Wildstyle said:Oh lol I see but honestly why would you need such a big frame buffer for the Xbox and Gamecube get by just fine with way smaller frame buffers and if they went with a smaller frame buffer they could have prolly increased the texture cache to 1024-bit that would have been 8)
I'm curious, what do you base your compression estimates on?Oddly enough, although JPEG compression would offer 24-bit quality at about 10:1 compression
Fafalada said:I'm curious, what do you base your compression estimates on?Oddly enough, although JPEG compression would offer 24-bit quality at about 10:1 compression
10:1 is something of a worst case scenario I'd expect, rather then average.
CG typically compresses well up to 20:1, photographic material fares better(30:1 is not uncommon to work with at least comparable lossiness to S3TC, and still better results then either VQ/Clut compressions).
If there's one thing where you'd be looking at low compression it's with recompressing Clut images - anything but really high quality settings will tend to artifact a lot. But then recompressing Clut stuff into any other format will tend to degrade quality quite noticeably too.
Well - it's plain JPeg (or rather I-Frame). PS2 has nothing to do with how it's compressed - and you can obtain fairly extensive results on JPeg quality&compression tests from other sources on the net, as well as test it yourself - it's not like the format wouldn't be easily accessible to anyone.All the stuff I read on PS2's architecture discussed the JPEG defaulting to 10:1.
The main thing hindering texture quality on PS2 isn't bandwidth, it's space. As already mentioned, PS2 has less than 2MB available for textures if it's using a full/full 480-line frame
Teasy said:The main thing hindering texture quality on PS2 isn't bandwidth, it's space. As already mentioned, PS2 has less than 2MB available for textures if it's using a full/full 480-line frame
But it can stream about 14mb of textures per frame at 60fps from its main ram (that's after taking into account upto 400mbps for geometry transfer). So its not as if that 2mb of spare on-chip ram restricts it to 2mb of textures per frame or anything.
Tagrineth said:Teasy said:The main thing hindering texture quality on PS2 isn't bandwidth, it's space. As already mentioned, PS2 has less than 2MB available for textures if it's using a full/full 480-line frame
But it can stream about 14mb of textures per frame at 60fps from its main ram (that's after taking into account upto 400mbps for geometry transfer). So its not as if that 2mb of spare on-chip ram restricts it to 2mb of textures per frame or anything.
Yeah, but programming that kind of streaming by hand is a PITA that wouldn't be (as) necessary if GS had say an additional 2MB, or S3TC support.
GCN's texture cache operates automatically, IIRC.
It's still a restriction that PS2 would be much, much more powerful without.
Side note: Actually now that you mention it, that is the bandwidth restriction in PS2 - the EE-GS link. It should by all rights be at least twice as wide...
Tagrineth said:Z/frame reads and writes actually take up the majority of the memory bandwidth on a rasteriser - ESPECIALLY one with a ridiculous 16 pipelines.. You'd be surprised how little bandwidth is really needed for texturing.
The main thing hindering texture quality on PS2 isn't bandwidth, it's space.
Tagrineth said:Side note: Actually now that you mention it, that is the bandwidth restriction in PS2 - the EE-GS link. It should by all rights be at least twice as wide...
Squeak said:Tagrineth said:Z/frame reads and writes actually take up the majority of the memory bandwidth on a rasteriser - ESPECIALLY one with a ridiculous 16 pipelines.. You'd be surprised how little bandwidth is really needed for texturing.
The main thing hindering texture quality on PS2 isn't bandwidth, it's space.Tagrineth said:Side note: Actually now that you mention it, that is the bandwidth restriction in PS2 - the EE-GS link. It should by all rights be at least twice as wide...
Isn’t this a bit contradictory?
I guess if anything the GS's embedded RAM has too much texture bandwidth...
archie4oz said:I guess if anything the GS's embedded RAM has too much texture bandwidth...
archie4oz said:As far as the GIF-GS interface... The performance is what you make of it. I personally haven't hit performance bottlenecks with it myself (other than stupid things, which cause too much bus chatter and leave you hanging dry, but that applies to pretty much any bus and is a problem of the programmer not the hardware.)
archie4oz said:Oh and adding S3TC isn't going to magically make games "look" better either...
Actually now that you mention it, that is the bandwidth restriction in PS2 - the EE-GS link. It should by all rights be at least twice as wide...
So explain what the core's going to do with that gargantuan pile of texture-only bandwidth? 9.6GB/sec if I'm not mistaken. I suppose actually that could be used for really hi-res rendered textures... but otherwise...