I think the MP controls are great with the latest patch, much closer to other FPSs.
Also Ars Technica has an
article up about certain shortcomings with the MP. (And they're not the only ones,
Penny Arcade concurs)
They take issue with the squad system and the fact that your MP experience (both in terms of enjoyment and success) seems to depend quite a lot on how good your team is. Which is not so good for players who aren't into clans and such.
I myself am on the last level of SP, and will jump into MP as soon as I finish and see for myself.
What do you guys who've been playing MP think?
There are a lot of problems with multiplayer but I find little merit in the ars article.
First, the squad system is fine. I somewhat selfishly wish there was a coleader concept so the leader can spawn with the rest as this is the only reason I don't create squads, being a run and gunner. Of course ideally one would think medic in the squad could be fine but high ranks don't really play medic, nor a single medic can do a lot anyway. Lack of a push-to-talk-to-all button is a much bigger offense though, especially considering some classes use shared resources.
Also, it probably wouldn't hurt if the game started with everyone already in squads, still having the option to create/join other squads.
Complaints regarding lack of the party system is understandable, but I respect GG's decision to push clans instead, and they even advertise it in the game (for playing with friends).
Lack of real matchmaking, custom ranked games and the whole mandatory lobby system is totally stupid though.
I totally disagree with anything the article says about the temporary respawn points. They have to be shared, and it's not a game design issue if tacticians on opposite teams decide to throw spawn grenades too close. Tacticians should be able to change the faith of the battle for better or worse.
And again, if he bothers to play up to generals he will see tactician is not a very popular class anyway.
Game does force you to play classes you don't necessarily want to play, as any good game with team based class system would when playing with random people. I think the class abilities are conceptually great. They do punish lack of team work and imbalance, which makes the game so hardcore. While many may not like it, no one has right to want every single MP to be only free for all based team modes.
Don't get me wrong, I pretty much hate the class system, or more specifically implementation. While it's OK to force classes upon you, so many important classes are just not fun to play for various reasons. Some of them become borderline useless except for special cases (objectives).
The only way to change a class is too die as far as I can see. Instead spawn points should be able to be used for this purpose after a few kills.
Classes should be unlocked very early in the ranking. People aren't that stupid, there is no logical reason for scout class to be the very max experience unlockable. It should have been the abilities instead that consumes time. And forcing limited number of terrible weapons on classes is also not the greatest idea GG came up with.
The whole ribbon system is ultra retarded. Some of them unlock experience multipliers, some of them abilities and secondary badges. The obvious stupidity is that ribbon counters are only match resident, thus memoryless between matches. So if you play a longer match you get to collect many more ribbons compared to a shorter one even if you play much worse.
Warzone system also doesn't really work contrary to people claim. The global score is often ignored and many players just try to get the kills or get the ribbons. I suspect once again the ribbon system is to be blamed for their decision to continue torture after a definite winner score like 4-0.
The class (badge) ability ribbons are totally unbalanced. One of them requires pressing a button 10 times in a match, another requires killing n(5?) people with shared turrets in a match. Of course turrets don't really kill anyone under normal circumstances, but who cares? I have never seen more than 2-3 turret kills total in a regular match, yet alone 5 by one engineer. Thank god you can create custom games with a friend and do what ever you want in order to pad stats. :/
Before I forget, the aforementioned map verticality would be more meaningful if the radar worked vertically as well at least for shooting.
Anyway, the game could have much deeper and more balanced customization and definitely much better online setup while still keeping teamwork heavy gameplay. Puzzling stuff.
I will probably start playing in clan tournaments to see if it is worth keeping at all.