[PS3] Demon Souls

The Compound Long Bow is in 4-1. The White Bow is in 4-2.

I stand corrected. I did get my long bow from 4-1. dlm, you only need to take a little risk in 4-1 to get the best bow in the game (after you max it out), and a powerful magical sword -- assuming you play as Royal.
I did play as Royal since all indications were that it was the most flexible class and the most powerful early on.

That said I was probably spec'd wrong. I don't think I had any particular stats for bow skill. I'd probably have to start the game from scratch if I wanted to try to gear for bow usage, which sounds like zero fun whatsoever.

I'm not saying others shouldn't enjoy the game. I'm just saying that for what I like, this game was all the wrong sorts of difficulty. Too much repetitiveness, too much trial and error, too easy to "play it wrong" with no indication that you should have spec'd a certain way. I consider all of those to be horrifically bad design flaws, but I know there are people that enjoy that sort of stuff. I don't. In general I'm not a big fan of games that come with homework.
I did play as Royal since all indications were that it was the most flexible class and the most powerful early on.

That said I was probably spec'd wrong. I don't think I had any particular stats for bow skill. I'd probably have to start the game from scratch if I wanted to try to gear for bow usage, which sounds like zero fun whatsoever.

You want to increase dexterity for Sticky Compound Long Bow. The damage scales with your dex attribute.

I'm not saying others shouldn't enjoy the game. I'm just saying that for what I like, this game was all the wrong sorts of difficulty. Too much repetitiveness, too much trial and error, too easy to "play it wrong" with no indication that you should have spec'd a certain way. I consider all of those to be horrifically bad design flaws, but I know there are people that enjoy that sort of stuff. I don't. In general I'm not a big fan of games that come with homework.

In my view, anti-repetitiveness is exactly the reason why Demon's Souls was designed this way. I think the designer started with the intention to make a challenging/rewarding game first. That means people may die often. But instead of using same old check points, they chose to half your health. That's brilliant ! ^_^

It makes your second, third try more meaningful since you can't just play it like a simple trial and error game. You have to be more careful next time, plus you may get invaded suddenly (in human form).

It is indeed very easy to "play it wrong" because the game doesn't hand hold you. But it also makes the progress more scary and rewarding at the same time.

Unless you're crazy xbd, it's a game you need to research first. Once you have the right equipments, all it takes is your attention. I didn't die a lot in Demon's Souls in my first playthrough (May be 15-20 times). That's because I watch every step I took. Once I get to the boss, I have already unlocked the shortcut(s). So getting back to them is quicker. If you read the guide, you can find hidden shortcuts too (e.g., there is one from 4-1 straight to 4-4). ;-)

Dark Souls is a much bigger world, so the designer switches to bon-fire as a checkpoint tool. But knowing them, there's probably some downside to using bon-fire as well. :LOL:
Dark Souls is a much bigger world, so the designer switches to bon-fire as a checkpoint tool. But knowing them, there's probably some downside to using bon-fire as well. :LOL:

From what I hear, once you start from a bonfire checkpoint, all enemies are reset.
From what I hear, once you start from a bonfire checkpoint, all enemies are reset.

That's no big deal. The enemies reset every time you entered a world in the first game, but you always had to start from the beginning of the level anyway, so it's still an improvement :)

Patsu, maybe if I get bored after re-playing Catherine, then finishing Gunslinger and Batman, I'll give this another shot. We'll see. I find I have so much less time for games than I used to.
That's no big deal. The enemies reset every time you entered a world in the first game, but you always had to start from the beginning of the level anyway, so it's still an improvement :)

Bonfire would be handy for scouting large maps that are interlinked. The Demon's Souls maps are not that big, and you enter the realms from the Nexus.

I vaguely remember there are also other positive attributes attached to the bonfire. Anyway, I will find out next week. :)

Patsu, maybe if I get bored after re-playing Catherine, then finishing Gunslinger and Batman, I'll give this another shot. We'll see. I find I have so much less time for games than I used to.

It's really up to you ! There are other hidden surprises and twists in the game. You'll only see them when you progress far enough.
What better way to prepare for Dark Souls then to play some Demon's Souls.

I finally had the good fortune to be invaded, but lost. Still had a good fight though.

I killed Penetrator on NG+, with a little help.
Yea, I couldn't do much against a better human fighter. Usually they are more agile, and can deal more damage. Most of the time, I died from my own mistakes though (Mostly from falling).
My own abilities may have been hindering me as well. The camera and lock-on always takes a little getting used too. It was a good fight though. He used an axe with curse weapon against me, and plenty of fast dodging. I used my dragon claymore and uchigatana. I almost had him at one point.

I was invaded just as I was about to open up the shortcut, so I hardly lost any progress.

It's annoying seeing people post about playing Dark Souls and not being able to join in myself. And trying to keep myself from watching all the videos of it that probably just full of spoilers. :cry:

Just 6 more days now.
My own abilities may have been hindering me as well. The camera and lock-on always takes a little getting used too. It was a good fight though. He used an axe with curse weapon against me, and plenty of fast dodging. I used my dragon claymore and uchigatana. I almost had him at one point.

I was invaded just as I was about to open up the shortcut, so I hardly lost any progress.

It's annoying seeing people post about playing Dark Souls and not being able to join in myself. And trying to keep myself from watching all the videos of it that probably just full of spoilers. :cry:

Just 6 more days now.


In my experiences...

Usually within a few strokes, It's easy to see who's the stronger fighter. The best fighters can attack, roll and backstab quickly. At which point, there's this sinking feeling of "Fine, you can take my $$$ you jerk".

In cases where it's not quite clear, it usually drags on to chewing glasses and potions. The less patient (or more nervous) one would usually lose, coz he's more likely to make mistakes.

And I just heard Dark Souls' monsters can shut off your shortcut (as in close the short cut gate you just opened). I have no way to verify it yet. Beware !
Are the servers for Demons Souls still up? I heard long time back that they were going to shut down the servers and online play would stop working then. But that was around march, so whats the latest on it? Can we still play online in Demons SOuls.

I am asking cos this website here is selling brand new copy for about 50% off and considering that Demons SOuls has more of that SOTC look to it, I thought maybe I should try it out before Dark Souls !
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Not yet ! Still fighting inside my head :oops:, damnit I still haven't bought my clothes for my wedding :oops: ! I have to wait till my wedding is over :mad:! Control yourself Renegade !

May I suggest you take care of the wedding needs first ?

You're developing a game right ?
You can get your partners to buy Or rent a copy for research.
You can grab pretty powerful weapons and items in Pure White or Black World Tendency.
You can google for their location.