Johnny Awesome said:
Exactly. As usual Vince decides to insult me. Of course, he's the one in the dark, because I'm not even American.
Oh yes, I'll return to my "mental masturbation."
Besides, I've just sighed in relief to know that at least you’re not an American; +1 for the US school system.
British Telecom is a monopoly I thought? Coud someone in the UK enlighten me as to how it would be difficult to support 56k in the UK? Of course, if this IS the case then Sony was pretty foolish not to have realized this when they were touting 56k support for the last two years.
Again, you have yet to address the issue of establishing a multinational network fabric that utilizing 56K and the telecommunication system that the EU has. It's easy for someone like you to shroud yourself in ignorance and not realize that one body, SCEE, is responsible for the entire EU. As such, establishing a small sanctuary of 56K users just in the UK - segregating them from the continental EU nation-states - would be a horrible proposition for PAL software as well as hardware distribution. Thus, due to the telecommunication standards already established and the horrible condition of much of the telephone system there, utilizing exclusively Broadband level technologies that follow modern specifications, equipment, load carrying and other such things is the obvious choice. In fact, due to the conditions outlined in my first post as well as here, it's the only choice.
Sony is slowly moving towards the Live model. It will just take a few years, since the PS2 hardware doesn't have a hard drive they can't really give the full service that Xbox Live can. If the PS2 had a hard drive there would already be a PS2 Live service. That's pretty obvious I think.
Again, this is fallacious. In 1999, SCE was talking about these same functions in what many here would later say was part of the hype whirlwind that would kill off the Sega DreamCast. Thus, it’s more like Microsoft taking the Sony forward-looking model circa 1999, throwing in a HDD and buddy chat. And before Sony was the Dreamcast and Sega's great attempt and before than was Sega and their
Sega Channel and before than was the PC.... this is hardly new for
ANY player you've mentioned.
What I find odd is that there are people here who will claim that this "Broadband gaming", "Online network" talk that SCE was up talking in '99/'00 was real enough to kill DC. Then there are others who totally deny it and instead claim that this was all MS's plan and that they invented it (as well as the assembly-line and sliced-bread). I'm confused.
I mean, you do realize Johnny that it was Sony's broadband ambitions* that mobilized Microsoft** and gave us the Xbox?!?
*Look at Gabe Newell's (Microsoft exec, former) or Andy Grove's (CEO, Intel) comments about Sony from early 2000. I think Newell's comment was along the lines of, 'They [Sony] scared the shit out of Gates and Ballmer; they scared the shit out of Grove." I'll look for the exact quote later.
**I'm hoping you don't truely believe they're in the console arena because, "they're
truely gamers and wanta make a
kick-ass system because they love us."