rush into the fray though. I enjoy watching others fight this way by standing back a bit, firing a few shots from time to time and have a laugh.

Right now, I'm having problem getting the engineer's turret kills ribbon. The thing just doesn't seem very effective at killing. Tried placing it on high ground to help, but the thing get destroyed pretty easily. On top of that, I don't like the shotgun engineers start with, compared with the default rifle with green sight. I want to earn the ability to repair things. Any advice? Ostepop?

Dont bother leveling up engineering badge, turrents are useless.

Only way they are effective, is if you with a chokepoint and place 2 of them so that they create crossfire.
As per the topic of cheaters taking advantage of glitching - don't do it! It's not worth it.

Here's a prime example:

At around 2 minutes play time, DangerMaNiA glitches his way through the whole level and kills a substantial lot. Thanks to the revolver, his kill rate remained high without having to worry about ammo.

Scumbags like this should be banned permanently from the online mode.
So are we on for tonight? I'm shooting for 1 hour from 22:00 to 23:00 CET ...