I'm not sure what all this melee talk has to do with Shifty's ability to hit a distant target though.
I think I'd do a lot better chukcking the guns!
I think they just have to stay in the green area (on the mini-map), but I don't know for sure as I haven't been the VIP either.
I was last night. Least successful mission in history. Assassin game mode was declared, I ran into the fray, and just as the assassination target was announced, I was shot. The assassination target was me... So an important lesson. When the assassination is called, hide! Actually, as there's a green area, it might mean that the target has to be in that zone before they're are picked. If they are picked outside the zone, they are terminated??
I've a couple more rants after last night, and am adamant that I won't try an online wargame ever again. Headshots do my head in! the imbalance between shooting an enemy's body and their head seems completely out of kilter to me (though of course, FPS vets will strongly disagree!). Firstly it means lucky hits can end your run before you even knew anyone was around, and secondly it means those who have mastered the controls are 10x more formidable than everyone else. I'd be one-on-one with a guy, filling him with bullets, and then *pop* I'm a gonner. All too often I'd be downed in a single shot versus emptying a cartridge into someone and still having them escape. I wasn't a particularly bad player, ranging mid-table, sometimes up to 2nd place, and I got my own few headshots, but it feels...cheap. One guy on voice chat was bemused and peeved how people were getting one-shot kills with the assault rifle.
And I'm pretty miffed about the rank system locking out skills. I bought KZ2 not wanting to play as a grunt, but wanting to try out different skill combos. Yet I find I won't have access to any skills beyond Grunt for hours play, bepending on how good you are. Scoring 10 points a 15 minute round, it'll be 20 hours before I could play as an Engineer. Without a secondary ability which needs badges to be won. 20 hours playing as a class you don't want to play is MMO Grind! How long will it take to play as a sniper?! IMO it's ridiculous to advertise all these classes and the chance to use strategy, and yet not inform the players before buying that these features will be unavailable for many hours, if you
ever get them. This really has made me *
angry*! The system is set up to give better players an advantage to make them
even better, which is just imbalancing the encounters. So the only safe thing to do is play low rank games with just troops, and ignore all the advertised tactical play. Gee, thanks Guerilla...