Oh come now. 2x2VQ comes with a "built in" dither due to nature of compression itself, as well as looking worse then 8bit at same dimensions - either way it's anything but rich in color. (Especially when using 16bit entries in your codebook) Yet I'd bet some of the same people crying about limited 8bit palettes would argue the exact opposite for 2x2VQ. :?Actually, I found your last statement a bit ironic given someone else wrote "And don't dig up those old 4- and 8-bit pieces of art - they had VERY limited colour ranges". It just shows that some people clearly see such 'near monochromatic' textures as somewhat bland. <shrug>
Not that it's too surprising - more then once I've seen examples of people bitching about low quality of 8bit textures, using actual 4bit maps as ahem... "proof"...