Finally started the game yesterday, decided I couldn't wait any longer for (the usual, it's been two weeks today since they 'shipped' ... I think these orders just get stolen or something ) especially since my colleague also bought it on Monday and was going to start playing yesterday. So now I have someone I play through the game with, sort of, which is cool.
I must say that the game is very impressive, really overwhelming visually and even more so in the audio department. I played the first two missions, and I think I went through everything that was spoilt in online previews ... So look forward to the next session.
The game is pretty amazing, it has to be said. The shooting really clicks with me - especially a bit more old style rifle, which gives really good one-kill headshots (at least on Trooper, which is what we are both playing on for our first playthrough). I've also enjoyed some of the physics already.
I do see what you mean about the aspect ratio - it is a bit narrow. Good enough for me, and I don't think it's really 4:3 but it could be something in between that is meant to cater for both display formats. But I am not sure - to me it felt more like that the camera was a bit too much zoomed in rather than that the dimensions didn't fit properly, but this can be hard to tell - it wasn't that clear in Bioshock either, initially.
My colleague also tried the online for a bit and was impressed with it, liked it a lot (he's played a lot of shooters, especially on PC). I think I might wait until I've finished the single player campaign.
Oh and small detail but when I had to update the game to 1.20 the first time I booted it up, I was very happy that it was only a 16mb download.