They wouldn't have tried to sell the PS2 on the basis of 56k support in the UK like they did.
Have they really ever advertised 56K in Europe? I too remember they announced BB only support at lest six months ago...
Sony is only going broadband to compete with Xbox Live.
And I honestly don't see how is it going to be of any benefit to them to reduce the possible userbase. It's not like they are supporting ONLY 56K elsewhere, so that it's kicking them in the butt and it's not like they are any less competitive with Xbox Live in the US, where they are supporting both. 56K is a completely separate set of users after all,
it's a bonus on top of the BB support, and a welcome bonus at that.
Marconelly, the reason why the hard drive is so critical is that downloadable content is more important to casual gamers than actual online play. The other reason is that updates to the Xbox dashboard are made to the hard drive.
Downloadable content more important? I very much doubt it. Noone is buying into the whole online thing because they can download a new character once in six months or so. They are doing it because they can play against other people. You are right that it is important against cheating, but that is really the only reason why HDD is actually useful for online gaming. Somehow I don't think
that reason alone would stop Sony to implement exactly the same centralized infrastructure as Microsoft did, if they actually wanted.
The reason why they didn't do it is because they probably realized
it's not worth it. I can tell you, MS people are probably scratching their heads a little right now, seeing how all the insane hype and money spent on their online service resulted in quite abysimal number of online users, bettered even by Sony's online userbase where the whole thing felt more like a regular, simple addition to their offering and not some kind of prophetic social revolution as Microsoft seemed to talk about XBL.
But back to your original point.. I have a feeling you'r e not much of an online gamer (PC or console). That said, I think you're ill-equiped to debate the merits of the console/PC strengths/weaknesses in regards to online gaming
Hey, numbers are speaking better than I can. Great majority of people
don't care about console online gaming, even if it's as accessible as it is nowadays. Yeah, I'm not much of an online gamer, but in that regard, I'm in absolute majority.
I so DO NOT want every console title to be a queer cookie-cutter FPS/RTS/MMORPG, cause thats why I left the PC scene. However, after the story is done, alot of games are dying to be taken online (ie: GTA).
GTA? It's been done. On a PC. Go download that Multi Theft GTA mod and enjoy.